1. Background
Economic integration in the Eastern and Southern Africa-Indian Ocean (ESA-IO) region is driven by the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), the East African Community (EAC), the Inter-Governmental Authority for Development (IGAD) and the Indian Ocean Commission (IOC) through a wide array of initiatives which aim at addressing both common issues such as trade, investment and supply-side constraints and sub-regional specificities as well as specific sectors such as renewable energy, bio-diversity and marine resources. COMESA and EAC are both in the process of harmonising trade, investment and macro-economic policies with the ultimate aim of establishing a fully fledged Common Market and a Monetary Union. The two organisations are also engaged, together with the Southern African Development Community (SADC), in the Tripartite Process, which aims at establishing a single market encompassing all their twenty-six Member Countries. IGAD is championing the Horn of Africa Initiative, which is an integrated response strategy to promote peace, security and development in the sub-region. IOC is leading on sustainable development programmes, especially aimed at island economies.
Since 2002, the four Regional Organisations have decided to join-up their efforts, through the Inter-Regional Committee (IRCC) in the programming and implementation of regional programmes and projects under the European Development Fund (EDF), with a view to improve coordination in the implementation of regional integration programmes, especially in order to avoid the duplication of activities. The Regional Integration Support Programme (RISP) is one of the key regional economic integration programmes implemented under the 9th EDF following that principle. The purpose of the RISP was to develop the capacity of the ROs and their Member/Partner States in policy formulation, implementation and monitoring of regional integration as well as multilateral and regional trade. The RISP was implemented jointly by COMESA and EAC and contributed significantly in furthering the integration road maps of the two organisations, namely by facilitating the launching of the COMESA Customs Union and the EAC Common Market in 2009.
The 10th EDF RISP Continuation aims at consolidating the achievements made through the 9th EDF while expanding support to all four Regional Organisations in contributing to the economic integration in the ESA-IO region. The RISP continuation focuses directly upon the agreed economic integration agenda of COMESA and EAC, by assisting the ROs in fulfilling their mandates of progressing towards FTAs and CUs. Through the IOC, the inclusion of island state specificity in the COMESA agenda will be ensured, while IGAD’s functional cooperation programme in support of the Regional Integration agenda of the ESA region will also be included.
The programme is expected to achieve six results to attain its specific objective:
- RESULT 1: Regional policies and regulations for the implementation of the regional integration mandates and agenda are designed and/or adjusted;
- RESULT 2: Trade development, trade facilitation instruments and strategic, regulatory and technical preparatory works of trade related infrastructure designed and/or adjusted;
- RESULT 3: Regional institutions established and strengthened to implement and monitor regional policies and regulations, including institutions that service private sector at regional level;
- RESULT 4: Management capacities of the ROs improved to meet international recognised standards of governance;
- RESULT 5: Member/Partner States capacity to address trade related issues and to implement their trade liberalisation and regional integration commitments is enhanced;
- RESULT 6: Capacity of the region to negotiate and implement multilateral trade agreements is enhanced.
The implementation of the RISP continuation will be carried out by the four regional organisations namely COMESA, EAC, IGAD and IOC. COMESA is the lead organisation. An implementation agreement has been signed between COMESA (as Contracting party) and each of the three others regional organisations (as Implementing Party) to define a legal framework of cooperation between the parties in the joint implementation of the RISP Continuation.
The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) which is implementing some components of RISP II is seeking a coordinator to establish an IGAD Livestock and pastoral development centre.
IGAD whose member states are Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan and Uganda was established in 1986, in response to the recurrent droughts of 1970s and 1980s. In 1996, the mandate of IGAD was expanded to encompass food security and environmental protection; economic co-operation and political and humanitarian affairs. The intention of the expanded mandate of the organisation was to act as a vehicle through which the sub-region’s resources and energies would be collectively mobilised and channelled to address robust and sustainable socio-economic development.
Much of the IGAD region (over 60% of the land area) is characterized by arid or semi-arid lands (ASALs). Pastoralism thrives in these areas making the region number one in the concentration of livestock in Africa. Livestock contributes nearly Euro 10 billion (20%) to the regional GDP. Livestock also supports livelihoods of over 30 million pastoralists living in the ASALs.
While the importance of livestock to the IGAD region cannot be over emphasized, there has been little recognition of this sector by planners and policy makers in the region. At the IGAD Secretariat level there is lack of expertise to design and implement livestock development programmes.
The 33rd Ordinary Session of the IGAD Council of Ministers held in December 2009 in Djibouti, under its Decision No. 16 instructed the Secretariat to “explore the viability of establishing a strategic institution to promote livestock development, eco- and bio-enterprises and security in the Arid and Semi-Lands”. The process of establishing this institution will involve consultations with stakeholders, workshops and meetings, visits, development, signing and ratification of the necessary protocols, decision on the location of the institution and architectural designs, and appropriate interim arrangements leading to the full operationalisation of the institution.
A steering committee comprising different expertise from the Secretariat and the Member States has been set up to kick-start the process of establishing this institution. IGAD is recruiting for the position of Coordinator for the day-to-day management of the process.
2Specific Objective and output
The specific objective of the project is to establish a viable institution to spearhead the development of livestock and the pastoral areas in the region. The expected output is an institution for livestock and pastoral areas development established.
3 Tasks to carried out
With the general guidance of the Executive Secretary and under the immediate supervision of the IGAD Director of Agriculture and Environment, the Coordinator will:
(i) Coordinate and manage the process for establishing IGAD livestock and pastoral centre (including managing 2 support staff and a driver)
(ii) Procure and manage office equipment
(iii) Hold meetings of the Steering Committee
(iv) Hold consultative meetings with stakeholders in Member States
(v) Hold ministerial meetings of concerned sectoral ministries
(vi) Visit similar institutions in Africa
(vii) Carry out background studies
(viii) Draft the protocol establishing the institution (including governance)
(ix) Draft host country Headquarters Agreement.
(x) Carry out architectural design of the institution
(xi) Mobilize resources for construction works
(xii) Assist IGAD Secretariat on matters of livestock as and when required
(xiii) Prepare and submit quarterly progress reports
(xiv) Perform any other duties that may be assigned by the Executive Secretary
4Qualifications of the Coordinator
The Coordinator should possess a postgraduate degree in animal sciences and relevant experience of at least 15 years. The applicant must have proven experience in institutional development and should have adequate prior experience of the IGAD region.
5Location, duration and terms
The Coordination office will set up in Nairobi, Kenya. The position will be available for a period of one year renewable once depending on satisfactory performance and availability of funding from RISP2 Programme. The terms will be those of IGAD Scale P5.
Interested persons should submit their curriculum vitae by August 30, 2011 to the Director of Administration and Finance, IGAD Secretariat, BP 2653 Djibouti, email: with a copy to IGAD RISPII Coordinator:
Applications are open to nationals from all ACP and EU member States