Catford South assembly
6 October 2011, 7.30pm – 9.30pm
St Laurence Centre
Meeting notes
Cllr Amrani welcomed everybody to the assembly and sent apologies from Cllr Stamirowski who was unable to attend the meeting.
- Devolved Youth fund progress update
Sarah Eaglestone, Catford South Assembly Coordinator, gave an update about the proposed process for the devolved youth fund. The School Council at Conisbrough College are leading on the consultation process with young people in Catford South to find out what types of youth provision young people would like to see offered in the Catford South ward. They have designed a survey and will be surveying young people at their own school and also neighbouring primary schools to so to get a representative view from all age groups.
The process to be taken…
- w/c 10th October, survey of young people’s interests and needs created by pupils
- w/c 17th October, survey carried out at ConisboroughCollege and neighbouring primary schools in Catford South
- ExecutiveSchool Council Committee, collate survey findings, cost youth project ideas, determine youth project options with LBL officer support
- A second survey of concrete youth proposals is carried out at Conisborough and neighbouring primary schools
- 14th November - 21 November, results of the survey collated and youth funding proposals are written and submitted to Lewisham
Sarah will be meeting with the School Council again before Christmas to hear their feedback and proposed next steps.
2. Abbotshall Playing fieldsRoss Walker, Teachsport and Alan Sweetlove, LBL
Over past 10 years Teachsport Limited (initially known as LewishamSportsAcademy) has devised and delivered a wide range of sports, arts and healthy lifestyle projects in and around Lewisham borough.Its partnerships and collaborations over this period have encompassed a wide range of bodies including:
Lewisham Council Youth Service, Connexions, Lewisham Council Sports and Active Leisure, Secondary and Primary schools, Lewisham Adult Services, Primary Care Trusts, Early Years Service and Children Centres, Young Mayor’s office, Leaving care team, Green scene, England And Wales Cricket Board, Football Association
- In 2010 Teachsport delivered the following frontline public services inLewisham and South London:
- 28 schools teaching national curriculum Physical Education units to during planning, preparation and assessment (PPA) for primary school teachers
- Coaching in 37 schools delivering a wide range of sports to include extended breakfast, lunchtime and after school clubs
- Healthy Lifestyle programmes for Under 5s and their families via Council's Children's Centres as part of a statutory requirement through Sure Start
- Sports activities in conjunction with Integrated Youth Support Services
- Disability coaching in partnership with Lewisham Disability Coalition
- Lewisham’s MEND programme
Since 2010 Teachsport has, in partnership with Lewisham Council, provided Sports Apprenticeship opportunities within its organisation. It currently supports 5 apprentices and is actively involved in developing further Apprenticeship opportunities
Association with Abbotshall Playing Fields
In 2004 the site was managed by the Lewisham Playing Fields Association. Its use had become limited to once or twice a year by a school and weekly use by the Moonshot Football Club. In 2004, the LPFA agreed that Teachsport should base its operations at Abbotshall Fields.
Teachsport’s presence resulted in increased use of the site with the Fields being used by Holy Cross, Rushey Green, Sandhurst and Pendragon schools for sports and PE activities and by Area 3 Childrens Services for Healthy Lifestyle programmes.
By 2008, Teachsport’s business had developed to the point where it had outgrown the Portakabin, Protracted negotiations with the Council failed to produce terms that Teachsport could afford.
Teachsport moved its base to Beckenham but maintained it’s commitment to Abbotshall Road Playing Fields by delivering community based activities there such as:
- Toddlers football (every Saturday)
- School sports days
- Pendragon activity week
- A Dads’ five-a-side football tournament (attended by over 100 Dads from across Lewisham)
Teachsport also carries out a weekly check of the grounds and buildings for any misuse or damage.
Teachsport’s proposal for the future of Abbotshall Fields
Teachsport isresponding to anticipated financial pressures on public services by extending its repertoire of services to include working with young people facing the ‘welfare to work’ agenda and the creation of healthy lifestyle programmes for local families in partnership with local community groups
In order to win the contracts for these programmes the Community Interest Company, Community Teachsport, has been
created. This has already gained the patronage of government agencies. For example, £75,000 has been awarded from the Cabinet Office’s Transition Fund to enable Teachsport to develop the extra capacity to deliver these programmes, (including extending its apprenticeship programme).
A key component in the delivery of the Transition Fund plan is the securing and development of a community hub. Teachsport sees the potential of Abbotshall Fields as a site for such a hub as being crucial to its future role in
Lewisham. Teachsport expects to be able to raise £450K to £500K in capital investment for the site to provide the following facilities:
- The present dilapidated buildings would be replaced with a community building containing a community room, changing rooms, a kitchen and servery/café and office space.
- A community garden would be supported
- The playing field would be restored to provide multi-sport activities including junior cricket, athletics and activities designed to increase core physical skills and improve general health and fitness
- The perimeter fencing would be replaced by a more robust alternative
The community room would be used for Movement and Dance workshops, a baby gym, educational workshops on healthy living and exercise plus a drop in centre. It will also be available for community group meetings and small social gatherings.
