Chairman: Cllr Diane Osborne
Clerk/RFO: Mrs H Guest, 40 Linden Way, Thorpe Willoughby, YO8 9ND
The Annual meeting of Gateforth Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 18th May 2016 at 19:30 in Chapel Haddlesey Community Church Hall
Meetings are open to press and public except for any item labelled as Part 2 under the Public Bodies (1960) Act
Press and public may not speak when the council is in progress; when councillors are discussing council business; when councillors are in the process of decision making.
- Any parishioner (listener) is entitled to attend this meeting and raise any concerns or questions they may have with the Clerk 3 days before the meeting.
- Listeners’ comments will be taken before the council meeting begins and after the chair’s welcome. The time for this will be limited to 15 minutes.
- Listeners may also speak at the end of the meeting following Minor Items and Items for Next Agenda(for information only).
- Decisions cannot be made at this meeting on items not on the agenda.
- Clerk to make note of names of parishioners attending the meeting.
- Councillors, clerk, public and press to sign the attendance book.
Agenda items
Part 1
16021: Statutory annual meeting business:
a)Election of chairman oftheparishcouncil.
i)Councillors to elect a chairman for the year.
ii)Chairman to sign acceptance of office; clerk to witness signature.
iii)Clerk to countersign chairman’s acceptance of office.
b)Election of vice-chairman of the parish council
i)Councillors to elect a vice-chairman for the year.
ii)Vice-chairman to sign acceptance of office; clerk to witness signature.
iii)Clerk to countersign vice-chairman’s acceptance of office.
16022: Attendance/Welcome:
1.Attendance book: All present are requested to sign the attendance book
2.Welcome: Chair to welcome councillors, clerk and visitors to the meeting.
16023: Council to receive comments on agenda items from electors present. (For information only; clerk to make notes of comments; no answers or discussion at this meeting)
16024: Apologies – Council to receive apologies and any reasons for absence from councillors; to consider and resolve whether or not to accept any reasons given.
16025: Chair to remind members to make any declarations of interest in any agenda items.
16026: Minutes:
1.To receive and resolve whether or not to accept the minutes of the last Council meeting.
2.Chair to sign minutes if accepted.
16027: Council Policies:
- To consider any policies/procedures which may need revision.
16028: To resolve composition of any committees deemed necessary for the smooth running of the council and to elect members. Recommended are:
- Detail, Policy and Complaints committee
- Staffing committee
- Appeals committee
16029: Council to resolve whether to appoint any representatives to outside bodies.
16030: To receive reports from:
1.County Councillor
2.District Councillor
4.Police: Cllr Parkin continues to post the latest reports onto the bus stop notice board.
5.Other representatives: None.
16031: Planning
a)Planning Applications:
i) 2016/0314/CPE: Lawful development certificate for use of a residential dwelling by a person “all or nearly all of whose income is derived from the practice of agriculture or forestry” in excess of 10 years, at Wheatlands, Gateforth New Road, Brayton. Email responses from Councillors – no objections sent.
b) Planning Decisions:
i) None.
16032: RFO to report on closing balances and recent payments
a) Current Account:balance as at 19.04.16£6,289.00
b) Skipton BS Savings Account- £41,824.11
Payments made since last meeting:
i) CHPCC (hall hire) £16.00
ii)D Osborne (reimburse Xmas lights) £64.00
iii)G Mudford & Sons (marquee deposit) £447.00
iv)HMRC £74.20
v)YLCA £116.00
vi)MJ Backhouse (moles) £33.88
vii)Npower £23.68
c) Payments to be made:
i)CH Guest (training day attendance 1/3 share of £81.75) £27.25
ii)Clerks salary (Mar-May) £287.10
iii) Charles Shaw (grass/verge cuts) £324.00
iv) CH Guest (receipted expenses/mileage, 06/15- 04/16) £85.36
d) Receipts:
i)Govt Website grant £833.51
e) Capital Expenditure:None.
f) Internet banking:Clerk to report on research into internet banking.
g) Audit:
(i)To resolve that internal auditor will be Mary Farman.
(ii)To complete Annual Governance Statement – to be signed by Chairman and Clerk.
(iii)To complete Approval of the Annual Audit – to be signed by Chairman and Clerk.
(iv)To note that the Internal Audit will take place during the last week of May. Thereafter, Clerk to forward to External Auditors.
Iv)Public right of inspection of unaudited accounts between 6th June and 15th July 2016.
Council to resolve whether to accept the report and payments made.
16033:Archiving/Cataloguing: Cllr Osborne to give update on archiving of historical Parish Council paperwork.
16034:Defibrillator: Raised at the last Parish Council meeting with a view to housing one on the bus shelter on the Village Green. Cllr Parkin to give update.
16035: Telephone Box: To note that BT received confirmation from SDC that the telephone box was available for purchase by the Parish Council, contracts have been exchanged and the telephony has been removed.
16036: Website: Website is under construction. Clerk to report on any outstanding issues.
16037: Transparency Code/Governance: To discuss and resolve the following:
- In order that the Transparency Code is adhered to, the Clerk to upload agendas, minutes and other important items onto the website. Cllr Osborne to have full access to the administration side of the website to upload news items and other items of interest.
- In discussions between the Chairman and Clerk regarding governance, the Clerk has offered to back up the PC electronic files onto a memory stick which will be held by the Chairman – this is to be carried out after each meeting once the draft Minutes have been compiled. Additionally, the Clerk has also set up the PC email to forward all incoming/outgoing mail to the Chairman.
16038: Play equipment for Village Green: To receive a report from Cllr Osborne regarding results of questionnaire.
16039: Spring clean-up: Update from Cllr Longbottom.
16040: Village housing plan: Cllr Longbottom to update the Council on the production of a plan of the houses in the village to aid delivery drivers and visitors.
16041: Newsletter: Cllr Sherratt to give update on progress.
16042:Dog fouling: Cllr Sherratt to give update on progress.
16043: CiLCA (Certificate in Local Council Administration) and General Power of Competence. To consider the eligibility to take up the General Power of Competence. The council complies with the eligibility both for Councillors elected and qualified clerk (CiLCA 2013). This allows the council to do what an individual would do without breaking the law and becomes the power of first resort. If the council resolves that it is eligible, eligibility will remain in force until the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council immediately after the next ordinary election.
16043:Correspondence received since last meeting. For information only.
a)NYCC: No items.
b) YLCA:
1.Petition to give local councils the right to appeal planning decisions – this was received just before the last meeting and was subsequently forwarded to all Cllrs. Email responses received supporting this and that Clerk will complete the petition on behalf of the Parish Council. Cllrs also able to complete this as individuals.
2.Funding and Grants bulletin from NALC forwarded to Cllrs for information.
c) Selby District Council: Various news items.
d) Selby AVS: Involved newsletter - Put onto notice board.
16044: Action taken since last meeting: None.
16045: Items received since agenda preparation (for information only – any action at Chairman’s discretion).
1.Minor items – to take any points of interest from Councillors as defined in Standing Orders under delegated powers.
2.Items for the next agenda –to note urgent items of interest.
16047:To receive any further comments from members of the public. (For information only).
- Tonotedates of future meetings through 2016/17 (Wednesdays): 17th August 2016, 16th November 2016 and 15th February 2017.
16049: Confidential business
To consider excluding press and public on the grounds that the matter affects individual staff members/procedural/finance issues.
16050: Staffing matters.
16051: Insurance renewal.
Closure of meeting.
Signed: Helen Guest Clerk/RFO, Gateforth Parish Council.
Date: 13th May2016