Westchester Civic Association
Address______Home Phone______
Lot/Block ______Office Phone______
Please provide the Architectural/Covenants Committee, hereafter referred to as the ACC, with all information necessary to evaluate the request thoroughly and quickly. Requests must include, without limitation, the following information: site plan (including all dimensions), color chips (if applicable), detailed description of request, list of materials, pictures (if applicable), and any other information as specifically required below or as required by the Design Guidelines approved for the Community.
Description of Modification Requested:
Estimated Start Date ______Estimated Completion Date______
For larger projects, an “ACC Approved” sign will be delivered prior to your estimated start date.
Please display this sign so that your neighbors are aware that you have received the necessary approval.
Displaying this sign will minimize the number of phone calls received by the Association regarding your improvement.
Acknowledgment of Adjacent Homeowners (all homeowners sharing common boundary line): This acknowledgment will be considered by the ACC but will not be binding upon the ACC. Acknowledgement will greatly assist the ACC to process this request.
Signature ______Address ______Approve (____) Disapprove (____)
Signature ______Address ______Approve (____) Disapprove (____)
Signature ______Address ______Approve (____) Disapprove (____)
Under each of the most common headings below, the items listed must be submitted as per the Community Association Guidelines. Please refer to the Guidelines for other necessary information required for modifications such as detached structures, outdoor play equipment, pools, tennis courts, etc.:
_____Patios and Walkways
______Lot Survey denoting location
______List of materials to be used
_____Exterior Decorative Objects, Statues, Bird Baths, Etc.
______Description of object ______
______Location and picture or sketch of object ______
_____VegetableGarden Plots (not located behind lines of house)
______Location and size of garden
______Type of plants to be grown
_____Play Equipment, Play Houses and Tree Houses
______Location (must have minimum visual impact on adjacent properties)
______Size and sketch (limited to an area not to exceed 100 sq. ft.)
______Materials (in most cases, material used must match existing materials of home)
_____Private Pools
______Picture or drawing of pool type.
______Dimensions (maximum size 1,000 sq. ft.)
______Color (must be blue or white)
______Site plan denoting location.
______Type of lighting source.
______Landscape plan.
______Picture or drawing of fence type.
______Dimensions (maximum height shall be 6 ft.; minimum height 4 ft. or height specified in your
particular covenants; maximum span between posts shall be 10 ft; guidelines for post size
shall be 4 X 4 inches; and for rails shall be two 2 X 8 rails or three 2 X 6 in. horizontal rails
per section).
______As of 2000, if Split Rail style reinforced with hogwire is chosen, the front elevation must be of
of a Picket style.
______Color (must be natural)
______Site plan denoting location (fence may not be located closer to any street than rear edge of
On corner lots, fence may not be closer to side street than building line of house (exceptions
may apply because of existing landscaping. Please use a copy of the survey from your
closing package.
______Crossbeam structure must not be visible from any street ( must face inside toward yard).
______Materials (must be cedar, cypress or No. 2 grade or better pressure-treated pine).
______All nails, screws or fasteners shall be aluminum or hot-dipped galvanized.
______If fence is solid privacy type, all posts shall be anchored in concrete.
_____Exterior Landscaping and Maintenance of Front Yard
______Form to be submitted only if proposed landscaping does not follow the guidelines.
_____Deck / Porch
______Picture or drawing (deck must match any existing deck).
______Color (must be natural) or an approved alternative color .
______Site plan denoting location (may not extend past sides of home; approved exceptions may
______Materials (must be cedar, cypress of No.2 grade or better pressure-treated pine).
ExteriorBuilding Alterations
______Color of house, trim, doors and shutters must be an approved John Weiland Homes color or
a color that is within the parameters of a John Weiland Homes color palette. When choosing a
color, please submit a painted sample to be compared to the colors that are currently approved in the subdivision. When submitting a color combination, please specify the following:
Front elevation: ____Brick:___Red____ Siding____Styleof house
___Brown ___Traditional
___Tan ___Victorian
Roofing color: ____Black ____Gray ____Brown ____other
_____Vinyl Siding
______Same guidelines as painted siding (see above).
_____Storm Windows/Doors
______Color (window/door trim must be baked enamel and color must be compatible with primary and
trim colors). Color must be consistent with color schemes for John Weiland Homes.
_____Building Additions
______Location of addition and size of lot.
______Size, color, and detailed architectural drawing of addition.
______Materials (material used must match existing materials of home).
______Building permmit (if required).
Note: I understand and agree that no work on this request shall commence until written approval of the Architectural/ Covenant Committee has been received by me. I represent and warrant that the requested changes strictly conform to the community Design Guidelines and that these changes shall be made in strict conformance with the Design Guidelines. I understand that I am responsible for complying with all city and county regulations.
Owner’s Signature ______Date ______
Vice President of Westchester Civic Association
Date Received ______
Approved ______Not Approved ______
Conditions ______