2014 – 2015
Fay Smith, 985 Kemptown Rd,
Kemptown, NS B6L 2J1 .… 895-8104 ….
United Church Archives – Sarah Wallace 506- 536-1334
Maritime Conference Office: 506-536-1334 506-536-2900-Fax
21 Wright St. , Sackville NB E4L 4P8
Tatamagouche Centre 902-657-2231 902-657-3445-Fax
General Council Office 416-231-5931 1-800-268-3781 416-231-3103-Fax
UC Resource Distribution Centre 1-800-288-7365 1-800-858-8358-Fax
Hunter Fund Secretary: Rev Blake Caldwell,
114 Capistrano Drive,
Dartmouth, NS B2X 3N4 902-434-5322
Cole Harbour Woodside Resource Centre 902-404-3309
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) 1-800-387-4765
Dates to Remember:
Conference: May 22-25, 2014
May 28-31, 2015
General Council: August 2015 in Newfoundland
Page 1-5 ……….Pastoral Charges, Official Board Secretary, Lay Delegates
Page 5……………Members-at-large
Licensed Lay Worship Leaders
Retained Ministry Personnel
United Church Staff
Page 6…………..Presbytery Appointments
Presbytery Executive
Page 7-8………..Presbytery members listed alphabetically
Page 9....…….….Retired Ministry Personnel
Page 10…….…...Standing Committees of 2014-2015 Truro Presbytery
Page 11-12…….e-mail listing: Presbytery representatives
Pastoral Charges
Page 13-21..…..”This is Truro Presbytery”
Page 22…….……..Truro Presbytery FUNERAL Guidelines for ALL United Church Clergy—Active or Retired
Page 23…….……..Truro Presbytery WEDDING Guidelines for ALL United Church Clergy—Active or Retired
MP=Ministry Personnel OBS=Official Board Secretary L=Lay Delegate M=Manse
Bible Hill -- St. David’s UC Study 895-4368 Office 895-4368
MP Rev Donna Lawrence 26 Fielding Ave, Bible Hill B2N 6H3 843-1026
OBS Sherry Smith 108 SaywoodDr, Truro B2N 6L2 893-7504
L Dora Vaughan 32 Coupar Terrace, Bible Hill B2N 5L3 893-3982
L Grace Boyd 18 Summit Ave, Bible Hill B2N 2R7 895-4351
Brookfield (M) -- Knox UC Office 673-2075 Church 673-3653
Middle Stewiacke UC Church 673-2000
MP Rev Keith Gale 47 Hwy 289, Box 43, Brookfield B0N 1C0 957-4242
OBS Vera Faye Smith 1697 Truro Rd, Hilden B0N 1C0 897-4489
L Vera Faye Smith 1697 Truro Rd, Hilden B0N 1C0 897-4489
Clifton -- Hilden UC Hall 897-4883
Old Barns UC Office 895-2914 Hall 893-0157
MP Rev Ian Harrison 178 Pleasant St., Truro B2N 3S6 843-2252
OBS Leslie Burrows 508 Route 236, Green Oaks B6L 1P3 895-4008
L Glenda Kent 3508 Hwy 236, Lower Truro B6l 1J6 895-8939
L Marnie Smith 1167 Hwy #2, Hilden, NS B0N 1C0 893-7002
Cobequid (M)-- Economy UC
Peniel UC, Five Islands Church 254-2438
Riverside UC, Bass River Church 647-2488
MP Rev Florence Antle-Brison 3136 Hwy 2, Economy B0M 1J0 647-2502
OBS Linda Field 2620 Hwy 2, Economy B0M 1J0 647-2636
L Dorothy Carson 1067 Hwy 2, Five Islands B0M 1K0 254-3759
Coldstream -- Greenfield UC Church 897-0903
Valley UC Church 893-8892
MP Rev Mary J White 126 Sandy Place, Valley B6L 4G2 843-1959
