ITH/12/7.COM/INF.2.2Rev.2– page 1
Seventh session
UNESCO Headquarters, Paris
3 to 7 December 2012
Provisional agenda item / Documents1. / Opening of the session
2. / Adoption of the agenda of the seventh session of the Committee / ITH/12/7.COM/2Rev.
Provisional timetable
ITH/12/7.COM/INF.2.2 Rev.2
Provisional list of documents
3. / Replacement of the rapporteur / ITH/12/7.COM/3
4. /
Admission of observers
/ ITH/12/7.COM/4 Rev.5. /
Adoption of the summary records of the sixth ordinary session and the fourth extraordinary session of the Committee
/ ITH/12/7.COM/5ITH/12/7.COM/INF.5
Report of the Secretariat on the implementation of the global capacity-building strategy
6. / Examination of the reports of States Parties on the implementation of the Conventionand on the current status of elements inscribed on the Representative List / ITH/12/7.COM/6
Reports available at
7. / Report of the Consultative Body on its work in 2012 / ITH/12/7.COM/7
Transversal issues arising in the evaluation and examination of nominations, proposals and requests
8. /
Examination of nominations for inscription in 2012on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding
/ ITH/12/7.COM/8+Add.Nominations available at
9. /
Examination of proposals for selection in 2012to the Register of Best Safeguarding Practices
/ ITH/12/7.COM/9Proposals available at
10. / Examination of International Assistance requests greater than US$25,000 / ITH/12/7.COM/10+Add.
Requests available at
11. /
Report of the Subsidiary Body on its work in 2012 and evaluation of nominations for inscription in 2012 on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity
/ ITH/12/7.COM/11 +Add.ITH/12/7.COM/INF.7
Transversal issues arising in the evaluation and examination of nominations, proposals and requests
Nominations available at
12. / Questions concerning the 2013, 2014 and 2015 examination cycles
a. / System of rotation for the members of the Consultative Body / ITH/12/7.COM/12.a
b. / Establishment of theConsultative Body for the 2013cycle (paragraph 26 of the Operational Directives) and adoption of its terms of reference / ITH/12/7.COM/12.b
c. / Establishment of the Subsidiary Body for the 2013 cycle (paragraph 29 of the Operational Directives) and adoption of its terms of reference / ITH/12/7.COM/12.c
d. / Number of files that can be treated in the 2014 and 2015 cycles / ITH/12/7.COM/12.d
13. / Reflections on the Lists of the Convention
a. / Reflection on the experience gained in implementing the referral option of the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity / ITH/12/7.COM/13.a
b. / Reflection on the right scale or scope of an element / ITH/12/7.COM/13.b
c. / Reflection on the procedure for extended inscription of an element that is already inscribed / ITH/12/7.COM/13.c
d. / Reflection on the use of the emblem of the Convention / ITH/12/7.COM/13.d
14. / Mechanism for sharing information to encourage multinational nominations / ITH/12/7.COM/14
15. / Treatment of correspondence from the public or other concerned parties regarding nominations / ITH/12/7.COM/15
16. / Non-governmental organizations
a. /
Accreditation of non-governmental organizations
/ ITH/12/7.COM/16.aRequests for accreditation available at
b. /
Reflection on the criteria and modalities for accreditation of non-governmental organizations
/ ITH/12/7.COM/16.b17. / Date and venue of the eighthsession of the Committee / ITH/12/7.COM/17
18. / Election of the members of the Bureau of the eighthsession of the Committee / ITH/12/7.COM/18
19. / Voluntary supplementary contributions to the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund / ITH/12/7.COM/19
20. / Other business
21. / Adoption of the List of Decisions / ITH/12/7.COM/21
22. / Closure of the session / ITH/12/7.COM/INF.22 Rev.
List of participants