

August1st & 2nd, 2015





It’sthattimeagain!Welcometothe12thAnnual FiberfestEUREKA!Weareplanninganother exciting,fun,andfascinatingevent.Wewillhave classes working with natural fibers with the wonderfulinstructorsanddemonstratorsyou’ve come to expect for spinning, weaving, felting, crocheting, knitting, and animal care and selection. And we’ll have animals there that providemanyofthefibers.

Ourgoalremainsthesame-tobringtogetherthe best of fiber arts and fiber agriculture and to promote awareness to the general public about thenaturalfiberindustry.Pleasejoinus!

Questions?Feelfreetocontact: ValerieHogan







Montana Mohair Producers, Inc.,

Frequently referred to as MMPI, is a nonprofit organization formedforthepurposeofsupportingtheproducersofnatural fibergrownbyAngoragoats.Membershipisnotrestrictedto persons who raise these animals, nor is it restricted to your placeofresidence.

Ourmembershipcoversmuchofthe WesternUnitedStates from TexastoMontana.Youneedonlytohaveaninterestin supportingtheindustry.

Membership is on an annual basis, and dues are payable the firstofJanuaryofeachyear. Themembershipfeeis$15.00 peryear.


  1. EntryformsandfeesmustbereceivedbyAugust1st,2015.
  2. All entries not mailed must be checked in between 8: and 8:30 August1st,2015.

3.Allitemsmusthavecardsattachedorproperlyidentifiedas specifiedforthatdivision.Thesewillbeavailableatsignin.

4. PetsAREallowedonthegroundsbutmustbeonaleashatall


5. DONOTfeedanyanimalsonexhibit

6.DONOTenteranypenwithanexhibitedanimalexceptwiththe owner

7. Remember,theBarnSupervisormayturnanyanimalaway consideredunhealthy.Theirdecisionwillbefinalandsupported bytheMontanaMohairProducers.

8. Campingisavailableonthefairgroundsat$10.00perunit



Saturday,August 1st, 2015 Gatesopenat8:30am.

8:30am Vendorboothsopen

9:00am Firsthalfofworkshops

Barns open for exhibit

11:00am- 4:00pm Activities for all ages! Children from 4 to 100

1:00pm-3:00pm Secondhalfofworkshops

6:00 pm Barnsclose

6:30pm MontanaMohairProducersInc.annualmeeting takesplace

Sunday,August2nd, 2015 Gatesopenat8:30am.

8:30am Vendorboothsopen

9:00am-11:00am Firsthalfofworkshops Barnsopenforexhibit

11:00am-4:00pm Activitiesforallages!

1:00pm-3:00pm Secondhalfofworkshops

4:00pm Barnsclose-checkoutbegins

ThisyearFiberfestEurekaisboundtobethebestoneyet!Plantostayin Eurekatheweekendandtakepartinalltheactivitiesaroundtownthatwillbe available.Afterwalkingthroughtheamazingquiltshowthroughoutdowntown Eureka,cometothefairgroundsforFiberfest!Therewillbefunclassesto takeandnumerousvendorswithexclusiveyarnsandsupplies!Plantodo someshoppingatFiberfest!Wewillhavevenderstheresellingexclusive typesofyarnanduniquesupplies.

Whetheryou’realittlekidor abigkid,thereareplentyof activitiestokeepyoubusy. Wewillonceagainhavethe “FeltedForest”atFiberfest, anon-goingprojectthathas beengrowingyearbyyear. Childrenwillbeencouraged to create needle felted


VictorAquinowillalsobethereagainovertheweekend!Ifyoualways wantedtoknitasimplescarformakeablanketbutalwaysfelttoofumbled- fingeredtolearn,letVictorteachyoustickweaving!Inamannerofminutes youwilllearnhowtocreateausableyarnitem!Thisisanactivitythatis suitableforyoungstersandoldsters!Victorwillalsohaveafewotherprojects happening–everyyearit’ssomethingdifferent!

