PRE-INTAKE FOR ☐ Freehold - ☐ Piscataway
Client’s Name: ______Date: ______
Client Address: ______
City: ______State:______Zip Code: ______Tel: ______
DOB: ______Age: _____S.S.#______Medicaid #:______Approved? Y☐ N☐
Referral Source/ Title:______Tel: ______
Agency: ______Fax: ______
Residence Contact Person(s): ______Tel:______
Presenting Problem/Reason for Referral: ______
Presenting Symptoms: ______Hx Suicide Attempts: Y☐ N☐Dates: ______
Other Partial Care Programs Attended: ______
Attendance (check): Good ☐ Fair ☒ Poor ☐Participation (check): Good ☐ Fair ☐ Poor☐
Reason for Leaving: ______Dates: ______
Hx Alcohol/Drug Abuse: Y☐ N☐Drug of Choice: ______Date Last Used: ______
Date Span of Most Recent Psychiatric Hospitalization: ______Name of Hospital: ______
Provisional DiagnosesProvided By: ______
Primary Physician: ______Tel: ______
Primary Psychiatrist: ______Tel: ______
Transfer to program psychiatrist: Y☐ N ☐(If yes, please √ if former psychiatrist sent clinic letter w/date______)
Pharmacy:______Tel: ______
Mental Health providers currently utilized, please √Case Manager☐ Social Worker☐Psychiatrist☐Therapist☐ Other ☐
Agency: ______Contact: ______Tel: ______
Other Services providers currently utilized and types of services: ______
Agency: ______Contact: ______Tel: ______
Medicaid status pending approval by: Med. Needy/ NJ Care Medicare #:______Other:______
Who will transport client to appointment? ______Phone# (if not CCBH)______
Appointment Date: ______Time:_____ Intake Completed on: ______Schedule Started Date: ______
Intake Process per: ______Completed:Y☐ N☐ Reason: ______Last Day Attended: ______
Program Schedule: ______Adm. Criteria Met: Y☐ N☐ Unsure☐ Reason: ______
Pre-Intake Worker’s Signature:______Title:______Date: ______
MEDICAL/ MEDICATIONS INFORMATION SHEET (Part of Psychiatrist’s Initial Psychiatric Evaluation)
A. Historical
Please record accidents, surgeries, medical conditions, dates of hospitalizations, etc. If client denies same or if information is unavailable at point of referral, please check N/A☐; & date information in the intake when available. ______
Legal involvement? Y☐ N ☐ Probation: Y☐ N☐Parole: Y☐ N☐Describe: ______Outstanding Warrants: Y☐ N☐ Describe: ______
Hx Violence: Physical Assault☐Sexual Assault☐Aggressiveness (Please Circle) Directed At: Family☐Residential Staff☐Program Staff☐Peers☐ Other: Describe:______
C. Current
Allergies: ______
Medical Risk Factors: Y☐ N ☐ Describe: ______
Protocols to follow: ______
Chronic Physical Condition(s): ______
Medical Specialist: ______Tel: ______
Medical Specialist: ______Tel: ______
Does client use any ambulatory equipment? Y☐ N☐ Explain: ______
D. Current Medication Regimen
Please list all medications, psychotropic and medical, which comprise client’s current medication regimen.
Clozaril? Y☐ N ☐ dosage ______How often blood work? ______Last blood work ______
- Medication:______Dosage:______Schedule: ______Noon:______
- Medication: ______Dosage: ______Schedule: ______Noon:______
- Medication: ______Dosage: ______Schedule: ______Noon:______
- Medication: ______Dosage: ______Schedule: ______Noon:______
- Medication: ______Dosage: ______Schedule: ______Noon:______
- Medication: ______Dosage: ______Schedule: ______Noon:______
- Medication: ______Dosage: ______Schedule: ______Noon:______
- Medication: ______Dosage: ______Schedule: ______Noon:______
- Medication: ______Dosage: ______Schedule: ______Noon:______
- Medication: ______Dosage: ______Schedule: ______Noon:______
- Medication: ______Dosage: ______Schedule: ______Noon:______
If client is on injectable, date of last injection ______. (Please include dosage and frequency of injection)
I have read and reviewed the above information.
Psychiatrist’s Signature: ______Date:______
Revised 10/17