Eagle Quarterly
August 2015
* No. 01
Welcome Back!
A Message from the Principal
The entire staff at SHS is ready for the year and this first addition of the newsletter will provide answers to many of the questions that typically arise each school year. Please keep this copy somewhere safe as it will serve as a ready reference throughout the school year.
School Year ’15-16is in full swing and it looks to be a memorable year for all. SHS has several new staff members that will be introduced to you in this newsletter.
You, as parents, will receive the most important word about how the school year has begun by the informal reports given to you by your son or daughter. The faculty and staff at Sidney High School hope that these reports are positive and that the school year has begun well for your child.
This yearwas Sidney High School’s 7thannual “New Student and Freshman Orientation”, which allowed the 9th grade and new students to attend school a day earlier than the 10th-12th grade students. The orientation consisted of several items that should prove beneficial for freshmen to “hit the ground running” these first days of school with all of the students.
I would sincerely encourage you to talk to your son and/or daughter about getting involved in some type of club or athletic activity this fall. Clubs and Athletics are both great ways for students to feel more connected to their school, meet friends, develop relationships, and much more. If your son and/or daughter have not already joined an activity, it is not too late. Please have them talk to the coach or advisor as soon as possible.
Sidney High School is not new to me, although I am beginning my third year as Principal. I graduated
from SHS (let’s just say it was a long time ago) and served as the Assistant Principal from 2008-2011. I am excited about the opportunitiesahead and look forward to cultivating relationships with staff and students here. Please feel free to stop by any time. My door is open!
Mrs.Sue Andersen
From the Assistant Principal, Loretta Thiel
Once again we’re looking forward to a new school year-boy, has the summer flown by quickly! I’ve had the opportunity to visit with many students who have come in for registration. Freshman are excited to finally be at the high school and seniors are amazed that they are nearly finished with school and looking forward to soon beginning “adult life”. It’s always exciting to start the new school year and do our best as a faculty to impart as much knowledge as we can over the next nine months.
This year we are using a new student data program, so please bear with us as we try to navigate the new program and put in the appropriate student information. Mrs. Spangler and I are both working to learn the program. Feel free to call either one of us with any questions or concerns that you have with regard to attendance or behavior.
Attendance has been a major issue and continues to be critical here at the high school. Parents, if at all possible, please try to make appointments and out of town trips outside the regular school day. Being in class is critical for student success. Students gain valuable information when interacting with their teachers and peers. Our procedure will stay the same as far as contacting the school to report absences. Please call before 9:00 am to let us know that your child will not be in school. It is very important to keep absences below ten for each semester. You may have seen articles in the newspaper about the importance of attendance for student success in school. In the time that I have been in the high school I have seen students fail because of poor attendance and not completing homework more than anything else! Focusing on school takes real commitment and perseverance. Students can make it through school, but they really need to make school a priority.
If there is any way that I can help you or your student, please contact me at your convenience.
Individual student pictures will be taken September 3 at the high school. All students are required to take pictures for activity tickets and for permanent records. Picture ordering information will be given to students the week prior. Athletic pictures will also be taken after school on this day: VB-3:15, Golf-4:00, XC-4:30, FB-5:15. Picture re-takes will be on WednesdayOctober 28.
SHS Welcomes New Staff
Sidney High School welcomes several new or “new to subject”staff members for the upcoming 2015-2016 school year. Stop by, introduce yourself, and welcome them to the community and to SHS!
Jennifer KingBusiness
Ruben MorenoSocial Science
John SweetFitness 10
Jessica SweetComm. Arts & Psychology
Chris MericaFitness 9, Weight-training
Activity for Life
Denise RauchVocal Music
Jaime HarrisonArt
Zach YockimIT
Steve O’TooleScience & Fitness
Carl DynnesonBiology
Rachael BeyerSpecial Education Aide
Attendance Phone Number
To excuse an absence, please contact
Susan Spangler, Attendance Clerk or
Loretta Thiel, Assistant Principal at 433-2330
2015-16 Calendar
First Day of School (Freshmen Only) Wednesday, August 19, 2015
First day of School – all students Thursday, August 20, 2015
Parent Night GL 9-12 Monday, August 24, 2015 6-8pm
Graduation Sunday, May 22, 2016, 2:00 pm
Last Day of School Friday, May 27, 2016
No School for High School Students
Teacher In-service Day Monday & Tuesday, August 17-18, 2015
Labor Day Monday, September 7, 2015
MEA/Teacher In-service Thursday & Friday, October 15 & 16, 2015
Parent-Teacher Conf. Make-Up Day Friday, October 30, 2015
Thanksgiving Vacation Wednesday-Friday, Nov.25- 27, 2015
Christmas Vacation December 21, 2015- January 1, 2016
BPA Regional Conf Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Parent-Teacher Conf. Make-Up Day Monday, February 21, 2016
No School Monday, March 30, 2016
Spring Break Tuesday, March 22-Monday,March 28 2016
Parent-Teacher Conferences
To Be Announced
Early Dismissals for Students
October 14 May 27
Grading Periods
1st Nine Weeks August 19-October 23
2nd Nine Weeks October 26-January 15
3rd Nine WeeksJanuary 18-March 18
4th Nine Weeks March 29-May 27
Report cards are usually handed out on the Tuesday or Wednesday following the end of each nine week grading period. Credit is granted on a semester basis.