Ifyouareaspinner,bringyour spinning wheel and join the spinningcirclejustforthefunof it! Or if you are interested in learning to spin or buying a spinningwheel,cometalktothese guysandgalsandtheywillhelp youout.

2015 Fiberfest Classes taught by featured instructor: IlishaHelfman of Portland, OR

Introduction to Jazzknitting: Gingko Leaves and Peacocks
Sat am 9 am – 12 pm

Class Description: In this class we will learn to make a gingko leaf scarf and will begin to see colorspooling in useful ways that can be applied to other projects. Gingko leaves can be transformed into peacocks with ease and different methods ofmaking peacocks will be explored. We will analyze hand painted skeins to see different ways of pooling their colors which can result in a variety of other shapes.


Bringhandpainted sock orlace weightyarn either in skeins or already balled. It’s best to have some of the color passages be at least 8” long and to use yarns that are dyed in the skein so that there will be a repeat of the color sequences. A general rule of thumb for Jazzknitting is to use needles that are 2 sizes smaller than you would normally use in order to give the shapes firmness and stability. I like to use sz 0 needles for lace and sz 0 or 1 for sock yarns.

In general, Jazzknitting works best with merino yarn in either lace or sock weight. Merino is both stretchy and strong. The addition of silk or nylon makes the yarn less elastic and therefore less useful for more elaborate Jazzknitted shapes. Gingko leaves are an exception. Since they are more about shape than patterning, and since the stitches used for making them don’t require a lot of stretching, a wider variety of yarns can be used. Students have made gorgeous scarves with longNoro-type color changing yarns where the colors wash gradually over the length of the scarf. Also for gingko leaves,handspun yarns and yarns with mixed fiber content can be used. Thin yarns will produce a delicate look and heavier weight yarns will make larger leaves. For heavy yarns, again bring needles that are 2 sizes smaller than you’d normally use.

Length of Class: 3 hours

Class Fee: $40

Minimum Students: 1 Maximum Students: 12
Materials Fee:none

Skill Level: Students should be able to knit or purl and do a long tail cast-on and should know how to bind off.

Jazzknitting 2:SeaLettuce, Sea StringGarlands and Sea Urchins Sat pm 1 – 4

Class Description:This class will explore different kinds of shapes that can be made using a painted skein in multiple ways. We’ll start with sea urchins which are an interesting study on the creation of form and move onto other shapes that make the most of intentional pooling.

One principle of Jazzknitting is to follow the colors in hand-painted yarns and let the dyer's choices help define the shape of your knitting. A delightful and fun-to-make shape are curly sea strings that look as if they've been dipped in dye so that all their tips are a different color than their stems. Knit these simple shapes together in a garland (all from a continuous strand of yarn) and you'll be ready to trim a garment or deck your tree, windows or hallway in style. We'll look at multiple ways to isolate colors in your hand-painted yarn and will consider making a graduated neckpiece from these sea string shapes as well.

Sea Lettuces are lovely, ruffled, undulating knitted forms that can be used as trim or decoration. They are knitted with a single strand of hand-painted yarn yet have tips that are colored differently than the rest. Jazzknitting is about paying close attention to the yarn choices made by a dyer and by intentionally pooling those colors. There are no patterns to follow (no stitches to count or mistakes to make) because we will be following the colors in our yarn as our "pattern". Each piece of sea lettuce knitted in class will be unique because each of us will start with a different yarn and we'll each make unique choices about how to use the colors in our yarns. We will talk about how to analyze our individual skeins or balls of hand-painted yarn and the possible shapes that can occur by separating out or featuring different colors in different ways. We'll compare notes and share as we progress, and will all learn a lot as we see what everyone comes up with!


