Draft June 27, 2007 Journey to Excellence
Journey to Excellence:
Iowa Training Model for Mentors of Beginning Educators
Developed by a task force convened by the Iowa State Education Association including representatives from the Iowa Department of Education, Area Education Agencies, and School Districts
Task Force Members
David Wilkinson, co-chair
Mary Beth Schroeder Fracek, co- chair
Pam Fields
Jeff Johll
Sue Swartz
Connie Richardson
Pat Shipley
Dave Ulrick
Sue Johannsen
Mary Brooks
Journey to Excellence
To involve Iowa beginning educator ginning educators and mentors
in a high-quality professional experience
that enhances professional practice.
1. To promote excellence in teaching through the Iowa Teaching Standards
2. To enhance student achievement
3. To build a supportive environment
4. To increase the retention of educators
5. To promote the personal and professional well-beginning educator ing of beginning educator ginning educators
6. To prepare experienced educators to serve as mentors
7. To provide a high-quality program that meets needs of beginning educator ginning educators and mentors.
Key Components
A. A clear focus on effective teaching using the Iowa Teaching Standards as defined in A Framework for Understanding the Iowa Teaching Standards and Criteria
B. Preparation of experienced educators to serve as mentors
C. Learning opportunities for mentors to use commensurate with the growth of beginning educators
D. Meaningful formative assessment of the performance of beginning educators
E. Time and support for the mentor and beginning educator to work together
F. Understanding the relationship between the Iowa Teaching Standards and comprehensive evaluation
G. Establishing the firewall between mentor and evaluator and acknowledging confidential relationship between the beginning educator and mentor
H. Annual verification of program completion
I. Meet Requirements from the Iowa Department of Education for Mentoring and Induction Programs
1. Goals for the program,
2. Mentor training
3. Mentor selection process
4. Support for beginning educator ginning teachers
5. Supportive organizational structure
6. Program evaluation process
Text Books
Journey to Excellence uses Mentoring Matters by Bruce Wellman and Laura Lipton as the text for mentors and A Framework for Understanding the Iowa Teaching Standards and Criteria for use by mentors and beginning educator ginning educators as the common language of good teaching.
In this program, mentors receive comprehensive preparation and training. Learning projects provide a curriculum for use by the mentors and beginning educators.
Learning Projects
Learning projects are organized around a process adapted from Dr. W. Edwards Deming and include the following steps.
Focus – Determine area to learn more about & current level of performance
Study – Determine alternative actions available – observing & research
Plan – Decide how to apply alternative actions
Apply – Use the alternative actions in class
Reflect – Think about how things went when compared to intent
The purpose of learning projects is to build a good foundation for future practice by examining performance, understanding the Iowa Teaching Standards and Criteria, and continuing professional learning.
These projects may be used as evidence in the Comprehensive Evaluation, if the beginning educator wishes. Project outlines are included on the following pages. A detailed version of directions has been developed for use by beginning educators and mentors.
1st Learning Project – Setting Goals and Identifying Hopes
Goal: As a result of this learning project, the beginning educator and mentor will begin development of their working relationship and trust.
1st Learning Project – Setting Goals and Identifying HopesFocus / The mentor interviews the Beginning Educator regarding the goals and hopes of the Beginning Educator
Plan / The mentor inquires of the Beginning Educator and take notes inquiry form
Reflect / This can beginning educator revisited later and at the end of the year.
2nd Learning Project – ITS # 6 Classroom Management
Goal: To increase the skills of the beginning educator in the area of classroom management.
Focus / The mentor introduces this learning project, three to six weeks into year to the beginning educator, by reviewing ITS # 6 and criteria in pages 39-43 of A Framework for Understanding the Iowa Teaching Standards and Criteria (ITS Framework)The mentor guides the beginning educator through a self assessment process that results in the beginning educator identifying a criterion to use as a focus for learning. The beginning educator highlights appropriate levels of performance for that criterion. Self-assessment guide
Study / The mentor arranges for the beginning educator to observe other educators to learn how others practice the selected criterion. If appropriate, the mentor will arrange for the beginning educator to read articles on classroom management.
Plan / The beginning educator, in collaboration with the mentor, will determine what different practices to use in his/her classroom as well as determining what success will look and sound like implementation plan
Apply / The beginning educator will use the practices and collect evidence regarding success. pre-observation conference structure
Reflect / The mentor will observe the beginning educator, take notes, and meet with the beginning educator. Together, they will determine the beginning educators level of performance Together they will reflect on experience observation form,
Journey to Excellence
Learning Project # 3 – Planning and Preparation
Goal: To increase the quality of lesson plans developed by the beginning educator.
Focus / Mentor leads beginning educator in review of ITS #3 and criteria, the beginning educator uses a current lesson plan for the review and analysis, selects one criterion for focus. Using the Self-Assessment guide, beginning educator highlights words describing the current level of performance (increased student success and achievement is the purpose of all plans)Study / Mentor and beginning educator discuss district expectations for lesson plans; beginning educator with mentor’s advice interviews other teachers regarding issues relating to criterion under study. Identify sample lessons and related resources
Plan / Beginning educator creates a lesson plan that address the selected criterion,
Apply / Beginning educator & mentor take draft plan to another professional for discussion and feedback; The beginning educator modifies the plan as necessary. The beginning educator teaches the lesson.
Reflect / The beginning educator reflects on the experience and identifies the strengths and how the plan could beginning educator improved; the mentor and beginning educator will determine the level of performance reflective conference questions
Journey to Excellence
4th Learning Project – ITS #4 - Instruction
Goal: To increase the skills of the beginning educator in the area of delivering instruction to meet the multiple learning needs of students.
Focus / The mentor introduces this learning project by reviewing ITS #4 and criteria in pages 27 – 32 of A Framework for Understanding the Iowa Teaching Standards and Criteria (ITS Framework). The mentor guides the beginning educator through a self assessment process that results in the beginning educator identifying a criterion to use as a focus for learning. The beginning educator highlights appropriate levels of performance for that criterion. Self-assessment guide.Study / The beginning educator and the mentor can consider using any of the following:
· Review the classroom, family demographics (including gender, ability, learning styles, cultural, familial backgrounds, economic,…)
· Discuss the prior knowledge of the students (Conversation Protocol from NTC – Collaborative Assessment Log)
· Discuss how this work ties into the implementation of other district PD initiatives (co-teaching, Read First, Every Child Inquires, HS Redesign, Reading Across the Curriculum, 6 Traits, CRISS, Differentiation…)
· Collaborate with mentor to determine resources available (LEA, AEA, professional literature)
· Diagnose student needs
· Develop and use a common language to articulate and apply appropriate teaching techniques
· Observe classroom practice, collect ideas/interview others, read
· Pre observation by mentor, if plan is to do something observable
Plan / · Taking the data from the STUDY and the Beginning educator self-assessment, identify strategies for beginning educator use to meet multiple student learning needs
· The beginning educator in collaboration with the mentor will select a process/tool for gathering data, either during observation or for self-analysis of a lesson.
Apply / · Beginning educator uses the strategies in a lesson observed by the mentor
· The mentor collects observational data or the beginning educator ginning educator self-analyzes a lesson.
Reflect / The beginning educator reflects on the experience and identifies the strengths and how the instruction could be improved; the mentor and beginning educator will determine the level of performance. Reflective conference questions.