OBS Mary Thomson 2670 Lilyvale Rd, Greenfield B6L 3V3 893-3768
L Grant Vaughan 126 Sandy Place, Valley B6L 4G2 843-1959
L Mary Thomson 2670 Lilyvale Rd, Greenfield B6L 3V3 893-3768
Harmony-Camden -- McCulloch UC Church 895-4083
MP Rev Dan Gunn 178 Parkwood South, Truro Heights B6L 1P3 893-7164
OBS RegSabean 33 Tamarack Dr, Valley B6L 2W1 895-3143 L Norma Moore 22 Henry St, Truro B2N 4V6 895-2008
Kennetcook-St Paul’s (M) -- Kennetcook UC
St Paul’s UC, North Noel Road
MP Rev Natalie Buchanan-Rutherford 501 Onslow Rd, Onslow B6L 5L3 895-2902
OBS Gerry Smith 45 Hour Rd, Kennetcook B0N 1P0 362-2114
L Marlene Cochrane 6124 Hwy 354, Kennetcook B0N 1P0 362-2518
MP=Ministry Personnel OBS=Official Board Secretary L=Lay Delegate M=Manse
Lower Musquodoboit (M) -- St Paul’s UC, Antrim
St Andrew’s UC , Elderbank Church 384-3457
St James UC, Meagher’s Grant
MP --
OBS Mabel McCulloch 5793 Hwy 357, Elderbank B0N 1K0 384-2187
L Mabel McCulloch 5793 Hwy 357, Elderbank B0N 1K0 384-2187
Maitland --- St David’s UC, Maitland
South Maitland UC
MP Supervisor -- Fay Smith 985 Kemptown Rd, Kemptown B6L 2J1 895-8104
OBS Sheila Osmond 5 Abbot Lane, Truro B2N 4Z2 893-2756
Middle Musqudoboit -- Riverside UC, Elmsvale
Middleton UC , Middle Musquodoboit Church 384-2520
OBS Mary Cook 12634 Hwy 224, Chaswood, NS B0N 2H0 384-2088
L Margaret Jennings 40 Arabian Lane, RR#4, Middle Musquodoboit B0N 1X0 568-2451
L Marion MacKay 11518 Hwy 224, Middle Musquodoboit B0N 1X0 384-2391
Milford-Gay’s River-Lantz -- Gay’s River UC Church 758-3077
Milford-Lantz UC Church 758-2343
MP Lori Crocker DM 2 Angies Walk, Milford B0N 1Y0 236-2227
OBS Sharon Isnor 1694 Antrim Rd, Milford, NS B0N 1Y0 758-3898
L Linda Atkinson 36 Egbert Caldwell Rd, Hardwoodlands B0N 1Y0 758-3685
L Sue Lahey 504 John Grant Back Rd, Middle Musquodoboit B0N 1X0 701-1696
Noel (M) --- Noel UC office 369-2175 Church 369-2989
MP Rev Natalie Buchanan-Rutherford 501 Onslow Rd, Onslow B6L 5L3 895-2902
OBS Clara Vroegh RR#1, Maitland B0N 1T0 369-2485
L Mary Gilby RR#1, Noel, B0N 2C0 369-2789
Onslow-Belmont (M)-- Trinity UC office 895-4188 church parlour 895-5027
MP Rev Glenn MacLean 56 Pleasant St, Dartmouth B2Y 3P5 466-6274
OBS James Stewart 862 Belmont Rd, Belmont B0M 1C0 662-3524
L Evelyn MacLean 1284 Belmont Rd, RR#2, Debert B0M 1G0 662-3558
Oxford-Thomson -- Trinity UC, Oxford office 447-2541
Bethany UC , Thomson Trinity UC, Victoria
MP Rev Gary MacDougall 12870 Hwy 2, Lower Onslow B6L 5E8 895-5040
OBS Linda Burkhardt Box 476, Oxford B0M 1P0
L Gene Delaney Box 54, Oxford B0M 1P0 447-2309
L Alice Mayne RR#2, Oxford B0M 1P0 447-2656
L Heather MacDonald Box 522, Oxford B0M 1P0 447-2290
MP=Ministry Personnel OBS=Official Board Secretary L=Lay Delegate M=Manse
Pugwash (M) -- Wesley-St Matthew’s UC, Pugwash 243-2663
