Administrative Control Board –Work Session Meeting Minutes
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Park City Fire Service District
Administrative Control Board - Work Session Meeting Minutes
Park City Fire District Headquarters
December 7, 2011
Commission Work Session:
Commissioners Present: Chairman Dianne Walker, Commissioner Robbie Beck,Commissioner Michael Howard, and Commissioner Liza Simpson.
Fire District Personnel Present: Chief Paul Hewitt, AC/FM Scott Adams, AC Bob Zanetti, BC Mark Billmire, Captain Eric Hales, Patti Berry, Traci Madson, and Bill Pyper.
Public Present:Bill Silva
Chief Hewitt reported that AC Heumann will retire at the end of January. Captain Eric Hales will take the administrative captain position and will take over many of AC Heumann’s duties. The Fire District is very happy to have Captain Hales move into this position. He will be an exempt employee.
Chief Hewitt reported on the structure fire that occurred on White Pine Canyon Road. Chief Hewitt reported on the damage caused by this fire. AC/FM Adams showed a video and gave more details related to this incident. The fire started from an artificial Christmas tree. Also, some of the damage resulted from the 30 sprinkler heads that activated.
Chief Hewitt reported that he put on Share Point the presentation that Captain Marsella gave last month. Chief Hewitt reported that the program would be beneficial to the Fire District, and Captain Marsella will be given the go-ahead to proceed.
AC Zanetti gave an update on the SCBA equipment that needs to be replaced within the Fire District. Several options were looked at. Four companies bid and presented their equipment to a Fire District committee. Drager was chosen as the winner of the bid. They not only had the best equipment, but they also came in with the lowest bid. Some of the old equipment will be kept to be used by future recruits. Some of the old equipment could also be sold or donated.
Bill Pyper presented the budget that will be approved tonight during the public meeting. Bill reported that he increased the property tax revenue by $200,000. Bill also reported on budget changes to the wildland fire program as well as legal expenses.
Commissioner Beck asked why the Fire District is looking into spending money on a wildland engine and program with the way the economy is right now as well as the County cutting budgets. Chief Hewitt reported that the first year the Fire District will break even, and after that there will be a return on the Fire District’s investment. BC Billmire also reported that the crews will receive valuable training and knowledge with this program. Commissioner Beck recommended that the Fire District just be prepared to defend this budget item if the public raises any questions about it.
Chairman Walker asked that the Fire District not spend the money on the wildland equipment until the middle of February when the amount of property tax revenue will be better known.
Bill Pyper went over the 2011 amended budget and explained some of the changes with that. Bill reported that the Fire District is doing well financially.
Patti gave an update on insurance. She has asked for insurance figures but so far has not received anything. Patti reported that other districts that have received their figures report a 15% increase over what was originally reported. Commissioner Simpson reported that if the final figures do come back significantly higher, and whether or not the Fire District participates will not affect the other districts, she does not feel like it would be inappropriate to go back to the County Council.
AC/FM Adams reported on the fees. There are no increases or decreases, but the fees will be adopted in January by way of resolution.
Chairman Walker reported that at the recent special service district training, it was discussed that the board should have a secretary. Commissioner Simpson reported that she would serve as the board’s secretary.
Chairman Walker also reported that at the training it was reported that the commissioners can send emails to each other and reply, and the contents do not need to be made public.
Chief Hewitt reported that the Fire District will participate in a stair climb on February 25th at the Wells Fargo tower in Salt Lake City.
Chief Hewitt reported that recruit graduation would take place tomorrow evening beginning at 6:00 pm.
Chief Hewitt reported that AC Heumann is currently working on the Fire District’s annual report.
Chief Hewitt reported that the Fire District will host a Giving Tree project which will become a yearly tradition. Anyone can place presents under the tree in the foyer, and they will be distributed to families in need within the community.
Chief Hewitt reported on the crew that was honored at the quarterly Park City Medical Center awards breakfast.
Chief Hewitt reported that Eric Hockridge will be the new face for the Tier II retirement program.
Chief Hewitt reported that Brandon Moore won the recent Fire Fit Donut Run, which was sponsored by the Fire District’s Peer Fitness trainers.
(At this time the commissioners toured the new station and the warehouse facility.)
Work Session concluded at 6:35 p.m.
Administrative Control Board –Regular Public Meeting Minutes
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Park City Fire Service District
Administrative Control Board - Regular Public Meeting Minutes
Park City Fire District Headquarters
December 7, 2011
Chairman Walkercalled the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.
Commissioners Present: Chairman Dianne Walker, Commissioner Robbie Beck,and Commissioner Michael Howard.
Fire District Personnel Present: Chief Paul Hewitt, AC/FM Scott Adams, AC Bob Zanetti, BC Mark Billmire, Captain Eric Hales, Patti Berry, Traci Madson, and Bill Pyper.
