Marc Cantu
Lesson Plan / Blended Learning Final Assignment 697
***The length and frequency of the entire training session is comprised of five units/class meetings and five asynchronous technology-based instruction; THIS IS A LESSON PLAN FOR UNIT 2/CLASS MEETING #2 ONLY***
Training Course Title
“Enhancing Teacher Facilitated Instruction in Primary Education Using A Blended Learning Approach: A Technology-Based Solution For Today’s Technology Savvy Students.”
Unit 2 – Technology For The Classroom
- How-To session - Using iPad applications as a supplemental learning and teaching resource through the implementation of Web 2.0 technologies; Educreations, DropBox and Croak.it (Lesson Plan Outline on page 3)
This unit focuses on how to use technology as a supplement to in-class instruction and isdesigned and developed to assist elementary school teachers inWeb 2.0 technologies.
The following lesson contains2 sections; (#1) 90 min.in-class instruction, and (#2) a <30-min.asynchronous technology-based instruction.
Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, using an iPad and Educreations, Croak.it, and DropBox applications, the student will be able to create a technology based lesson plan that can be used as a curriculum extensionin relation to their in-class instruction, and, demonstrate features associated with these applications such as how to insert images, use text and drawing tools, create motion objects, and record audio.
Who are the learners?
- Elementary school teachers - Gifted And Talented Education teachers (GATE), primary grade teachers: Grades 4-6, Washington Elementary School (Santa Barbara, CA)
- 10 participants = (4-6 grade level teams (6) + GATE instructors (3) + technology instructor (1))
- Credentialed Teachers with +50 years combined experience (newly credentialed instructors <3 years exp. (3))
- 20% of these instructors supplement in-class instruction with technology.
- Teachers hesitant about using technology beyond PPT and MSWord
- 40% of this group are master teachers for a local university graduate program in education
Possible challenges:
- 5 session training program (may require additional meetings outside of class seminar through LMS EDU2.0)
- Course training requires iPad hardware; school has supplied each teacher (grades 4-6) with an iPad and classroom Wi-Fi, a document camera and LCD projector, plasma monitor installed with Apple TV.
- Veteran teachers not “envisioning” the need to upgrade their skills (old school)
- Teachers who are already familiar with Web 2.0
Lesson Rationale
- School admin wants to utilize resources acquired through funding
- Some teachers are not familiar with the possibilities Web 2.0 offers and are curious as to what potential it may have in enhancing in-class instruction
- Professional Development - teachers are always looking to find new ways of presenting and facilitating instruction that is non linear, that engages and educates; must be fluent users of technology
- Paradigm shift in education/societal behavior in technology use
Formative Assessment
- In-class presentation and practice (can the student demonstrate proficiency in creating various Web 2.0 technologies)
- Describe how to use these technologies
- Pair/Share What challenges are occurring in creating a lesson based on these technologies? What is working?
- Reflective summary
Summative Assessment
- Finished product of Educreations slideshow that relates to the core curriculum being taught for their particular grade level.
- Reflective Summary - How can my own students benefit by using these technologies themselves in the classroom?
- Apple iPad Dry erase board
- LCD projectorDocument camera
- Internet Wi-Fi connectionLaptop
- SmartphoneiPad
- Desktop computerDigital images to upload to DropBox
- Educreations softwareDropBox account
- Croak.it application
- Sample Educreations lesson planson Ancient Egypt
This course requires that the facilitator and class participants use an Apple iPad.
LESSON PLAN OUTLINE (Scripted Lesson Plan On Page 4)
Unit 2 – Technology For The Classroom
- How-To session - Using an iPad applications as a supplemental learning and teaching resource through the implementation of Web 2.0 technologies; Educreations, DropBox and Croak.it
- Warm Up / Review (Engage)
- Class Introductions – Adjective Activity
- Discuss what traditional teaching looks like
- Video – Anyone? Anyone?
- Quality of teaching – professional development goals
- Video – Future of Education
- Introduction (Connect)
- Show and Tell Activity
- Think/Pair/Share Activity
- What is blended learning?