Calvary UC, Port Howe
Pugwash River UC
MP Rev Meggin King 14 Church St, Box 143, Pugwash B0K 1L0 243-2621
OBS Teresa Huston RR#4, Pugwash B0K 1L0 243-3150
L Roger Mundle 164 Water St, Box 163, Pugwash B0K 1L0 243-2042
Rawdon (M) -- Rawdon Hills UC church 632-2516
MP Supervisor—Rev Martin Reid Box 171, Stewiacke, NS B0N 2J0 639-9079
OBS Joyce Custance 79 Custance Rd, Rawdon Gold Mines B0N 2N0 632-2515
L Joyce Custance 79 Custance Rd, Rawdon Gold Mines B0N 2N0 632-2515
River Philip (M) -- Collingwood UC
Millvale UC
River Philip UC
MP Rev Gary MacDougall 12870 Hwy 2, Lower Onslow B6L 5E8 895-5040
OBS Carla Bragg Box 17, Collingwood B0M 1E0 230-2060
L Elizabeth MacArthur 704 Clairmont Rd, RR#1, River Philip B0M 1V0 597-8882
L Crystal Wallis 587 Clairmont Rd, River Philip B0M 1V0 597-3506
Shubenacadie --- MacPhee’s Corner UC
Shubenacadie UC church 758-2300
MP Rev Martin Reid Box 171, Stewiacke, NS B0N 2J0 639-9079
OBS Bertha Etter RR#1, Shubenacadie B0N 2H0 883-8588
L Susan MacDonald 66 Riverside Rd, Fort Ellis B0N 2J0 639-9206
L Joan Schofield 1129 Salem Cross Rd, MacPhee’s Corner B0N 2H0 801-8032
Stewiacke (M) -- St Andrews UC, Stewiacke office 639-2495
Sharon UC, Stewiacke East
MP Rev David LeBlanc 68 Kitchener St, Stewiacke B0N 2J0 639-2334
OBS Judith Stoddart 84 Riverside Ave, Stewiacke B0N 2J0 639-1500
L Jean Wright 136 Kitchener St, Stewiacke B0N 2J0 639-2172
Tatamagouche --- Sharon UC, Tatamagouche church 657-2699
Bayhead Union
Brule Union
MP Rev Penny Nelson 3123 Hwy 326, RR#5, Tatamagouche B0V 1K0 657-2849
OBS Marilyn Roberts RR#3, Tatamagouche B0K 1V0 657-3323
L Peter Mattatall 14888 Sunrise Trail, RR#2 Malagash B0K 1E0 257-2328
MP=Ministry Personnel OBS=Official Board Secretary L=Lay Delegate M=Manse
Three Harbours (M) -- St John’s UC, Wallace 257-2864
St Andrew’s UC,Fox Harbour
Malagash UC
MP Rev Connie McNamara 3811 Hwy 307, Box 277, Wallace B0K 1Y0 257-2336
OBS Russell Durling 127 Golden Sands Dr, Malagash B0K 1E0 251-2245
L Stuart Semple 14489 Route 6, RR#2, Malagash B0K 1E0 257-2286
Truro: Brunswick Street-North River -- Brunswick Street UC 893-9553
North River UC 897-9044
MP Rev John Parsons 431 Robie St, Truro B2N 1M1 843-0814
OBS Timothy McGrath 23 Archibald St, Truro B2N 4R5 895-0810
Truro: First United -- office 895-8098
MP Rev Valerie Kingsbury 5 Nova Dr, Truro B2N 3H3 324-1615
MP Rev Roger Moore 6 Ashburn Place #3, Hilden B0N 1C0 843-0140
CDM Chris Bowman 106 EdgehillDr, Valley B6L 3K3 843-0983
CC Krista McNutt 9 Maple Lane, Truro B2N 6P9 893-9646
L Abbie Ingraham Box 1556, Truro B2N 3M6 895-5659
L RV MacKay 1219 Prince St, Truro B2N 1J3 893-2864
Truro: St. Andrews UC -- office 893-3911 church 893-8396
MP Rev Jay Ettinger 63 Burris Dr, Valley B6L 3B8
OBS Debbie MacEachern 23 Ridgewood Dr, Truro B2N 1N7 897-0192