Progress reports will be mailed to parents between the 4th and 6th week of each grading period if deemed necessary by individual teachers. If there is a need for it, reports may be made at additional times.
Following each marking period, we ask parents to review grades and if academic concerns exist, it will be important for you to talk to your student’s teachers. As the saying goes, “a stitch in time saves nine.” Early intervention can make the difference between having a successful school year and one that is filled with frustration. Resources will be available to assist parents and students if needed.
2015-2016Bell Schedule
High school students will begin school at 8:00 a.m. each day and students should be at school no later than 7:55 a.m. each day. The schedule for M, T, TH, F is as follows.
7:50Teacher Bell
7:55Student Warning Bell
8:00First Period
8:54Second Period
9:48Third Period
10:42Fourth Period
11:36Fifth Period (Homeroom)
12:335 minute Warning Bell
12:38Sixth Period
1:32Seventh Period
2:26Eighth Period
The schedule for W is as follows:
8:00First Period
8:45Second Period
9:30Third Period
10:15Fourth Period
11:00Fifth Period
11:45Homeroom (fifth period)
12:385 minute Warning Bell
12:43Sixth Period
1:28Seventh Period
Senior Portraits
In an effort to produce the best possible senior sections and coverage, the 2016Stagecoach yearbook and the Spokesman newspaper would like to remind you of very important information about your senior portrait.
- First, be choosy with this picture-it will follow you the rest of your life.
- Second, submit one copy of your formal senior portrait to the yearbook staff no later than Tuesday, November 24, 2015.
- Third, remind your photographer that your senior portrait must be a vertical close-up head shot taken inside the studio.
Graduating seniors are also reminded of the senior portrait deadline of December 1. An electronic photo must be submitted to Elaine Stedman at or an electronic copy may be brought in via a CD or jump drive. Often the photographer will submit the photo for you; just check with your photographer. The photos must be 300 dpi-a high resolution and must be a headshot with no props, hats, hands, etc. Indoor photos also work best as the outdoor photos tend to wash out in the yearbook or add distraction with tree leaves, etc. The deadline is November 24 and will not be extended as we have a deadline that we must meet with our publisher.
Academics and After School Help
After school assistance will again be offered to students at the high school this year. Students who receive a failing grade in any class after the first two weeks of school WILL be notified and WILL be encouraged to remain at school and work with any teacher from 3:15 to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday, until the grade becomes passing. Homework Help will also be available Monday-Thursday from 3:15-3:45for any students wishing to work on homework at school with their peers. Additionally, Ms. Crowe will be available Monday through Thursday from 3:30 to 5:00 to help tutor students in math and in other content areas in the ITV room.
It should stand to reason that the purpose of after school support is to help students meet with success. Students are ultimately encouraged to spend time after school with their teachers before they begin to experience problems. No after school activities operate during this study period and students simply need to talk with their teachers to arrange for additional help. As parents, if you have questions about available assistance for your child, please call.
Yearbook Update
The 2015 yearbooks have arrived and are ready for delivery. 2015 seniors may pick their yearbook up at the school or have a family member pick it up. If your student was unable to order a yearbook last year. We have some extra copies available for sale.Please contact Elaine Stedman at 433-2330
Orders are currently being taken for the 2016 yearbook. The price for the yearbook is $55 for a yearbook or $65 for a yearbook embossed with the student’s name. These prices will be in effect until December 1 when the prices will rise $5. The prices will go up again February 1 and April 1 in $5 increments, so it pays to order early. Yearbooks may also be ordered and paid for online by using the following website:
Directory/Student Information
At times, Sidney High School will disclose directory information. Requests for directory information often come from post-secondary institutions and all branches of military service for recruitment purposes. Directory information is information in a student’s educational record that is not generally considered to be harmful, and its release is not considered an invasion of the student’s privacy. Examples of directory information include, but are not limited to, the following data about a student: name, address and telephone, date and place of birth, official activities, dates of attendance, height and weight, honors and photographs. Parents retain the right to consent to the disclosure of directory information; consequently, parents who wish to retain this right must notify the school in writing using the form provided at registration.
Peer Tutoring-Homework Help
Who:SHS students
What:help with schoolwork
When:M, T, Th 3:15-3:45
W 2:40
Why:To succeed in academics
Parent Grade Access
Sidney High School will again provide parents with a means to check attendance, grades, and other information from home this year.
To access your student’s information, you must get the Infinite CampusID number and a pin number from our office staff. However, until staff can get all the kinks worked out with this new system, we do not yet have this available to parents. We will be sending you a letter with information about this in the near future.
Teachers update grades on a weekly basis usually between Friday and Monday mornings.
If you have questions or need assistance, please call the high school office.
idney High School also publishes a weekly bulletin, which is posted on the High School Web Page. This page contains a variety of information sources for parents and students. If you can’t find it in the newsletter, try the Internet.