- Presentation (Engage)
- Identify various Web 2.0 applications
- CBT/WBT – Storyline, Captivate, PPT, Free online sources
- How to create a Drop Box folder/file storage setup
- How to create an Educreations slideshow
- How to create a Croak.it 30 sec. audio recording
- Practice (Connect)
- Student Created Materials
- Evaluate/Reflect (Review and Assess)
- Private Exhibition Activity
- Student Reflection
- Application (Connect and Extend)
- Video - A Vision of 21st Century Teachers
This lesson provides you with all the needed activities and discussion topics to complete course requirements. The lesson is presented in a systematic manner and relies on building upon previously learned material. There are six steps (five in-class and one technology-based unit) that containanactivity,video links, setup instructions, allotted time for completion or additional notes.Suggested Trainer scripts are indicated with a “T” identifying dialogue.
Additionally, links in this lesson will open your web browser and automatically play the video. Be sure that your iPad is connected to the document camera or Apple TV Monitor to ensure playback can be enlarged for viewing.
Step / Activities / TimeWarm-Up/ Review /
- Class Introductions/Adjective Activity
Begin the class by gathering the students intoa group circle for introductions. Trainer is to greet students as they arrive and instruct them to sit at one of the chairs. Begin immediately.
T=Welcome, let’s begin with everyone’s favorite part of a seminar or training course, with introductions! But instead of the boring same old ‘Hi my name is..” I thought we would play a memory game to better acquaint ourselves with one another. So, here’s how it goes, I will introduce myself with a brief bio and then describe myself with an adjective that begins with the first letter of my name. EX: My name is Marc and I’ve been teaching 6th grade science and math for 5 years. I am always looking for ways to enhance my teaching to create better experiences for my students. I would say an appropriate adjective would be “mindful”, call me Mindful Marc.
Pick a student to begin intros. Haveeach student introduce him or herself briefly (<20 seconds), when finished, ask them to think of an adjective that begins with the first letter of their first name that could best define their qualities or traits. Each student will have to identify the previous student’s and will continue to reintroduce everyone prior to them.
Next to me is Kind Kaye, and next to her is Boisterous Bob, I can’t remember his name, but next to him is Jovial Jackie, and etc.
Once intros are completedstudents are to remain seated for group discussion:
- Discuss what traditional classroom teaching looks like-
Ask students to share and identify characteristics of the traditional classroom instruction, how it looks and feels, what are some of the challenges faced in regards to curriculum and student engagement, tools and resources available, etc.
Leave mind map on board for the duration of the class; mind map will be referenced to throughout instruction.
- Video – “Anyone? Anyone?” (Ferris Bueller’s Day Off)
After viewing, have students highlight characteristics from mind map that makes the video realistic or accurate.
- Video – “The Future Starts Now – 2012 edition”.
- Invite open discussion or comments about video and education abroad, common traits and concerns, dreams and aspirations in education and technology.
- Present objectives on white board (use document camera)
Clarify that these objectives will help facilitate in-class teaching while providing students with a resource of learning that uses technological formats familiar to their generation. What is learned from this course/training program can be easily transferred to their students so that they too can increase their technology acumen and become better critical thinkers.
Why are we here?
- Quality of teaching goals - Prius to Ferrari
Ferrari = Simulations, Gaming, in-class instruction that utilizes technology, real-life
In-between = Audi, BMW, Lexus
Explain that not all technology is suitable for every learner (use the Prius / Ferrari analogy). Ex. Think of the Prius as the basic model of teaching in-class instruction, and the Ferrari as an asynchronous virtually simulated teaching environment that accommodates global learners. The goal of this course is to land somewhere in between (BMW?)
Select clock on iPad and set timer for 6 min. Display iPad for classroom viewing.
/ 10 min
4 min
2 min
2 min
5 min
3 min
2 min
2 min
Introduction /
- Show and Tell Activity
- Think/Pair/Share Activity – Write the following questions on the whiteboard and ask the students to choose one and reflect on it. Inform them that they will have 2 minutes to reflect before they are paired with another student to whom they will share their responses. (Avoid pairing students with others that have chosen the same question if possible). Allow each group 3 minutes to share reflections.