L Mary Jo Harrison 178 Pleasant St, Truro B2N 3S6 843-2252
L Marty Ettinger 63 Burris Dr, Valley B6L 3B8 893-7585
Upper Londonderry (M) -- Masstown UC
Debert UC
Erskine UC, Glenholme 662-2161
MP Rev Carol Gillard Masstown Rd, Debert B0M 1G0 662-2617
OBS Linda Giddens RR#1, Great Village B0M 1L0 662-3296
L Linda Giddens RR#1, Great Village B0M 1L0 662-3296
L Chris Urquhart RR#1, Debert B0M 1G0 662-3550
Upper Musquodoboit (M) -- St James UC, Upper Musquodoboit church 568-2894
Sharon Presbyterian, Dean church 568-2806
Higginsville UC
MP Rev Mike Henderson 8715 Hwy 224, Upper Musquo B0N 2M0 568-2771
OBS Judith Sheirs-Milne RR#4, Middle Musquo B0N 2M0 568-2860
L Jane Parker 519 Hwy 336, RR#1, Upper Musquo B0N 2M0 568-2287
L Carol Fraser RR#4, Middle Musquo B0N 2M0 384-2469
MP=Ministry Personnel OBS=Official Board Secretary L=Lay Delegate M=Manse
Upper Stewiacke -Springside -- Upper Stewiacke UC church 671-2913
Springside UC
MP Supervisor—Fay Smith 895 Kemptown Rd, Kemptown B6L 2J1 895-8104
OBS Jody Graham 7408 Hwy 289, Upper Stewiacke B0N 2P0 671-2218
L Lydia Redden 254 Southside Rd, Upper Stewiacke B0N 2P0 671-2495
L KarynPrest 7619 Hwy 289, Upper Stewiacke B0N 2P0 671-2888
Wentworth -- WentworthUC 548-2226
MP Supervisor—Norma Mundle 164 Water St, Box 163, Pugwash B0K 1L0 243-2042
OBS CarolHyslop 233 Station Rd, Wentworth Valley B0M 1Z0 548-2381
UCW Truro Presbyterial President
Joanna LeBlanc 6 Coldburn Rd, Oxford Junction, NS B0M 1R0 447-2006
Members at Large (6)
Fran Fiddes 8 Elm St, Apt #1, Truro, NS B2N 3H6 843-6384(also Fax -- call first)
David Danaher 4525 Hwy 215, Noel, B0N 2C0 369-2622
Harvey Gullon 13674 Hwy 6, Wallace B0K 1Y0 257-1865
Norma Mundle 164 Water St, Box 163, Pugwash B0K 1L0 243-2042
John McElhiney 25 Windsor Way, Truro B2N 6Z5 895-0444
Fay Smith 985 Kemptown Rd, Kemptown B6L 2J1 895-8104
Ministry Personnel: Retained On the Roll
Rev Catherine Crooks 1500 Portland Ave, Apt #2, St Pauls, Minnesota, USA 55104
Rev Judy Crump 3598 Albert St, Halifax B3K 3N6 455-5303
Rev Carolyn Rushton 674 Prince St, Truro 893-4843
United Church Staff
Rev Kendall Harrison 21 Wright St, Sackville NB E4L 4P8 506 – 536-1334
Education & Students:
Licensed Lay Worship Leaders
Dr. Margot Roach 104 Sea Shore Dr, RR1, Tatamagouche B0K 1V0 657-0427
David Danaher RR#1, Upper Stewiacke B0N 2P0 671-2176
Marty Ettinger 63 Burris Dr, Valley B6L 3B8 893-7585
Ordination Programs
Alicia Cox Mary Jo Harrison Jennifer Jordan
PASTORAL CARE CONTACT -- Rev Don MacQueen (temp Rev Dan Gunn)
Ministry Personnel (2) -- Rev Mary White
Lay (2) -- Lisa Reiten
FINANCIAL SERVICES --to end June 2015
Ministry Personnel -- Rev David LeBlanc
Lay -- Peter Mattatall
2014 - 2015
Chair - Rev Ian Harrison
Past Chair - Rev Valerie Kingsbury
Secretary - Fay Smith
Assistant Secretary - Fran Fiddes