Benefits to local residents
- The site and its new facilities would be available to local people throughout the year.
- Site will me more secure and aesthetically attractive
- It would be a focus for Community Teachsport's borough-wide project, 'Healthy Active Youngsters’
- Teachsport will continue to engage with young people in the area (including under 5s, and their families)
- Local people will have access to modern, well appointed and safer facilities
- Opportunities for local organisations to engage in partnership working with a tried and tested deliverer of services
- Local schools will be able to access training support in delivering their PE curriculum
- Increased apprenticeship opportunities for young people in Lewisham
- Following transfer of the asset, Community Teachsport would meet all costs associated with the site and its facilities
The Council’s perspective
- Generally, the Council is in favour of community-based asset transfer where doing so will achieve the following general objectives:
- Promoting area-wide benefits
- Support a sustainable third-sector
- Economic development and social enterprise
- Improve local services
The objectives would be addressed in this case as follows:
Promoting area-wide benefits–The transfer of the asset would ensure that Teachsport will increase its range of services and that the services will remain available to people from all over Lewisham.
Supporting a sustainable third-sector – Teachsport has a solid reputation as a lonstanding third sector partner of Lewisham schools and of the Council’s Early Years and Sports and Active Recreation services. Enabling Teachsport enhanced use and management of Abottshall Fields (with the investment in new facilities that would be entailed) will increase the capacity of Teachsport to provide support and services to Lewisham schools and residents. It would also add value through providing and maintaining new facilities for local organisations to use.
Economic development and social enterprise – Teachsport is one of a few social enterprises that have survived in Lewisham and there are indications that the organisation has learnt to anticipate future developments in its market and develop strategies accordingly. Its proposal for Abbotshall Fields represents an attempt to increase the range of economic opportunities for Lewisham residents, particularly younger people.
Improvements to local services - The transfer of the asset should enable Teachsport to deliver a larger repertoire of services
The terms of the transfer are generally determined by the degree of investment the organisation brings to the asset and the social benefits it will generate while it holds the asset. In this case it is proposed that a lease for 25 years at a peppercorn rent be granted. A number of conditions would need to be satisfied before the lease was completed.
Proposed conditions of transfer
Before the transfer happened the following conditions would be met:
- There being no significant objection arising from the statutory advertising of the proposed transfer
- Teachsport 2010 Community Interest Company has provided full details of its physical regeneration of the site and demonstrated that it has the necessary planning consents and the resources to carry them out
- Teachsport 2010 Community Interest Company has demonstrated that it can fully fund the programme of activities relating to the Abbotshall Fields transfer
- Teachsport 2010 Community Interest Company has provided evidence that it has the necessary competence and resources to manage the facilities at thesite in compliance with all statutory requirements regarding planned preventative maintenance and health and safety
- It being ascertained that all reasonable aspirations of other local organisations (especially the Corbett Residents Association) for the site will be accommodated by Teachsport Ltd as lessee of the site.
- That the site refurbishment will happen within a given period (say 36 months).
Corbett Residents’ Association’s interests in and aspirations for the site
Recent consultations with the CRA have shown that there is very considerable scope for collaboration between CRA and Teachsport in the proposal. The basis for this is as follows:
- The capital investment which Teachsport claims it will bring to the site will provide facilities that would be amply available to the Association and its members
- Potentially, the expertise and energies of the CRA’s executive could bring further and complementary investment in the site
- The CRA has plans for projects for its members which will considerably enhance the value of the site to local residents. These include youth activities a community garden, community café and an ongoing programme of social events
- Local residents already access services that Teachsport currently provide at Abbotshall Fields
The CRA has the following preferences for the future of the site:
- That the CRA be provided with its own office in the new buildings that would be provided
- That the CRA would have unfettered access to the Fields and its facilities ‘regardless of the managing agent/leaseholder’
- That the plot of land which has been identified for letting to the Association for a community garden be extended
- That the lease offered to Teachsport must be approved by the CRA
Teachsport’s conditions for partnership and its future interest in the site
Teachsport’s response to these preferences has been as follows:
1.The extent and nature of the new facilities will bedetermined by the funding available. Teachsport’s funding bids will be based on the service programme that sponsors are willing to back. Teachsport is willing to involve CRA in the design of the facilities and where possible to treat the CRA as a delivery agent for the services the Association aims to run at the site provided:
- That the CRA provides the resources for any complementary funding bids
- That these bids do not create delays which cause Teachsport to fail to deliver its projects and meet obligations to funders
- Teachsport is confident that there will be ample opportunity for CRA to run projects and events at the site and is committed to making the facilities widely available subject to appropriate insurance arrangements and booking protocols. However, it cannot commit to providing unlimited access where that might prevent it fulfilling its service programme targets and thereby cause it to breach funding contracts.