Public Present:
- Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes: Chairman Walker moved to adopt the minutes of November 2, 2011, moved by Commissioner Howard, seconded by Commissioner Beck, passed by all.
- Public Input:
- Commission Reports:
B.Financials: All bills have been reviewed and signed.
C.Other: Chairman Walker called for a motion to elect Commissioner Simpson as the ACB secretary, moved by Commissioner Beck, seconded by Commissioner Howard, passed by all.
IV.Old Business:
- III-I-600 Vacation Periods. Patti reported that the policy was posted on the web site. She reported on one change that she made. Chairman Walker called for a motion to approve this policy, moved by Commissioner Howard, seconded by Commissioner Beck, passed by all.
- III-G-200 Promotional Examinations. Chairman Walker called for a motion to approve this policy, moved by Commissioner Beck, seconded by Commissioner Howard, passed by all.
Close Regular Meeting and Open Budget Hearing
Commissioner Howard moved to close the regular meeting, seconded by Commission Beck.
V.New Business:
- Adoption of Final 2011 and Initial 2012 General Fund, Special Revenue Fund, Debt Service Fund, and Capital Projects Fund Budgets. Chairman Walker closed the Public Meeting and convened the Budget Hearing. Bill Pyper presented and explained the various budgets. Commissioner Beck moved to adopt the Final 2011General Fund with revenue and expendituresin the amount of $15,490,000,and the Initial 2012 General Fundwith revenue and expenditures in the amount of $13,420,000;the Final 2011Special Revenue Fundwith revenue and expenditures in the amount of $310,000,and the Initial 2012 Special Revenue Fund with revenue and expenditures in the amount of $170,000; the Final 2011 Capital Projects Fund with revenue and expenditures in the amount of $3,160,000,and the Initial 2012 Capital Projects Fund with revenue and expenditures in the amount of$930,000; and the Final 2011Debt Service Fund with revenue and expenditures in the amount of $850,000, and the Initial 2012 Debt Service Fund with revenue and expenditures in the amount of $790,000; seconded by Commissioner Howard, passed by all.
VI.Dismiss as PCFSD Administrative Control Board and Convene as Local Building Authority Board of the Park City Fire Service District, Utah.
Commissioner Walker moved to dismiss as the PCFSD Administrative Control Board, moved by Commissioner Howard, seconded by Commissioner Beck.
- Adoption of Final 2011 and Initial 2012 Budgets for the Local Building Authority of the Park City Fire Service District, Utah. Commissioner Beckmoved to adopt the Final 2011 Local Building Authority Budget with expenditures in the amount of $3,060,000and the Initial 2012 Local Building Authority Board Budget with expenditures in the amount of $200,000, seconded by Commissioner Howard, passed by all.
- Commissioner Howardmoved to dismiss the Local Building Authority Board, seconded by Commissioner Beck.
VII.Dismiss as the Local Building Authority Board of the Park City Fire Service District, Utah, and reconvene as PCFSD Administrative Control Board.
Close Budget Hearing and Re-open Regular Meeting
VIII.Staff Reports and Input
- Chief Hewitt reported that the Fire District will participate in a stair climb on February 25th at the Wells Fargo tower in Salt Lake City.
- Chief Hewitt reported that recruit graduation would take place tomorrow evening beginning at 6:00 pm.
- Chief Hewitt reported that the Fire District will host a Giving Tree project which will become a yearly tradition. Anyone can place presents under the tree in the foyer, and they will be distributed to families in need within the community.
- Chief Hewitt reported on the crew that was honored at the quarterly Park City Medical Center awards breakfast.
- Chief Hewitt reported that Brandon Moore won the recent Fire Fit Donut Run, which was sponsored by the Fire District’s Peer Fitness trainers.
- Commissioner Beck reminded that this February would mark the anniversary of the 2002 Olympic Games. There will be celebration activities, including relighting of the caldron on February 8th and a celebration day on the 18th. There will be a community street sports fair down at the Gateway, which will include music and dancing. The Fire District was a big participant in the activities. AC/FM Adams reported there would also be activities in Park City also.
- The commissioners congratulated the new recruits on the completion of their recruit program; congratulations to Captain Eric Hales on his new administrative captain position; thanks to Patti and staff for the recent holiday party.
- Adjournment: With no further business to come before the board, Chairman Walker called for a motion to adjourn, moved by CommissionerHoward, seconded by Commissioner Beck, adjourned at 6:55 p.m.
- Closed Executive Session. Chairman Walker called for a motion to move into a Closed Executive Session. Commissioner Beck moved in favor of going into a closed session; Commissioner Howard moved in favor of going into a closed session; and Chairman Walker moved in favor of going into a closed session.
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Park City Fire District Administrative Control Board will be heldJanuary4, 2012, beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Park City Fire District Administration Building, located at 736 Bitner Road, Park City, UT.
Approved: ______
Date: ______
Prepared by: Traci Madson