Affirming Ministries - Mary Jo Harrison
Archives, Communications, Nominations - Rev Gary MacDougall
Christian Life & Growth -
Church In Action - Rev Donna Lawrence
Education & Students - Rev Mary J White
Finance & Property - Rev David LeBlanc
Future Directions - Mary Thomson
Pastoral Relationships - Harvey Gullon
Theology & Worship -- Stuart Semple
The Executive:
The Executive consists of: Chair, Past Chair, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, and the Chairpersons of standing committees. The Executive has all the Powers of the Presbytery to act between meetings.
Active Ministry Personnel and Presbytery members listed alphabetically:
(Pastoral Charge, telephone #)
Antle-Brison, Rev Florence Cobequid 647-2502
Atkinson, Linda Milford-Gay’s River-Lantz 758-3685
Boyd, Grace Bible Hill 895-4351
Buchanan-Rutherford, Rev Natalie Noel -- Kennetcook-St Paul’s 895-2902
Carson, Dorothy Cobequid 254-3759
Cochrane, Marlene Kennetcooke-St Paul’s 362-2518
Crocker, Lori, DM Milford-Gay’s River-Lantz 236-2227
Custance, Joyce Rawdon 632-2515
Danaher, David Upper Stewiacke-Springside 369-2622
Delaney, Gene Oxford-Thomson 447-2309
Ettinger, Rev Jay St Andrew’s, Truro 893-8396
Ettinger, Marty St. Andrew’s, Truro 893-7585
Fiddes, Fran Clifton 843-6384
Fraser, Carol Middle Musquodoboit 384-2469
Gale, Rev Keith Brookfield 957-4242
Giddens, Linda Upper Londonderry 662-3296
Gilby, Mary Noel 369-2789
Gillard, Rev Carol Upper Londonderry 662-2617
Gullon, Harvey Three Harbours 257-1865
Gunn, Rev Dan Harmony-Camden 893-7164
Harrison, Rev Ian Clifton 843-2252
Harrison, Rev Kendall Conference Office 506-536-1334
Harrison, Mary Jo St Andrew’s , Truro 843-2252
Henderson, Rev Mike Upper Musquodoboit 568-2771
Jennings, Margaret Middle Musquodoboit 569-2451
Kent, Glenda Clifton 895-8939
King, Rev Meggin Pugwash 243-2621
Kingsbury, Rev Valerie First, Truro 324-1615
Lawrence, Rev Donna Bible Hill 843-1026
Lahey, Sue Milford-Gay’s River-Lantz 701-1696
LeBlanc, Rev David Stewiacke 639-2334
LeBlanc, Joanna Oxford-Thomson 447-2006
MacArthur, Elizabeth River Philip 597-8882
MacDonald, Heather Oxford-Thomson 447-2590
MacDonald, Susan Shubenacadie 639-9206
MacDougall, Rev Gary Oxford-Thomson/River Philip 895-5040
MacKay, Marion Middle Musquodoboit 384-2391
MacKay, RV First, Truro 893-2864
MacLean, Rev Glenn Onslow-Belmont 466-6274
McCulloch, Mabel Lower Musquodoboit 384-2187
Active Ministry Personnel and Presbytery members listed alphabetically:
(Pastoral Charge, telephone #) cont’d
McElhiney, John First, Truro 895-0444
McLean, Evelyn Onslow-Belmont 662-3558
McNamara, Rev Connie Three Harbours 257-2336
Mayne, Alice Oxford-Thomson 447-2656
Mattatall, Peter Tatamagouche 257-2328
Moore, Norma Harmony-Camden 895-2008
Moore, Rev Roger Truro, First 843-0140
Mundle, Norma Pugwash 243-2042
