Model for Improvement Worksheet – VTE Example
The most effective AIMs have the following attributes:
- Answer the question, “What are we trying to accomplish”?
- Define the specific population or populations affected
- Communicate the expectations
- Are clear, concise and unambiguous
- Are time specific
- Can be used in your elevator speech
- Are measurable
EXAMPLE AIM Statement:
At St. Mary’s Hospital, we will reduce hospital-acquired VTE for all inpatients by 40% by December 31, 2013.
Your AIM statement:
Measurement Plan
How will you know if you are making an improvement?
EXAMPLE: Outcome measure(s): Patients with potentially preventable VTE (JC VTE 6).
Outcome measure(s):
EXAMPLE Process measure(s): Surgery patients with VTE prophylaxis ordered (SCIP VTE-1)
Process measure(s):
EXAMPLE Balance measure(s): Physician satisfaction.
Balance measure(s):
PDSA: Planning small tests of change
In order to accomplish your AIM, what ideas are you going to test in your organization?
PLAN: What will happen if we try something different?
DO: Let’s try it! Describe what actually happened when you ran the test
STUDY: Did it work? Describe the measured results and how they compared to your predictions
ACT: What’s next? Describe what changes to the plan will be made for the next cycle
Small tests of change / What do you need to test this idea? / Who will be involved in the tests? / How will you educate/inform the participants? / Where will the test occur? / When will the test occur? / How will you know it is successful?EXAMPLE:
Try a standardized VTE risk assessment / A sample risk assessment tool (utilize sample from the change package) / One dayshift nurse on 3 East nursing unit; on the first new admission / 1:1 talk with the nurse “Jane” the day before the test to explain what we are trying to accomplish. / 3 East nursing unit / Dayshift on the first new admission for Nurse Jane, next Tuesday. / Feedback during a quick huddle after Jane uses the form for the first time.
When will you compare what happened to what you predicted? When will you decide what to do next?
Small tests of change / What did you predict will happen? / What happened? / What are the next steps?Standardized VTE risk assessment tool / Will take 5 minutes to complete / Took 15 minutes to complete due to organization of information in EMR / Modify sheet so questions are in order closer to EMR and retest