January 27, 2012
Mary Duncan, Chair & Governor’s Rep.
Tiffany Smith, KS Dept. of Education
Sabra Shirrell, KDHE
Julie Broski, Parent Member
Billie Manderick, Public Member
Sharon Hixson, Public Member
Nancy Krase, Provider Member and HS
Deb Voth, Provider Member
Dr. David Lindeman, Regents Rep.
Susan Carriger, Provider Member
Dr. Dale Walker, Public Member
Darla Nelson-Metzger, Parent Member
Kathy Kersenbrock-Ostmeyer, Provider
Dr. Eva Horn, Public Member
Doug Bowman, Coordinator
Sarah Walters, KDHE
Marcia Boswell-Carney, KDHE
Dr. Gayle Stuber, KSDE
Kim Kennedy, SRS-Head Start Collab.
Janice Smith, Public Member
Jill Bamber, Parent Member
Dr. Tish Taylor, Provider Member
Representative Gail Finney
Dr. Pamela Shaw, Public Member
Ks. Insurance Department Rep.
SRS Representative
Misty Van Nostrand, Parent Member
Senator Jean Schodorf
Mary Duncan, Chair of theKansas ICC, called the meeting to order with a welcome and asked for introductions from those around the table and those present on telephone conference call.
Kathy Kersenbrock-Ostemyermoved for approval of the agenda as distributed. Darla Nelson-Metzger seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Kathy K-Omoved approval of the December minutes as distributed. Nancy Krase seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously.
Mr. Bowman is circulating a folder containing reading materials around the room. His intent is to offer information without consuming excess paper or filling e-mail inboxes with unwanted stuff. Anyone wishing to receive a copy of anything, need only ask and it shall be sent.
No other person had any comments for the public forum.
No old business at this time.
Race to the Top Grant Application
Dr. Gayle Stuber gave a power point presentation on the recent attempt to secure a federal grant. The timeline for submission was very short. Kansas was not successful. Dr. Stuber reviewed some of the feedback from the reviewers in DC. Much of the work detailed in the grant proposal will continue regardless, just without the benefit of additional resources. The power point will be sent by e-mail to all Council members next week.
Executive Committee
This group met to create the agenda for the 1/27 ICC meeting. Other matters considered included: The resignation of Jill Bronaugh, how to fill this now vacant parent position, a new member orientation session, committee proceedings, and the Part C Annual Report. The Executive will meet again on February 15 at 2pm.
Public Awareness Committee
Tasks were given priority rankings, and timelines. Everyone is encouraged to participate in the collaborative Early Learning Day on February 8th. Although it appears to be full, it should open again soon. A letter is being drafted to be sent to Local ICC Chairs and Parents. A survey will be created to assess next steps in further parent leadership development. This committee will meet again on 2/13 at 2pm.
Family Voices
The Parent members of the ICC took time to review their tasks, setting priorities and timelines. Their efforts in the area of transition will balance the data created around transition with some of the more subjective feelings/attitudes concerning the same.
Policy Committee
This committee provided a written report. Tasks were assigned priority and timelines. Revisions had been submitted by the Policy committee on a policy statement concerning services. After some initial discussion, Kathy K-O made a motion that the policy statement be approved as submitted electronically in advance. The motion was seconded by Dr. Lindeman. A lengthy discussion ensued. Dr. Stuber took time to give a brief history and background of the Kansas Early Learning Standards.
Deb Voth made a substitute motion (taking the place of the original motion) that the policy statement be sent back to Policy committee for further consideration. Thissubstitute motion was seconded by Darla. This motion passed with only one dissenting vote. This committee will meet again on February 20 at 1pm.
Transition Task Force
This committee also reviewed its tasks, set priorities, and timelines. It is exploring means to efficiently share documents among its members. A 1994 policy statement on transition is being reviewed. This committee met immediately after the meeting.
KDHE Annual Report
KDHE staff member, Marcia Boswell-Carney led a discussion of the Annual Report scheduled to be submitted on behalf of Kansas Part C of IDEA to the US Department of Education. The Deadline is February 1, 2012. There were 36 “findings” made concerning local grantees that were not in compliance. Progress is being made. Fourteen of those have since been released. Marcia focused upon our next steps, and how we use the data to guide our efforts.
Part C Annual Performance Report (APR) Task Force
Dr. Horn reported for this group, which met twice by telephone during the last month. They were able to go over the document section by section, reviewing every single indicator. Several comments were made praising this process and suggesting we do this every year. Dr. Horn moved the ICC approve the APR. Motion seconded by Dr. Lindeman, and passed unanimously.
Legislative Review
Mr. Bowman gave a quick look at the 2012 Kansas Legislative session. Governor Brownback has released his Budget Recommendations, which will be the starting place for all discussion, debates, and decisions related to the state budget.
The Children’s Cabinet has recommending several changes to the use of Children’s Initiative Funds (CIF). Included is a merging of the Early Childhood Block Grants and Smart Start. The Governor’s recommendations accept this merger, but differ from the Cabinet’s in the use of CIF for several programs. Staff gave a detailed accounting of these differences.
SB 260 concerns the disbursement of special education (categorical aid). Hearings were held in Senate Education Committee. It was favorably considered and is headed to the Senate floor for action.
SRS Report
It was noted that Shaun Gardner has resigned from SRS. Who from that agency will now serve as the SRS liaison to the Council is not known at this time. Kim Kennedy reported that she and Karen Beckerman will be attending a conference in Kansas City on childhood obesity issues next month.
KDHE Report
Not much information beyond the Annual Report was provided. The next cycle of the federal grant is upcoming, and several sections of the Part C Procedure Manual need to be rewritten before then. ICC members will be notified of the public comment process, when it is available.
Insurance Report
No report.
KSDE Report
Tiffany Smith provided a written report (see attached).
Chair/Staff Report
The Memorandum of Agreement which pools the resources that make possible all Council activities and delineates outcomes measures is now being started for the next cycle: FY 2013.
The next meeting of the Kansas ICC will be on Friday, February 24 in Wichita,in conjunction with the KDEC conference.
Dr. Stuber’s power point sent to all ICC members / Staff / DonePolicy Statement on Services / Sent back to Policy Committee / Awaiting further review
Notice to ICC members on public comment period for Part C grant and policy manual revisions / Staff / As soon as dates are available