Mundle, Roger Pugwash 243-2042
Nelson, Rev Penny Tatamagouche 657-2849
Parker, Jane Upper Musquodoboit 568-2287
Parsons, Rev John Brunswick St-North River 843-0814
Prest, Karyn Upper Stewiacke-Springside 671-2888
Redden, Lydia Upper Stewiacke-Springside 671-2495
Reid, Rev Martin Shubenacadie 639-9079
Schofield, Joan Shubenacadie 801-8032
Semple, Stuart Three Harbours 257-2286
Smith, H Fay Brunswick St-North River 895-8104
Smith, Marnie Clifton 893-7002
Thomson, Mary Coldstream 893-3768
Urquhart, Chris Upper Londonderry 662-3550
Vaughan, Dora St David’s, Bible Hill 893-3982
Vaughan, Grant Coldstream 843-1959
Wallis, Chrystal River Philip 597-3506
White, Rev Mary J Coldstream 843-1959
Wright, Jean Stewiacke 639-2172
Ministry Personnel Retired
Kathryn Anderson DM RR3, Tatamagouche Centre, Tatamagouche B0K 1V0 657-0474
Rev Morris Barss 55 Brook St Fletchers Lake B2T 1A5 861-2029
Rev Morley Bentley 1160 Kennedy Hill Rd, RR#4, Tatamagouche B0K 1V0 890-3168
Rev Carman Burns 53 Shannon Dr, Truro B2N 3V7 893-9350
Rev Sandra Carruthers Box 211, Tatamagouche, B0K 1V0 657-2679
Rev Heber Colbourne Box 290, Pugwash B0K 1L0 243-3528
Rev Marjory Cornelius 301 Glenmore Rd, RR#5, Middle Musquodoboit B0N 1X0 384-2614
Dale Crawford DLM 27 BrookdaleCresc, #138, Dartmouth B3A 4N5 407-9396
Rev Robert Crooks 115 Burnyeat St, Truro B2N 4R2 897-0424
Rev Allen Darby 27 Centennial Dr, Truro B2N 2L3 895-2951
Rev Betty Darby 27 Centennial Dr, Truro B2N 2L3 895-2951
Sue King-Darby DM 33 Centennial Dr, Truro B2N 2L3 843-0311
Kay Dean DM 11 Christopher Lane, Apt 3, Bible Hill B2N 0C3 843-9107
Rev Murray Favier Debert Court, Box 160, Debert, B0M 1G0
Rev Russell Harding 55 Maple Blvd, Truro B2N 4N4 897-4486
Rev Larry Harrison 37 Little Cove Rd, Shortt’s Lake, Brookfield B0N 1C0 673-3252
Rev Richard Humby Parkland Estates, 378 Young St, Truro B2N 7H2 893-7637
Emily Kierstead DM 479 Shorts Lake Rd, Brookfield B0N 1C0 673-2909
Rev Robert Latimer 22 Wellington Court, Truro B2N 6M9 893-5738
Rev Marilyn MacDonald 1981 Hwy 2, Milford B0N 1Y0 758-3006
Rev Alexander MacLean 486 Robie St, Apt 503, Truro B2N 6R6 895-2611
Rev Glenn MacLean 56 Pleasant St, Dartmouth B2Y 3P5 466-6274
Leland MacLean DLM 86 Normandy Ave, Truro B2N 3S6 893-1680
Rev David MacNaughton 104 Queen St, Truro B2N 1B3 895-4702
Rev Kenley MacNeill 49 Crowell Dr, Truro B2N 1C0 897-0573
Rev Don MacQueen 8 Victoria St, Apt 305, Truro B2N 1Y6 843-1348
Rev Richard Meredith 7888 Hwy 2, Great Village, B0M 1L0 668-2093
Rev Don Murray 479 Shorts Lake Rd, Brookfield B0N 1C0 673-2909
Rev Russell Newhook RR#4, Middle Musquodoboit B0N 1X0 568-2246
Joyce O’Brien DLM 378 Young St, Parkland Estates, Truro B2N 7H2
Chuck Paterson DLM 685 North Shore Rd, Malagash B0K 1E0 956-8896
Rev John Parsons 431 Robie St, Truro B2N 1M1 843-0814