Bring yarn in 100% merino that has been hand-painted in the skein (several skeins or balls, if possible, to choose from and experiment with). Randomly colored handspun won't work for this because a repeat in the color sequence is required. Look for colors that blur into each other making gradual changes from color to color, as opposed to abrupt color changes in your yarns. We'll need some color passages in our yarns that are about 8" long. Really short bursts of color (1-3") will be too short for this and very long Noro-type color changes won't work for sea lettuces (with colorful tips) either. These projects work best with lace or sock weight yarns. Bring double pointed (or circular) sz 0 needles for both lace weight yarns and sock weight yarns. Size 1 needles for heavier sock yarns will be fine. (If this seems too small for you, sz 2 will be ok... but we're aiming to create a fabric that has stability while getting the most out of our color passages, so the smaller needles are preferred.) Double pointed needles

Jazzknitting II cont.

will be less cumbersome for these small projects, but circulars (if you're used to them) will be fine too.

Length of Class:3 hours

Class Fee: $40

Minimum Students: 1 Maximum Students: 12

Materials Fee: none

Skill Level: Students should be able to knit or purl and do a long tail cast-on and a loop cast-on and should know how to bind off. We will review cable cast-on in class but best to practice it with the help of Youtube first.

A Candy Jar of Glorious Buttons: Made From Your Yarns

Sun pm 1 – 4

Class Description:

This class will spark your creativity! It explores a vast array of buttons and types that incorporate yarn to coordinate with your projects. We'll see how multiple techniques come into play: embroidery, wrapping/winding, needle weaving, beading and crochet. We'll discover how decorative threads and fabric can be combined with yarns to create beautiful details, depth and texture. We'll also look at the rings, discs, bead styles and specially designed lasered shapes that form the bases (or molds) for these buttons. We will examine various materials and methods for making shanks out of yarn, thread, glass rings, cloth, buttons to cover, screw eyes and jump rings. This class will have you looking at ribbons and novelty yarns and trips to the hardware store in ways you never imagined!

Supplies: Bring small balls of sock or lace weight yarn left over from your projects, some pretty threads (metallics and multi-colored threads are nice), sharp pointed scissors, a tiny crochet hook and a small blunt tapestry needle.

Length of Class: 3 hours (or could be longer)

Class Fee: $40

Minimum Students: 1 Maximum Students: 12

Materials Fee: $20 for a mix of kits

Skill Level: Everyone welcome!!


FiberfestMini Classes

Beginning Weaving - all day Saturday

Instructor: Laurel Orthmeyer

Weave a pot holder or table trivet!! The loom will be set up to start weaving so you can learn the basics of plain weave, weaving terminology and techniques. Since several people will weave on the same loom, your piece will be mailed to you after the festival if you are not present at the close of the festival Sunday afternoon.

Materials fee: $5

Skill level: beginner

Class fee: $15

Beginning Spinning – all day Saturday

Instructor: Elaine Hammer

Elaine will be available in the spinner’s circle to help with your handspinning technique and wheel adjustmets. She will also help with drop spindle spinning. She will discuss fiber selection and appropriate preparation for spinning. Come and enjoy some relaxing spinning time and benefit from an expert handspinner’s advice.

Materials fee: bring your own fiber or buy from vendor

Skill Level: beginner

Class fee: $15

T-shirt yarn – all day Saturday

Instructor: Laurel Orthmeyer

Make your own yarn without spinning. Bring an old t-shirt and we will show you a quick way to cut strips for your own yarn! Use it to knit or weave.

Materials fee: none if you bring a t-shirt

Skill level: beginner

Class fee: Free

Knit a Scarf with your Arms!! – all day Saturday

Instructor: Jean Aquino

Using your arms instead of knitting needles, you will knit a lovely lacy scarf. Fun technique and good exercise too!

Materials fee:

Skill Level: beginner

Class fee: $15

Basket Weaving – Hanging Flower Vase - all day Sunday

Instructor – Laurel Orthmeyer

We will use several colors of dyed reed to weave a vase you can hang on your wall or door knob to display flowers from your garden or local farmer’s market. No previous basket weaving experience necessary.