- Teachsport is fully in agreement with CRA’s wish to separately hold a lease for the plot identified for a community garden in and hopes that the Council will soon finalise arrangements in this respect. However it is unable to guarantee that it can commit to a larger garden until it has been demonstrated that the impact of doing so would not be adverse for the sports ground (and hence Teachsport’s funding prospects).
- Teachsport is happy for CRA to be consulted about the terms of the transfer of Abbotshall Fields at all stages and would not wish the terms to restrict CRA’s access to the site unnecessarily. However, the terms of the lease for the site transfer to Teachsport, must be such as to enable them to fulfil their contractual obligations with funding bodies and business partners.
Teachsport will withdraw it’s interest in the site if there is a possibility of lease conditions that would cause them to default on contractual/funding obligations. Teachsport requires assurance at this stage that this principle will be upheld throughout the lease negotiation process.
Q. Over 50’s facilities are also needed, will you provide this?
A. 90% is currently youth provision as it is directed by the funding you receive and their criteria for provision. But we would like to work with everybody. The renovation of the club house would allow us to delver more activities there such as pensioners’ lunch or social. It might allow us to apply for more funding for older people.
Q. What will be the opening hours?
A. It really depends on need
Q. Could a public space get taken over by private organisations?
A. I never started this to fail, we plan to do things for longevity, a cooperative could be possible, if more funding could be raised, then why not.
3.Catford South assembly action plan project proposals for review, Cllr Amrani
A. Catford South devolved youth fund increase
In response to the recent troubles in London and the UK, the Catford South assembly coordinating group would like to recommend to the Catford South assembly to increase the current youth fund from £5,000 to £10,000 to provide greater investment in young people’ in Catford South.
The current fund has been devolved to Conisbourgh College School Council, this would allow a greater number of the ideas from young people to be funded in Catford South.
Comment made by a resident that he would have liked to have seen information about proposal in advance of the meeting.
Bon Ellis the Head of Conisborough College said whilst he welcomed the funding, he would not like an association made between the riots and young people at ConisborourghCollege.
This was put to a public vote by a show of hands yes or no, 100% voted yes to increase the youth fund to £10,000
B. Priority Streetscape and the environment: £5,000 Greening Catford South fund 2011- 2012
- There is currently no central budget at Lewisham to cover future tree planting or planters.
- A proposal for money to be set aside as a fund for the Catford South ward for 2012 tree replacement and replenishment and other appropriate planting around the Catford South ward.
- Local needs will be identified by local residents and delivered by Greenscene Lewisham.
- Culverley Green residents’ association have already identified a number of locations for appropriate trees in their part of the ward, including Penerley Road, Newquay Road, Arran Road and Inchmery Road (£1680), the would rest to be spent on other parts of the ward.
Vote yes or no by a show of hands yes or no, the overall majority voted yes.
C. Priority crime and anti-social behaviour, support for Neighbourhood Watch in Catford South, £1,000 ring-fenced
- Catford South has over 60 Neighbourhood Watch schemes
- Neighbourhood Watch not only reduces crime but also reduces your home insurance
- Local schemes are in need of a small bit of funding to help them with such things as venue hire for their local meetings and on-going administration and promotion costs to enable them to become more locally active.
- This will be indentified though consultation with the Neighbourhood Watch street coordinators
Public voteyes or no by a show of hands yes or no, the overall majority voted yes.
D. Helping more local community projects, by extending the £10,000 small grants fund to £16, 250
- 11 local projects have applied for small grants funding amounting to a total of £17,263
- The Catford South assembly has enough funding left to increase this fund to £16,250. To help a larger number of local projects applying for funding later this evening.
Public vote yes or no by a show of hands yes or no, the overall majority voted yes.
4. Catford South Small grants project proposals
4.1. Mayhem at Mekan, delivered in partnership with Downham Nutrition Partnership
Mekân restaurant,situated in a prime site in Catford town centre on border of the Catford South ward, is offering to open up the basement floor of the restaurant initially two mornings a week specifically for Mothers and Babies (and encourage breast feeding) and Toddlers (aimed at 1-3 year olds). There are no facilities in this area for young children / babies and their carers.
The aim is to encourage breast feeding, healthy eating and healthy living, including hosting short talks from health professionals about topics such as health and children’s activities in the area.They have identified several partners who are exploring ways that they can support this very exciting project,
Offer of Help and Resources:
- several of Raybe’s friends, who are teachers have offered to come along and help get things started.
- one of DNP’s very enthusiastic volunteers is exploring ways to help.
- PSLA expect to offer resources such ashelp with risk assessments; staff trained in breastfeeding support and help in involving dads.
- the Library have offered to come along to do some story telling session's and give some free books to parents.
- SLAM have offered literature about their services and we will be exploring other possibilities as this project takes off
The main piece of equipment which is required to allow this project to cater for their younger clients is a Baby Changing Unit. This is a piece of equipment which our partners can not help supply and which they would like to request from the Catford South assembly.