I Wouldn’t Miss It!
Teens who attend school regularly have stronger bonds to their school and are more likely to graduate. Good attendance also creates a habit that can carry over into work later. Consider these tips:
*Set expectations. Being out for even a day or two a month can hurt your child’s performance. Tell him/her that the only acceptable excuses are illness, family emergencies, or pre-approved college visits.
*Discuss results. Point out that missing school means he’ll/she’ll have to make up coursework. If he/she falls behind, he/she may have to retake courses.
*Keep in contact. Write notes or call the attendance clerk for excused absences so the school knows your child’s not skipping (preferably by 9:00am). If he/she does skip, contact the Assistant Principal so you can create a plan to get him/her back on track.
School Play
Fall play tryouts will be held on Monday, August 26 & 27at 4:00 at the high school in room 204. Productions of the play are scheduled for: Friday-Sunday, September 25-27th.
Communication Matters: The following information is intended to provide you with the necessary links to SHS staff and administration. Below you will find the instructors name, area and their e-mail addresses.
Name / Area / e-mailCollins, Stacey
Crowe, Cori / Guidance
Alternative Ed & Math /
Dynneson, Carl / Science /
Faulhaber, Brad / Social Science /
Faulhaber, Erin / Social Science /
Franklin, Nicole / French /
Fulgham, Ted / Ag Education /
Gebhardt, Yvonne / Math & School-to Work /
Gordon, Hunter / Social Science /
Gordon, London / Special Education /
Harrison, Jaime / Art /
Halvorson, Mark / Advanced Biology /
Hart, Dan / Library /
Hearron, Carol / Communication Arts 11 /
Hunter, Rhonda / Study Hall Monitor /
King, Jennifer / Business/Computers /
Lang, Jeanne / Family/Consumer Science /
Leland, Tammy / Special Education /
McDonald, David / Science/Computer Progr. /
McDonald, Joy-Lyn / Science /
Melby, Guy / Industrial Arts (Vo-Ed) /
Merica, Chris / Fitness & Weight Training /
Merritt, Roger / Industrial Arts (Vo-Ed) /
Moreno, Ruben / Social Science /
Nesper, Jesse / Math /
O’Toole, Steve / Science & Fitness /
Osland, Cindy / Comm. Arts 12 /
Rauch, Denise / Vocal Music /
Redman, Holly / Math /
Rice, Staci / Math /
Stedman, Elaine / Business/Computers /
Strupp, Peggy / Instructional/Business /
Sundt, Kilee / Instrumental Music /
Sweet, Jessica / Comm. Arts, Psychology /
Sweet, John / Fitness /
Wagner, Lindsay / Special Education /
Weltikol, Crystal / Comm. Arts /
Witt, Shay / Comm. Arts /
Yockim, Steve / Technology /
Andersen, Sue / Principal / sandersen@sidney,k12.mt.us
Thiel, Loretta / Assistant Principal /
Morehouse Lisa / Office manager /
Peters, Maria / Admin. Secretary /
Kiamas, Brenda / Head HS maintenance /
Spangler, Susan / Attendance Clerk /
Radke, Pam / Food Service /
LeFors, Brian / Transportation /
Sidney High School Mailing Address
1012 4th Ave SE
Sidney, MT 59270
DEPARTMENT / PHONE #Sidney High School Office / 433-2330
Sidney High School Office Fax / 433-2481
Alternative Education / 433-8152
Maintenance/Transportation / 433-6370
District Superintendent’s Office / 433-4080
Sidney Middle School / 433-4050
Sidney Elementary Schools / 433-5501/2530
District Technology Coordinator / 433-2330
Dist. Sp. Ed. Coordinator—Michelle Monson / 433-4251
Check out the Web Page
My E-Alerts
Be sure to get signed up for pertinent announcements that may be sent from the school through the course of the year. Information regarding weather-related cancellations, etc. can be sent directly to your phone and/or computer. Directions for completing this task can be found on the school website under the parents/students tab, then website registration information.
Course Drop/Add Guidelines
During the first five days of each semester, students may initiate drop/add requests for valid reasons with a school counselor. After the fifth instructional day of a semester, the following guidelines apply:
1. Teachers or the building principal may initiate Drop/Adds for valid academic reasons that benefit the student or the instructional schedule.
2. Students and parents may initiate Drop/Adds for valid academic reasons only. Parents, teachers, counselors and the building principal will approve all Drop/Adds in these instances.
Drop/Adds-Extenuating Reasons
Drop/Adds requested after the 5th instructional day of a semester will be allowed for extenuating reasons as presented by a parent and student, for reasons deemed necessary by the high school principal in consult with a student’s instructors, or for reasons of compliance with federal or state laws. Extenuating circumstances are generally medical in nature or for reasons of family emergency. It is not possible to list every extenuating circumstance and requests will be considered as received. Requests related to poor student performance in a class, outside work, or for other reasons that students and parents generally have control over will not be considered as extenuating and will not be allowed.