Title in bold (centred alignment, Times New Roman, 14pt)
First Author1and Second Author1 (Times New Roman, 12pt)
1 Affiliation, full address, postal code, city, and country (Times New Roman, 10pt)
Corresponding author’s e-mail address, phone/ fax number (Times New Roman, 10pt)
Please prepare the abstract within an A4 page-format in compliance with the instructions given below.
For title and author list with the corresponding author’s name underlined, affiliation and the corresponding author’s contact data, please follow the style of this abstract-template.
For body-text please use Times New Roman, 11pt, single-spaced throughout all body-text (i.e. without additional space between the paragraphs). The margins on all sides should be 3 cm.
All abstracts must be written in English. Only Word (.doc) files are accepted.
Each figure or table shall be directly inserted into the abstract and shall be provided with the relevant capture placed below the Figure or above the Table. Resolutions for figures and graphs between 300 and 600 dpi can be used. The abstract-book (to be handed out at the conference) will be printed in gray scale. Please prepare your figures correspondingly.
Table 1. Installed PV power as at the end of 2005 (in kW)Country / off-grid / grid-connected
Japan / 87’057 / 1’334’851
Germany / 29’000 / 1’400’000
USA / 233’000 / 248’000
Australia / 41’841 / 8’740
Spain / 15’800 / 41’600
France / 20’076 / 12’967
Fig. 1. A warm welcome to all participants!
References should be written in Times New Roman, 10pt, and listed in the order they appear in the text (see below).
Acknowledgments: please use Times New Roman, 10pt, align left.
1. Your first reference; please use the style given in [2,3].
2. F. Author, S. Author and T.H. Author, Journal volume (year), p. 1.
3. F. Author, “Very interesting handbook” (publisher, city, year), p. 100.
*Three keywords should be written here.
*Please choose two categories one from each group.
*Please choose your presentation style.
Presentation: Poster / Oral