Rev Stewart Russell 356 Young St, #309, Parkland Estates, Truro B2N 3Y6 843-8028
Rev Alice Rutherford 1215 Otterbrook Rd, Box 32, Upper Stewiacke B0N 2P0 671-2786
Rev Lester Settle RR#1, Debert BOM 1G0 662-3322
Rev Ebbie Snow 14 St David’s Ave, Bible Hill B2N 4L7 895-3477
Rev J. Edward Tarrant 37 Johnson Rd, Harmony B6L 3S5 895-2489
Rev Boyd Vincent 290 Lower Truro Rd, Lower Truro B2N 1B1 897-6823
Standing Committees of Truro Presbytery 2014 – 2015
AFFIRMING MINISTRIES: Chair -- Mary Jo Harrison
Rev Ian Harrison Marty Ettinger Jean Wright Rev Michael Henderson
Joyce Custance Gene Delaney Fran Fiddes Carol Fraser
Mary Gilby Alice Mayne Mabel McCulloch RV McKay
Rev Connie McNamara Rev Don MacQueen Heather MacDonald
Grace Boyd Rev Betty Darby Marlene Cochrane Evelyn McLean Elizabeth MacArthur Chuck Paterson DLM Marnie Smith Christine Urquhart Dora Vaughan
CHURCH IN ACTION: Chair -- Rev Donna Lawrence
Rev Natalie Buchanan-Rutherford Mary Jo Harrison Margaret Jennings
Sue Lahey Susan MacDonald Rev Penny Nelson KarynPrest Lydia Redden Joan Schofield Crystal Wallis
EDUCATION & STUDENTS: Chair -- Rev Mary J White Secretary -- Dorothy Carson
Rev Marjorie Cornelius Abbie Ingraham Rev Meggin King
Rev Robert Latimer Norma Moore Rev Roger Moore
FINANCE & PROPERTY: Chair – Rev David LeBlanc
Secretary – Peter Mattatall Treasurer -- Rev Morris Barss
Rev Carman Burns David Danaher Jane Parker
Rev Ebbie Snow Grant Vaughan
FUTURE DIRECTIONS: Chair -- Mary Thomson Secretary -- Rev Carol Gillard
Rev Kenley MacNeill Garth Coffin Rev Jay Ettinger Rev Martin Reid Marion MacKay
PASTORAL RELATIONSHPS: Chair -- HarveyGullon Secretary -- Fay Smith
Rev Florence Antle-Brison Lori Crocker DM Glenda Kent
Roger Mundle Norma Mundle Rev John Parsons
Rev Keith Gale
Liason from Future Directions: Rev Kenley MacNeill
THEOLOGY & WORSHIP: Chair -- Stuart Semple
Linda Giddens John McElhiney Dr Margot Roach
Alice Rutherford
Allen Darby
Annika Sangster
Betty Darby
Boyd Vincent
Carol Gillard
Carol Fraser
Carolyn Rushton
Chuck Paterson
Connie McNamara
Corrine/David Danaher
Crystal Wallis
Dale Crawford
Dan Gunn
David LeBlanc
Don MacQueen
Don Murray
Donna Lawrence
Dora Vaughan
Dorothy Carson
Ebbie Snow
Elizabeth MacArthur
Emily/Don Murray
Fay Smith
Florence AntleBrison
Glenda Kent
Glenn MacLean
Grace Boyd
Grant Vaughan
Heather MacDonald
Ian Harrison
Joanna LeBlanc
John Parsons
Kendall Harrison
Larry Harrison
Jay/Marty Ettinger
Jean Wright
Joan Schofield
Joyce Custance
Kathleen Dean
Kathryn Anderson
Kay Dean
Keith Gale
Kenley MacNeill
Lester Settle
Linda Giddens
Lori Crocker
Lydia Redden
Marilyn MacDonald
Marjory Cornelious
Margaret Jennings
Marion MacKay
Marlene Cochrane
Marnie Smith
Martin Reid
Mary Jo Harrison
Mary J White
Mary Thomson
Meggin King
Mike Henderson
Morris Barss
Natalie B-Rutherford
Norma Moore
Norma/Roger Mundle