Materials fee: $3

Skill Level: beginner

Class fee: $15


Judge: People'sChoiceJudgesChoice

Supervisor: PanelofJudges/Instructors

EntryFee: $1.00perentry

1. Allyarnsmusthavebeenhand-spunwithinthepastyearbythecontestant.

2. Yarn must be in skeins weighing approximately 1 to 2 ounces, NO balls of yarn will be accepted.

3. Entryfeesmustbeincludewiththeentryform.

4. YouthandJuniorDivisionentrieswillhaveNOentryfee.

5. Entriesnotmailedinwillbeacceptedbetween8:00 -8:30am on

August1st, 2015.

6. Judgingwillbeginat11::00amonSaturdayAugust10thandisopentoobservers.

7. TheJudgeisfreetoreassignanyentrynotproperlyenteredincorrectclass.

8. Skeinswillbejudgedonthefollowing:overallappearance,twist,visual uniformity,spinning technique,finishing,suitabilityforfiberoforigin.

9. SkeinswillbejudgedusingtheDanishSystem.

10. Twoduplicate3x5cardsmustbesecurelyattachedtoeachskeinwiththefollowing information:Frontofcard=Exhibitorsnameaddress;Reverseofcard=Skein



600 / AdultHandspunonawheel / 610 / AdultHandspunonaspindle
600Y / Youthonwheel(8under) / 610Y / Youthonspindle(8under)


Judge: People'sChoiceJudgesChoice

Supervisor: PanelofJudges/Instructors

EntryFee: $1.00perentry

1. Entriesmustbecreatedbyhand

2. All items entered must have been made within the last year by the entrant from

100% natural fibers. NOcommercialkititemswillbeaccepted.

3. Entriesnotmailedinwillbeacceptedfrom 8:00 to 8:30am, August 1st, 2015

4. JudgingwilltakeplaceonSaturdaybeginningat4:00pmandisopentothe public.

5. Uptofouritemsmaybeenteredperperson.Eachitemmayonlybeentered intooneclass,no crossentering.

6. Itemswillbejudgedbythefollowing:generaloverallappearance,suitability ofyarntoarticle,consistencyofspinning,suitabilityoffibertoproject, technique,finishing.

7. 2duplicate3x5cardsmustbesecurelyattachedtoeachitemwiththefollowing information:Cardscanbeobtainedatregistration.


720Woven 720Adult 720YYouth(8under) 720JJunior(9-16yrs)


Whiteandcoloredgoatsproducingelegantfleecesforhandspinningand doll hair. Available in skirted or washed fleeces, roving, rain- bow dyed locks, and gorgeous tanned hides. Breeding stock and spinner’spetsavailable.






Otherfibersupplies: needle felting supplies, Jacquard dyes, handpainted yarn, roving, andcombedtop.


Judge: People'sChoiceJudgesChoice

Supervisor: PanelofJudges/Instructors

EntryFee: $1.00perentry

1. Photographswillbejudgedoncompositionandquality.

2. Photomusthavebeentakenbytheentrantinthepastyear.

3. Photomustbea"farmphoto"orofafiberproducingplant.

4. Minimumsizeofprintsis5x7.

5. Allappropriatephotoswilldisplayed.Theymustbeframedormountedonposter board.

6. Nameaddressmustbewrittenonthebackofallentries.

7. Competitionisopentoallexceptprofessionalphotographers.

8. AwardswillbepresentedforPeoplesChoiceJudgesChoice-Judgingwill concludeonSaturdayat4:00pmwithawardspostedatthattime.


410Adult-Color / 410YYouth-Color(8under) / 410JJunior-Color(9-16yrs)
420Adult-B&W / 420YYouth-B&W(8under) / 420JJunior-B&W(9-16yrs)
430Adult-Digital / 430YYouth-Comp(8under) / 430JJunior-Comp(9-16yrs)


Establishedin1990,MMPIhasservedmembers by promoting Angora goats, both white and colored, and their fiber. MMPI also provides assistanceinthemarketingofmohair.

Youdon’thavetobeanAngoragoatownernor liveinMontanatojoin!Anyonewithaninterest intheseremarkableanimalsiswelcome.

