Warrington Community Safety Partnership
Terms of Reference
1. The Community Safety Partnership
The Warrington Community Safety Partnership (CSP) is a Partnership established under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998.
The CSP brings together statutory organisationsthat have a positive impact on reducing crime, the fear of crime and work closely alongside local communities in bringing a sense of safety for all.
The primary purpose of the CSP is to make Warrington a safer place to live, work and visit. Everyone has a right to feel safe as they go about their daily activities and this can be achieved by all of us playing our part in tackling issues of crime and disorder.
We will achieve this through a strong focus on developing robust multi agency approaches to address the identified priority issues to deliversafer communities in Warrington.
The core purpose of the group is to:
- Ensure a shared understanding at strategic level of the community safety issues facing the borough
- Take an evidence based approach to prioritising the issues to be tackled collectively
- Provide strategic direction and oversight to the domestic abuse partnership, the Integrated Offender Management Programme the Hate Crime Partnership, and the EnforcementBoard
- Ensure our staff participate fully in multi-agency roles to protect vulnerable people
- Work in partnership to address any identified barriers to delivery at strategic level
- Develop an integrated model for the commissioning of better community safety outcomes for Warrington.
In order to ensure the group is kept to a manageable size, the intention continues to be
that the core membership is the one senior representative per statutory partner agency.
Membership will be reviewed on an annual basis and guests with specialist knowledge of a specific area may be invited to attend on an ad-hoc basis, or even to become temporary members of the group, depending on emerging priorities
CSP members:
Organisation / NameWarrington Borough Council / Katherine Fairclough, Deputy Chief Executive Warrington Borough Council (Chair)
Cheshire Constabulary / Chief Inspector Pete Shaw, (Deputy Chair)
Cheshire and Greater Manchester CRC / Donna Meade, Assistant Chief Executive
Cheshire Fire and Rescue / Sean Henshaw, Service Delivery Manager Halton & Warrington
Warrington Clinical Commissioning Group / Andrew Davies, Chief Officer
Cheshire West Halton & Warrington Youth Offending Service / Gareth Jones, Chief Executive
Representative from Warrington Health and Wellbeing Board / Dr Rita Robertson, Director of Public Health
Representative of the Cheshire Police and Crime Commissioner / Neil Ellwood, Partnerships & Commissioning Officer
Portfolio Holder for Public Protection and Community Safety (elected member) / Cllr Kate Hannon
Community Safety Partnership Manager / Doug Ryan, Community Safety Manager
Partnerships Inspector, Cheshire Constabulary / Inspector Richard Spedding, Partnerships Inspector
Chair – Domestic Abuse Partnership / Ann McCormack, Assistant Director Families and Wellbeing, WBC
Chair – Hate Crime Partnership / Steve Peddie, Operational Director Adult Social Care WBC
Chair – Enforcement Board / Pete Astley, Assistant Director Regulation & Protection WBC
Partnership Support Officer / Melanie Alsop covering for 2015
CSP group members will:
- Represent their organisation by assisting the CSP in achieving its goals
- Commit resources on behalf of their organisation
- Maximise their influence and promote community safety across the Borough
- Ensure that they have requisite knowledge and skills to assist the CSP in delivering its function correctly
- Be aware of the sensitivity of meeting content and follow relevant organisational codes of practice
- Ensure regular attendance at meetings and to send a fully briefed deputy in lieu of absence.
- Propose agenda items and suggest actions for partners to undertake
3.Operational groups support
3.1Operational matters are addressed by the various groups which support the CSP and include:
- Enforcement Board
- The Warrington Domestic Abuse Partnership
- The Hate Crime Partnership
- The Integrated Offender Management Group
- Channel Panel
3.2The operational groups are required to periodically update the CSP on operational matters as detailed within the forward plan (appendix a)
3.3In addition, the CSP may request reports, updates or input from other boards and workinggroups, whose work coincides with or impacts on the community safety and crime agenda.
- The CSP is accountable to the Warrington Partnership Board
- The Chair of the CSP will submit bi-annual progress updates to the Warrington Partnership Board
- The Chair of the CSP attends regular meetings with the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC). The CSP and PCC must have regard to each other’s priorities within their plans. This encourages joint working on mutual priorities, and ensures that the PCC's priorities are tackled at the local level, and the CSP priorities are reflected and resourced
- The relationship between the CSP, Warrington Safeguarding Children Board and the Warrington Safeguarding Adults Board: the roles and responsibilities of the Boards and Partnership aredifferent but in relation to children, young people and vulnerable adults complementary. All promote joint working and co-operation between partners to improve the wellbeing of children, young people and vulnerable adults in Warrington
- The CSP group will meet on a quarterly basis
- The agenda and supporting papers or each meeting of the CSP group will be despatched at least four working days before the meeting
- Any member wishing to add an item to the agenda should contact the Strategic Partnership’s Officer
6.Ways of working
- Meeting format will be flexible, depending on the issues to be discussed
- The CSP will consider related strategies, programmes of work and training to ensure that the community safety needs for Warrington are addressed.
- Minutes will be taken
7. Review
- Terms of reference will be reviewed on an annual basis