Penny Nelson
Peter Mattatall
Robert Latimer
Roger Moore
Russell/Paula Harding
Ruth Matheson
Sandra Carruthers
Stuart Semple
Sue King-Darby
Sue Lahey
Susan MacDonald
Valerie Kingsbury
Truro Presbytery Email:
P.C. Bible Hill St. David’s
P.C. Brookfield
P.C. Brunswick St.
P.C. Clifton
P.C. Cobequid
P.C. Coldstream
P.C. Great Village
P.C. Harmony Camden
P.C. Kennetcook-St Paul’s
P.C. Lower Musquodoboit
P.C. Maitland
P.C. Middle Musquodoboit
P.C. Milford Gay’s River Lantz
P.C. Noel
P.C. OnslowBelmont
P.C. OxfordThomson
P.C. Pugwash
P.C. Rawdon
P.C. River Philip
P.C. Shubenacadie
P.C. Stewiacke
P.C. Tatamagouche
P.C. Three Harbours
P.C. Truro First
P.C. Truro St. Andrews
P.C. Upper Londonderry
P.C. Upper Musquodoboit
P.C. Upper Stewiacke
P.C. Wentworth
Truro Presbytery is the oldest presbytery in the United Church of Canada. We comprise of 28 pastoral charges which extend from Lower Five Islands to Truro, the Musquodoboits, River Philip and Oxford, the North Shore (Pugwash to Tatamagouche), Milford, Upper Stewiacke, Valley, Noel, and all points in between.
We also sponsors (jointly by Truro and Pictou Presbyteries) an outdoor ministry – MacLennan Memorial Camp at Chance Harbour, Pictou County . Truro Presbytery will hold a vote on September 11, 2014 to determine its continuance of sponsorship beyond October 31, 2014.
Included in Truro Presbytery is all ministry personnel and one lay delegate per congregation.
Larger congregations may have a lay representative for each 100 resident members. There are also members-at-large (up to ten) who are appointed by the presbytery, usually at the request of committee chairs. These folks have particular skills or experience that the committee needs.
The United Church has what is known as a “presbyterian” style of government, which simply means that we have presbyteries, instead of an “episcopal” style, which has bishops. The presbytery is responsible for many of the functions of a bishop, including the oversight of congregations and ministry personnel.
The 2013 Manual:
The beliefs and policies that shape our life together as the United Church of Canada are found in “The Manual” – a new one is published after each General Council.
The first section of the Manual contains the Basis of Union, the articles of belief and organization that were agreed upon by the three founding denominations (Presbyterian, Congregational and Methodist) that came together in 1925 to form the United Church of Canada. United Brothern joined United Church in 1960’s. In order to change the Basis of Union, a General Council must submit the proposed changes to the presbyteries (and in some cases to the congregations) through a process known as “remits”. A proposed change requires the agreement of two-thirds of the presbyteries across Canada.