United States History II - Advanced Placement
Summer Assignment 2016
Directions: TWO ESSAYS: Pick one of the following two to answer. Number three is required.
Choice 1 - Pre Civil War Essay (1776 to 1865)
Many historians believe that the path to civil war was set very early in American history. Pick three events (think along the lines of cultural, political or economic..for example) from the years 1776 to 1865 that happened generations before the first shots of the civil war. Discuss, in detail, how they led the nation to an awful conflict with powerful themes that continue to haunt us to this day.
Not thrilled with number one? How about number 2?
Choice 2 Reconstruction to the Turn of the 20th century (1866 to 1900)
The civil war defines the American identity and pushes the nation down the road to the modern world we know today. The post-civil war years are full of major events that shape American society, for better or worse. Review these years between 1866 and 1900, and select 3 events (think along the lines of cultural, political or economic for example) that shaped the modern world in which we live today.
Essay 3 USII Topic of your choice essay (Required)
Essay 3: Pick a topic from the 20th Century! The major events of the 20th century will challenge America and humanity overall with problems few could have conceived just a few short generations before. Its leaders, wars, weapons, global strife and complicated domestic and geo political issues will dominate our agenda as we study the 20th and early 21st centuries. Go ahead and scan what we have to conquer next school year, pick a topic, narrow it down (example.. not so much world war two overall.. but perhaps one leader’s contributions in one particular place.. not MLK’s life but his final days in Memphis) You have countless powerful topics to choose from. Pick one that interests you!
Not thrilled with number 3 either? Well.. your stuck. Sorry!
Essay Requirements and Info:
-All paper copy and electronic copies due on the first day of class
-Your essays will be the first two tests grades of the year
- Late work will be accepted at a cost of 10 points per day.
-Include a title page with author’s name and essay topic
- Font size 12 times new roman, double spaced, 1 inch margins
- 3 full pages
- A bibliography listing 3 sources, including one book. MLA format!
- Each paper sent to turnitin.com.. create a login if you don’t have one already. Use our class ID number and submit the essays to the correct folders.
- You can submit them anytime before the due date.
Class ID Number: 6581684
Pass: jkennedy
Do not plagiarize! Papers with originality issues may be graded as a zero. Take your time, collect your thoughts and use your intellectual powers to create your own work!
More class details in the fall.. but over the next several weeks..
Pick up a sturdy 3 ring binder and plenty of loose leaf paper. Lots of it!
Dividers for each section, too. Grab enough for all chapters we have to study.
We are going to have a great year together! More intro stuff when we meet up in September. Amid all you have to do, take some time to enjoy the summer months and be ready to start on a long arduous, sometimes funny, sometimes sad but always entertaining adventure. See you soon!