Finance Department Annex
DATE: August 5, 2008
DISTRIBUTION: All Divisions, Finance Department
BACKGROUND: It is important for Finance Department employees tounderstand appreciate the need to reducethe cost associated with the operation of city vehicleswithin the FinanceDepartment. Fuel costs have continually increased to the point that it is necessary to establish a written policy diminishing running equipment at an idle when not necessary. Excess idling increases the City of Lawton fuel costs. We must do everything possible to minimize the consumption of fuel.
All Finance Department employees driving city vehicles must turn their vehicle off when leaving the vehicle for any period of time, and with the exception of when the vehicle is stopped at traffic lights and stop signs, not allow the vehicle to idle.Employees of the Finance Department will not operate City vehicles in drive-throughs.
Any rule prohibiting the use of City vehicles for personal business shall not be affected by this annex.
The vehicle can only be used for official city business and should not be used for personal business; such as; going through drive-thrus for lunch; banking business or any other activity that may be construed as personal business.
Violations of this Annex will be subject to the penalties set forth in the main section of Administrative Policy 3-25; i.e.:
i.First offense: Written warning
ii.Second offense: Written reprimand
iii.Third offense: Suspension
iv.Fourth offense: Termination
For those employees in a collective bargaining unit, the provisions set forth in any applicable collective bargaining agreement will apply when administering discipline.
For those employees not in a collective bargaining unit the provisions of Chapter 17 of the City Code will apply when administering discipline.
All documents recording disciplinary actions shall be forwarded to the Human Resources Department for filing in the employee’s personnel file.
Division supervisors will ensure each Finance Department employee in their respective division is given a copy of the idling policy and this annex. Employees will be required sign acknowledging receipt of the policy. A copy of the written acknowledgement will be placed in the employee’s personnel file in the Human Resources Department.
EFFECTIVE DATE: This annex to Administrative Policy 3-25 becomes effective August 5, 2008, and will remain in effect until rescinded.
H:\Attorney\Tim\miscellaneous\Idling Policy\Finance Annex.doc