Formoreinformation,contactValerieHoganat: (406) 889-3730 or at: website:


Judges:PanelofInstructors/Judges Supervisor:PanelofJudges/Instructors EntryFee: $1.00perentry



1. Allfleecesmustbewellskirtedandpackagedinaclearplasticbag,Donottie fleeceswithpaperoranyothertwine.Fleecesmayberemovedfrombagfor judging.

2. NorawfleecesforsaleUNLESSexhibitedforshowanddisplayedthroughout


3. Alljudgingisopentothepublic.

4. Twoduplicatecardsmustbeincludedineachfleecewiththefollowing

information:Frontofcard=Exhibitorsnameaddress;Reverseofcard=Fleece division,class,andbreed. Maybeobtainedatregistration.

5. Allfleecesmusthavebeenshornin2014/2015andrepresent12monthsorlessof


6. Allfleecesmustbedisplayedfollowingjudgingandwillbereleasedfromthe showeitherbythesaleoftheofthefleeceorbytheexhibitoronSunday.


410 FineWool

420 MediumWool

430 LongWool

440 IcelandicWool

450 ShetlandIcelandicWool


310kidmohair-white 340kidmohair-color

320yearlingmohair-white 350yearlingmohair-color

330adultmohair-white 360adultmohair-color






Judges: PanelofInstructors/Judges Supervisor: PanelofJudges/Instructors EntryFee: $1.00perentry

This is a fashion display of finished product, by the artist creating the product. They are worn by the creator while leading an animal that produces the fiber used in the finishedproduct.Ifthefiberartistdoesnotowntheanimalshe/heobtainedthefiber from, we will lend her/him an animal that displays the correct fiber. This is a fun event,andtheprizeswillbehandmadeand/ordonatedbythesponsors.

1. Entriesmustbecreatedbyhand.

2. All items entered must have been made within the last year by the entrant from

100% natural animal or/& plant fibers. No commercial kits will be accepted.

3. Entrieswillbeacceptedbetween8:00 and 8:30 amonAugust1st,2015.

4. JudgingwilltakeplaceonAugust1st at 10:00am..

5. Itemswillbejudgedbythefollowing;generaloverallappearance,suitabilityof yarntoarticle,consistencyofspinning,knitting,crocheting,weaving,suitability offibertoproject,techniquefinishing.


510-Knit / 520-Crochet / 530-Woven
540-Felted / 550-Other


Jean &VicAquino

(406)261-8426 Homemade Soap ColoredWhiteAngoras MohairFiber


Name: ______

Phone#______Address: ______



Division DescribeItem(s) FiberType TechniqueUsed







Breed Division Class Sale$/lb ShowOnly







Division FiberContent Color Breed

Farm Photo Contest






Division Description







Division FiberContent TechniqueUsed












refundable for super-good clean-up!)



Division Class Breed Color Sex Tag/ID


Mailform andpaymentto: Valerie Hogan



Name Phone#

Address Email

Description WorkshopFee MaterialsFee Total

12thAnnualFiberfestEUREKA !!

Commercial Vendors Application

10 x 10 Indoor Booth Rental $35.00 Total # of booths _____
Table Rental (1 table provided free. Add’l tables $10.00 each)
Total # of tables ______
Electricity required? Circle one: / YES / NO
Please include a description of the products you will be selling:
Can you support the Festival by donating an item for our
Silent Auction? Please Describe:
Name of Business:
Contact Person:
Mailing Address:
Telephone: Cell Phone:
Email Address:

Space is limited & will be reserved on a first come basis.

We will enter all vendors in a drawing for a free booth at the 2016 festival!!!

Please make checks payable to: MMPI(Montana Mohair Producers Inc)

Please mail to: Fiberfest EUREKA!! c/o Val Hogan

73 Poverty Flats Rd., Eureka, MT 59917

Questions? Go to

Or call Val Hogan 406-889-3730 (h)
