Digestive System – Part III
Diabetes – problems with insulin
- insulin is necessary to convert sugar (______), starches, and other food into energy for life
- it transports sugar from the ______into the cells
- without insulin, the sugar remains in the ______
- ______are responsible for cleaning blood, and must work overtime with diabetes
- this can lead to kidney failure, which requires ______for life
- too much sugar in the blood can lead to short and long term problems
1) right away, your cells may be starved for ______
2) over time, high blood glucose levels may hurt your eyes, kidneys, nerves, or heart
Type 1 Diabetes (previously known as “______diabetes”)
- body does not produce ______
- known as “insulin-dependent diabetes” – must have ______for rest of their lives
- usually due to ______system attacking and destroying ______cells
- ______% of diabetes patients
- symptoms:
- extreme thirst- frequent urination
- unusual weight loss- increased fatigue
- blurry vision
Type 2 Diabetes (previously known as “______-onset diabetes”)
- most common form of diabetes
- may result from:
1) the body does not produce enough insulin or
2) the cells ignore the insulin – “insulin ______”
- higher than normal blood ______levels, butnot high enough to be “diabetic”
- symptoms (see right):
- increased ______
- increased ______
- ______
- increased ______
- ______
- blurred ______
- ______that do not heal
Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetes:
- family history – any ______relative
- race or ethnic background – people of Africa, Asian, Hispanic, and Native American descent have ______risk
- being ______
- hypertension – high ______
- ______
- ______use
- smoking – a person who smokes 16-25 cigarettes a day is ____ times more likely to develop diabetes than a nonsmoker
- history of gestational diabetes (diabetes only while ______)
Treating Type 2 Diabetes:
- physical activity for at least ____ minutes a day
- losing 5-7% of body weight can lower heart risks by half
- eating a heart-healthy diet
- few ______fats
- many fruits and vegetables
- a lot of ______
Gestational Diabetes
- affects about ____% of all pregnant women
- occurs when women, who have never had diabetes, have elevated glucose levels during pregnancy
- may be due to ______fluctuations during pregnancy
- begins during late pregnancy, once the body has formed and finishes development
- extra glucose enters the baby through the blood in the mother’s ______
- this can cause damage by:
- impairing the baby’s ______development
- forcing extra energy on the baby, so it becomes ______in the womb
- to treat gestational diabetes:
- special diet
- special exercise plan
- always disappears after ______
- but mother is very likely to have it again with future ______
Gastric by-pass surgery
Used as a last resort to help control morbid obesity and diabetes
- helps people lose, on average, ____% of extra weight
If the surgery reattaches the small intestine and stomach too far down the small intestine, many ______difficulties may occur
- the duodenum is where most ______is completed before nutrient absorption in the jejunum and ileum
Dietary changes – due to reduced size of stomach and reduced ______of small intestine
* stomach must heal before any solid food is consumed ~ ______months
- ______is absorbed very rapidly
- ______needs increase
- vitamins and minerals may not be absorbed properly, so ______are needed
- because of restricted amount possible, all food should serve a ______purpose
- food should be ______thoroughly before being swallowed
- some people may never be able to eat:
- ______meat
- non-toasted breads
- fruits with ______on them
- some _____ vegetables
- ______sugars (including ______, etc.)