Arts Administration Program

Practicum Course Description and Agreement Instructions

Course Description:

A Practicum is a field experience designed by the student and an arts/cultural organization, effectively a ‘mini-internship’. Students are to engage in duties that relate to course work within the Arts Administration program. The Host Organization and the student’s duties must be approved in advance by the AADM Program Director.

Practicums normally involve 240 documented hours of work for which the student receives 3 credit hours. It is occasionally appropriate for Practicums to involve fewer hours with less credit at the discretion of the student and approval of the Program and the Host Organization: 160 work hours for 2 credit hours or 80 work hours for 1 credit hour. Practicum credit is only applicable toward the elective requirement and students may only register for Practicum once per semester. Practicums are not normally approved in a student’s first semester of arts administration study, two Practicums by the same student are not generally approved at the same Host Organization, and students are generally not permitted to undertake their final program Internship at the same organization at which they have conducted a Practicum. Students may take up to 6 credits of Practicum work (typically 3 credit hours in each of 2 semesters) during their course of study. Students are solely responsible for assuring they enroll for the proper number of credits for their Practicum when they register within Webstar.

Following the execution of the Practicum Proposal by all parties, the Practicum may begin at any time, including prior to the semester in which the student is formally registered for the Practicum.

Students are to submit a timesheet documenting their hours and a final report of 5-7 pages for each Practicum, providing the primary basis for grading by the Program Director, to which they are strongly encouraged to add relevant supplemental materials (Emails, flyers, press releases, etc.). However, all final paperwork should be submitted in a hard copy to the Graduate Assistants office (MH 203) no later than the final day of classes in the semester in which the student has registered for the Practicum, failing which the student’s record will reflect the Practicum as an F. The Practicum Report will be 5-7 pages excluding the title page, citations, etc. It will have a title page, be in 12-point Times New Roman font, with 1 inch margins, double-spaced, printed on one side of the page, and have page numbers. The citation format is your choice, but must be consistent.

Prompts for a Practicum Final Report

The Practicum final report should reflect on the student’s experience and ideas to consider are:

-How did things change (between what was proposed, the midterm, and the writing of the final report)? Such as your responsibilities, relationship with co-workers, etc.

-What was the most challenging aspect of the Practicum and how did you overcome it?

-Would you want to work in this field?

-Would you suggest other students work with the organization? Why or why not?

-What AADM courses you’ve taken impacted your Practicum?

Arts Administration Program

Practicum Course Description and Agreement Form

Student Information:

Student Name:

UNO Student Number:


Email: a

Host Organization Information:

Organization Name:

Supervisor Name:

Phone (be sure to include extension):



Dates of Practicum(Do not need to be exact):

Proposed Total Hours to be Performed (240 hrs=3 cr):

Proposed weekly schedule:

Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday

If there is no set schedule, the proposal must contain information about how the required hours will be achieved.

Job Description (add additional pages as needed):

1.Major Projects/ Tasks

2.Minor Responsibilities

3.Learning goals of Practicum Experience


Student Name - TypedStudent SignatureDate

Host Organization Supervisor - Typed Supervisor SignatureDate

Harmon Greenblatt

AADM Program DirectorDepartment Head SignatureDate