District 56 Toastmasters

Spring Conference 2016

“Blazing The Leadership Trail”

Evaluation Form

If you attended the District 56 Spring Conference 2016, please take a moment and fill out the following form and return it. We will use the responses to improve future conferences. Thank you!

Email to:

* * * * *

What I liked best about the conference:

What I liked least about the conference:

On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being best), I feel the conference deserves an overall score of ______

My scores of 1 to 10 (10 being best) for the individual activities below were:


____First Timers Event

____Friday Night Dinner

____Friday Keynote Speaker

____Friday Night Contest

____Saturday Early Workshops

____Saturday Keynote Speaker

____C & L Luncheon

____Saturday Afternoon Workshops

____Speech Contest

____Saturday Silent Auction

____Saturday Dinner

____DTM Ceremony

____Sunday Workshop

My thoughts for improving future conferences:

I will attend another District 56 Conference (Yes or No): ______

I will assist at another District 56 Conference (Yes or No):______

Thank you for attending the 2016 District 56 Spring Conference