First Grade’s Second Nine Weeks Science Curriculum Guide Page | 2
Date Introduced / Standards: / Topics/ Ideas / AMSTIModule / Resources outside
of the school
5 / Use a book about the
human body. / Speakers: CNP Manager
PE Coach
3, 5 / ALEX
Far Out Food and Work in Space
5 / Thinkfinity
How Big Is My Heart? / Magic School Bus Movie
5 / Thinkfinity
My Body Helps Me Get Food
5 / Thinkfinity
Your Amazing Body
5, 6 / Thinkfinity
The Dig: Them Bones
Additional Ideas: When working in the Bones unit, have children use qtips to build a skeleton on black construction paper. When working in the Heart unit, have students pretend to be the blood in the body and act out the route the blood takes through the body. Assign students to be oxygen, carbon dioxide, and the heart. In groups of five or so, have the “heart” be the exchanger of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Use the five senses with the body unit.
Date Introduced / Standards: / Topics/ Ideas / AMSTI
Module / Resources outside
of the school
3, 4 / ALEX
Magnets / Balance and Motion SC 1,2,3
1 / ALEX
Force (push/pull)
1 / ALEX
Magnetic Force
3, 5 / ALEX
Far Out Food and Work in Space
Additional Ideas:
Make a track out of 1/2 inch tube of pressed foam insulation cut longways. With Hot Wheels, discuss force and motion. Introduce friction and then show how friction makes a Hot Wheels car slow down or speed up depending on the surface it is riding on such as: carpet, dirt, grass, gravel, and tile. To show forces, you might want to put a plastic frog on top of the Hot Wheels car, let it travel on it as it races across a tile floor, and then have it bump into a book. The frog will fly forward. This starts the discussion on the laws of motion. Then tie the frog on to the Hot Wheels car and use the tie as a seat belt. Demonstrate what happens to the frog when it has a seat belt on and goes through a similar demonstration. With magnets, predict which objects are magnetic and then test them.