Stratton School District R-4

2017-18 MS/HS Supply List

6th Grade Reading/EnglishSenior SeminarHS English

1 lg. 3-ring binder1 3-ring notebook1” or 1 ½” 3-ring binder

2 pkg. Loose-leaf paper1 set of tab dividersLoose leaf paper/colored pencils

4 spiral notebook/sticky notesPens and pencilsNotebook(x2) for notes

Dividers/highlightersDividers/flash drive(USB)

Black/Blue pensIntroduction to BusinessBlack/blue pens

#2 pencils/flash drive1”-2” binder w/dividers#2 Pencils/highlighters

Basic calculatorBlue/black pens2 boxes of Kleenex

Box of Kleenex (large)Planner/flash driveNotecards (4x6) 100 count

Loose leaf paper/Kleenex2 pocket folder

7th/8th Grade Reading/English2-spiral single subj notebooks

1-2” binder w/dividersMS/HS Science

Loose leaf paper/flash driveMS Computers2” 3-ring binder/5-Tab dividers

1 single subject spiral notebookPocket folder orLoose leaf paper

Planner(provided by school)section in a binderComposition notebook

Black or blue pens/#2 pencilsBox of Kleenex (large)Box of Kleenex (large)

1-Two pocket folderFlash drive

Box of Kleenex (large)Health/Speech

Exploratory AgricultureBlack pen/pencil

MS/HS Social Studies7th/8th GradesLoose leaf paper

3-ring binderBlack pens/2 pencils1-2” 3 ring binder w/5 tab dividers

Loose leaf paperwelding/plasma cutting1 pkg. 3x5 notecards (optional)

Binder dividersshop clothes(coverallsflash drive (optional

Pencils/pens/lg. box Kleenexor old jeans/long sleeveBox of Kleenex (large)

3x5 notecards (6th grade only)cotton/flannel shirt

Leather boots/shoesFinancial Literacy

6th/7th Grade Math, Pre-Algebraw/cotton socks.1 “to 2” binder

Algebra I,Geometry,Algebra 2,Pymnt in advanceDividers

College Algebra/Collegefor project materialsFlash drive (optional)

Trigonometry,Calculus(usually $10-$15).Box of Kleenex

2” 3-ring binder/pens 6th –closed toed shoes2 spiral single subject notebooks

Dividers/Box of KleenexLoose leaf paper

Loose leaf paper or a notebookAg. Ed/Ag Projects HSPencils/Calculator

Pencils/Eraser/colored pencilsBlack pens/2 pencils

Scientific Calculator(Ti-30x withShop clothes (coverallsDesktop Publishing/Yearbook

2-line/entry) calculators on cellor old jeans/long sleevedPocket folder or section in a binder

phones will not be allowed)shirt) Leather boots/shoesFlash drive (optional)

8th grade through Trig/Pre-Calcw/cotton socks. PymntBox of Kleenex

100 sheet composition notebookin advance for project.

(Not needed for College Algebra HS Foods class

Trig or Calculus)MS/HS Art 1 3 ring notebook

2 Black Sharpie twin tip markers Loose leaf paper

Computer Apps Painting apron or overalls or 1 set of tab dividers

Flash drive (optional)1 long sleeved shirt to paint in Pens/pencils

Box of Kleenex (large) Box of Kleenex (large)

1 lg. Clorox/Lysol wipes