Opening day activities and procedures, letters to parents Standards of Composition (MLA guidelines), Literary terms.
Reminder: summer read A Long Way Gone-
view online interview of author Ishmael Beah. / 8/26
Introduce archetypes and identify some in “The Hobbit” excerpt p. 424.
Introduce DIDLS.
Identify genre, fiction, characterization in “Most Dangerous Game” short story p. 60. / 8/27/28
Read “Most Dangerous Game” and analyze using DIDLS.
HW: finish MDG DIDLS notes on the short story. / 8/29
Write 3 embedded quotes for Rainsford and Zaroff (each) analyzing a literary device from DIDLS.
Identify archetypes found in MDG.
Labor Day Holiday / 9/2
Literary terms quiz.
Read “Scarlet Ibis” aloud and analyze characterization, mood, symbol, and themes.
HW: Student writing portfolio assignment due Friday. / 9/3/4
TW: Analyze characterization in a selected short story.
The Odyssey; Introduce myth vocab and characteristics of myth.
HW: Read M & Y p. 1-4, 5-8, 9-12 and create a T-chart tracking matriarchal and patriarchal characteristics. / 9/5
Trojan War- Read and take Cornell notes; quiz Friday.
Student portfolio due.
HW: Read M & Y p. 17-38 and create a Greek family tree.
Assign god/goddess research assignment.
Library Orientation and Research.
HW: Make connections and determine author’s purpose in “Lost Boys” p. 592 and A Long Way Gone. Answer questions 1-7 on p 598.
HW: Bring your username (ID #) and password. / 9/9
In library: Research assigned god/goddess. Find three sufficient articles.
Introduce quotation, summary, paraphrase w/embedded quotations + documentation / 9/10/11
Grammar warm-up: Using appositives in Greek epithets
In library: Continue work on QPS assignment.
HW: M & Y p. 41- 54- read and draw conclusions about themes and characters’ motivations / 9/12
Trojan War Quiz.
Assign god/goddess Facebook project.
HW: Bring Group 4 vocabulary words.
Review Group 4 words and definitions.
Research articles and QPS notes due.
Background to Homer and The Odyssey.
Define epithet, epic, and epic poem.
Read “A Goddess Intervenes” and identify epithets, archetypes and DIDLS using Cornell notes. / 9/16
Grammar warm-up: comma rules and sentence combining.
Read “Calypso” and identify foreshadowing, point of view, DIDLS.
Interpret figurative language in Odyssey Book 1.
Define hamartia and tragic flaw.
HW: Research (and bring to class) an example of a modern-day tragic flaw. / 9/17/18
TW: Discuss a modern example of a tragic flaw and how the example compares to those in Greek mythology.
Explain characters’ epithets; read and identify archetypes and motifs in “New Coasts,” annotate examples of figurative language; identify DIDLS. / 9/19
A Long Way Gone test
God/goddess visual Facebook project due.
HW-M & Y p. 50-70; create T-chart comparing/
contrasting Hermes/Hephaestus.
Read “Circe” p. 1224. Make note of main ideas.
HW: Read “The Land of the Dead” p. 1226 and write a dialectic journal over imagery. What images are used and what effect do they have on the selection? / 9/23
Share dialectic journal responses in groups
Read “Ulysses” poem and TPDASTT analysis.
HW: Read “Sirens, Scylla and Charybdis” (p. 1230) and answer questions 6-11 on pp. 1238 and 1239 and vocab strategies. / 9/24/25
TW: Discuss the women in The Odyssey, the role they play, and how they represent the women of Ancient Greece.
Read “Father and Son” p 1242 and “Beggar at the Manor” p. 1248 and analyze plot structure & irony. / 9/26
Read “Test of the Bow” p. 1250 and summarize.
Odyssey quiz.
Introduce levels of Qs.
HW: Begin writing level 2 and 3 questions for Socratic Seminar.
HW: Bring Group 20 vocabulary words.
Review Group 20 words and definitions.
Read “Death at the Palace” and watch video clip; discuss plot and author’s purpose.
Interpret figurative language in Odyssey Book 2.
Analyze imagery in clips from Test of the Great Bow. / 9/30
Grammar warm-up: active/passive verbs
Read “Trunk of the Olive Tree” p. 1262. Analyze using DIDLS and discuss with a partner.
HW: Prepare for Socratic Seminar with level 2 and 3 questions for block day. / 10/1/2
Socratic Seminar: The Odyssey
Read “Shame” p. 279 (Models For Writers) and analyze setting, thesis, plot structure, word choice, and tone using SOAPSTONE strategy. / 10/3
Odyssey Review Activities
HW: M &Y Read “Perseus” p. 198 and evaluate him as an epic hero by filling out the comparison chart.
The Odyssey test
HW: M & Y p. 213 -218 “Heracles: Introduction, Myth, Youth” and complete Greek heroes characteristics chart. / 10/7
Heracles Jigsaw Reading
12 Labors Visual Summary and Gallery Walk / 10/8/9
Sorry, Right Number-Stephen King (Holt) p. 156 – read using dramatic conventions. Answer questions 1-9.
Jigsaw Screenplay writing activity / 10/10
Steve Martin satire
“Creator of CD Packaging Goes to Hell.”
HW: Bring Group 29 vocabulary words.
Student Holiday / 10/14
Review Group 29 vocabulary words.
Ratiocination: TW and Turnitin.com / 10/15/16
Read “Cat Bill Veto” and analyze using SOAPSTONE.
Vocab quiz 4 and 20 / 10/17
“Motorcycle Helmet Bill” article p. 655- identify logos, pathos, ethos.
Answer close read questions # 1-5
HW: Begin reviewing vocabulary units 4, 20, and 29 for test.
Anticipation Guide for Romeo and Juliet.
Discuss feuding families (Hatfields and McCoys) and teenage suicide trends/prevention. / 10/21
Grammar warm-up: Identifying appositive, participial, prepositional phrases p. R60-61.
Introduction to Shakespeare power point-note taking / 10/22/23
Introduction to Elizabethan Age and Globe Theater power points- note taking
Video clip: Plague
Vocabulary test: Units 4, 20, 29 / 10/24
End of 9 weeks
Define drama terms.
Read Romeo and Juliet Prologue.
Analyze iambic pentameter in prologue (video).
Essential Questions:
1. How does a writer compose an engaging story?
2. How do authors develop complex yet believable characters in works of fiction?
3. How does mythic, classical and traditional literature influence 20th and 21st century literature?
4. How do I relate an author’s use of figurative language to its historical and cultural setting?
5. How do literary elements affect the meaning of a text?
6. How do writers convey internal and external conflict in a narrative?
7. How do writers from different genres use literary elements to create an engaging story?
8. How do I find appropriate textual evidence?
9. How is a work of fiction shaped by an author’s point of view?