McCarthyism: Computer Search

The House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) was not a committee initiated by Senator McCarthy. What is the history behind the committee, when was it created, why was it created, and how did it gain its power? (Congressional Committees and Unfriendly Witnesses)

Describe the typical procedure employed by HUAC to investigate a suspected communist. (Congressional Committees and Unfriendly Witnesses)

How did the Supreme Court allow the HUAC to abuse the first and fifth amendment rights of the alleged communists? (Congressional Committees and Unfriendly Witnesses)

How did the FBI violate its operating mandates to enforce the HUAC’s findings? (Blacklists and Other Economic Sanctions)

How did the following organizations and businesses respond to HUAC’s accusations of employees (Blacklists and Other Economic Sanctions):


Film Industry

Broadcast Industry

Government Agencies

Public Schools


What recourse did the individuals accused have available to fight the accusations and how successful were they at securing their positions, returning to their positions, or in some way maintaining their original economic and professional lifestyle? (Blacklists and Other Economic Sanctions)

How did McCarthyism impact political thought over the last 50 years? (Legacy of McCarthyism)

How did McCarthyism impact international affairs over the last 50 years? (Legacy of McCarthyism)

How did McCarthyism play a role in the FBI’s harassment of political dissenters in the 60s and 70s, the Watergate scandal of the 70s, the Iran-Contra affair of the 80s, and by extension, the Homeland Security Act of the 2000s? (Legacy of McCarthyism)

How did the Democrats unwittingly associate themselves as being soft on communism? (The State Steps In: Setting the Anti-Communist Agenda)

Look up the following in “McCarthyism: Encyclopedia of” link (you may need to go to other searches to find the details) and explain how they are connected to the era of McCarthyism:

Eugene Dennis Case

Ethel and Julius Rosenberg Case

WPA Federal Art Project

Red Channels

Hollywood Ten

Federal Theatre Project

Two communist spies of the period (identified on the link page)

1. ______


Three investigators of the period (identified on the link page)

1. ______



Four blacklisted individuals of the period (identified on the link page)

1. ______




Hollywood played an important part in the HUAC activities, as did the persecution of key writers during the fifties: read the two articles Hollywood Blacklist and HUAC and Censorship Changes in Hollywood as well as the FBI documents on Lillian Hellman. Give a general accounting of your feelings towards the HUAC committees work and whether it was fair or not? (McCarthyism Links Page)

Finally: Read the Article from New American Perspective magazine, and re-evaluate your thoughts on McCarthy and the McCarthyism era? Have your original thoughts changed since the reading of the article? How so, and if not, why not?

Salem Witch Trials

17th Century information and Links page with focus on Witch Trials

Fact and Fiction concerning The Crucible and history

Links to actual documents from Witch Trials

Brief historical background of McCarthyism

Teacher’s Guide with links for The Crucible

Links page for McCarthyism

The Kennedy’s and McCarthyism

Background information on Witch Trials of 1692

encyclopedic entry with links to other encyclopedic entries

Links Page

article on McCarthyism with links

Links page to 4 links needed for question on handout

Links page with 1 link needed for question on handout

Links page for McCarthyism

article on McCarthyism in present day (biased presentation)

historical context of Salem Witch Trials

scientific hypothesis of what occurred in Salem

blacklists and other economic sanctions