2011-12 Fall Semester
Sound and Light Design / RST 4115 ECTS Credits / 4. year - 1. semester / Undergraduate / Required
3 h/week
3 credits / Lectures/ Application : 1 / 3 s/hafta / Turkish
Lecturer Mustafa KARA
Faculty of Communicatiın Building, Room: B 503
phone: 0216 626 10 50/ 2742
Office Hours: Monday 13:00-15:00
Objectives of the Course:
Chapter students, providing training facilities in the final project studies the production, construction, management and post-production stages is to gain experience in the size of the light and sound applications expertise.
Learning Outcomes and Subordinate Skills:
- Television and film production processes audio program to learn the basic theoretical approaches,
- Comprehend the effect of visual narrative voice,
- Sample studies to analyze the relationship between the narrative voice,
- Sound design and implementation phase of shooting will experience,
- Microphone types and uses for example to implement studies,
- Post-narrative phase of shooting from different sources to use audio materials,
- Images, design and related approaches to comprehend the relationship of light,
- In practice the necessary information for the design of the camera,
- Aperture, shutter, camera settings, filters, elements such as applications
- Video studies the effect of narrative and dramatic narrative of the light might light applications,
- Both the idea stage and develop creative solutions related to light the use of equipment,
- Creative ways to support audio and video work of any light
Generic Competencies:
Within the framework of the concept of making the information learned in previous grades, starting from the idea stage to light and sound elements of any project and local qualification / limitation to apply in the context.
Instructional Methods and Techniques:
Lecture, discussion, question-and-response, student assignments, in-class applications.
Assessment Method:
Maltepe University, Graduate Education and Examination Regulations, in accordance with Visa grade, in-class applications (50%), student semester exam (50%), final exam, in-class applications (35%) still (15%), final exam application (50%), evaluation.
Prerequisite / Recommended:
Textbooks/Recommended Readings
- Mesleki Eğitim ve Öğretim Sisteminin Güçlendirilmesi Projesi; Radyo-Televizyonda Işık Yapma Teknikleri, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı, Ankara, 2008.
- Televizyon Program Yapımcılığı ve Yönetmenliği, Gürol Gökçe, Der Yayınları.
- Televizyon Program Yapımı ve Yönetimi, Güner Sarıoğlu, Ankara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Yayını.
- Sinema ve Televizyon Görüntüsünün Temel Ögeleri, Doç. Dr. Bülent Vardar, Beta Yayınları.
- Profesyonel Televizyon Yapım ve Yayın Teknolojileri, Doç. Dr. Ahmet Durmaz, Eskişehir Üniversitesi Eğitim Sağlık ve Bilimsel Araştırma Çalışmaları Vakfı Yayını.
- Görüntü Estetiği, Prof. Dr. Levend Kılıç, İnkılâp Yayınları.
- Dikkat Stüdyo (Stüdyo Televizyonculuğuna Giriş), Brian Phılıps, TRT Eğitim Daire Başkanlığı.
- Işık, Ses ve ElektrikİLETİŞİM YAYINLARIKirsteen Rogers/ Phillip Clarke/ Alastair Smith/ Corinne Henderson, Yayın Yılı: 2007
- Ses İşçiliğiNORGUNK YAYINCILIKPaul Hindemith
Yayın Yılı: 2007 - Ses Kayıt ve Müzik TeknolojileriÇİTLEMBİK YAYINLARIUfuk Önen
Yayın Yılı: 2008 - Ses TeknikleriSİSTEM YAYINCILIKMustafa Kartal
Yayın Yılı: 2009 - Sinema ve Televizyon İçin Aydınlatma TekniğiES YAYINLARIGerald Millerson
Yayın Yılı: 2008 - Sinema ve Videoda Işıklandırma (Ciltli)HİL YAYINLARIBlain Brown
Yayın Yılı: 2010; Orjinal Adı: Motion Picture and Video Lighting - Sinemada Ses KullanımıDETAY YAYINCILIKMustafa Sözen
Yayın Yılı: 2003 - Sinemada Ses ve MüzikES YAYINLARIBülent Vardar
Yayın Yılı: 2009
Content of the Course:
Subjects1. Week: / Positive and negative approaches to the phenomenon of cinema sound. By generation of cinema sound elements: dialogue, music, effects.
2. Week: / Audio and video cables are used in the production and properties. Introduction of the microphones used in the series and film productions.
3. Week: / Introduction of the cameras and sound recording units.
4. Week: / Different types of microphone audio recording application.
5. Week: / Different types of microphone audio recording application.
6. Week: / External environment, sound recording. Digital media audio processing techniques. Sound effects work.
7. Week: / Images in the design of light techniques.
8. Week: / Basic lighting and equipment.
9. Week: / Camera and filters.
10. Week: / Light construction techniques, trial and error, drama techniques, lighting techniques ...
11. Week: / Application.
12. Week: / Application.
13. Week: / Light control
14. Week: / Application.