1. What do you see as a challenge related to implementing technology as a supplemental learning/teaching resource in the classroom?
2. Technology in classroom. Are we using it? What are we using? Is it working?Do we know someone who is using it?
3. After viewing the videos, how might you incorporate technology into your instruction?
- Intro to Blended Learning?
Pass around examples of BL lesson plans created to include the iPad for use in math and social science. Begin next step while students are browsing lesson plans. Use the mind map to highlight areas of traditional teaching students believe would benefit from a blended learning environment (where could technology fit into traditional teaching?). / 3 min
5 min
4 min
10 min
Presentation / Label the following technology as communication tools that allow for quick transfer of information and can be used to facilitate instruction.
Show slideshow presentation on various Web 2.0 applications available (Twitter, school blogs, curriculum based wikis, etc.)
Free online sources -
Khan Academy(Students will create a similar presentation using Educreations and DropBox applications)
Pearson Publishing (online support for curriculum textbook)
- CBT/WBT – Storyline, Captivate, PPT,
Explain that these authoring tools are typically needed to create “Ferrari” style technology-based instruction.
Instruct students to follow along with the demonstration and explanation of the procedures to set up the needed web 2.0 technologies on the iPad.
- How to create a Drop Box folder/file storage setup
Go to and play video
- Click “Download DropBox for iPad” button(this will open iPad App Store)
- To access download type email as:
Ex: , 6cantum
- Follow instructions to create account account
- Upload files from your iPad or laptop (PDF, JPG, GIF, Word, etc.)
- How to create an Educreations slideshow and download the app
The following steps are required to implement the download of the iPad app “Educreations”. This software if free and required to complete the remainder of the course.
- Instruct students to open iPad App Store application, and type “Educreations” in the search menu.
- In the Educreations download page click the “Free” button to download.
- To access download type email as:
Ex: , 6cantum
- Open Educreations app
- Instruct students that the following video will identify the features on the app and after viewing the video a short demonstration will follow.
- Show the 10 page slideshow created using web 2.0 technologies DropBox, Educreations, and Croak.it and is based on Ancient Egypt 6th grade curriculum. Address the features used to create the project.
- Re-creating the sample –
- Insert all text on appropriate pages
- Modify an image to “float” across the page using motion feature. Use “REC” button to create motion.
- Click “REC” button to begin recording lesson. While recording demonstrate to the class that the pen tool can be used to illustrate concept and provide focus to a subject.
- Click “Done” button to open “Are you sure?” dialogue box and click “Yes”. Click “Save Lesson”.
- Fill out lesson title information
- Click NEXT and then “Private” in the audience page
- Save the lesson
- How to create a Croak.it 30 sec. audio recording
- Open iPad App Store and type “Croak It” and download free app
- Press center button “Push to croak” (Note that the user has only 30 seconds to record voice message)
- Press the “Push to stop” button
- Select the http address located in the center of the interface panel (Note this will open web browser to listen to voice recording)
- Select method of delivery (twitter, Facebook, email)
2 min
2 min
5 min
5 min
10 min
5 min
Practice / Instruct students to use the next 20 minutes to familiarize themselves with the various functions within the web 2.0 applications presented
Students can work together in groups or individually
- Walk around the class during activity to monitor student practice/progress and to assist where needed.
Select clock on iPad and set timer for 6 min. Display iPad for classroom viewing.
/ 20 min
Reflect /
- Private Exhibition Activity
- Student Reflection
5 min
Application / Place homework list on document camera – (procedures for access to LMS is explained in session 1 of training program)
- Login to class site page EDU2.0 LMS site and answer group discussion topic question.
- Watch videos of Educreations use in the classroom
Introduce the last video by title name only
T=This last video is entitled “A Vision of 21st Century Teachers”, and I hope it will be inspirational to you as it was to me.
- Video – “A Vision of 21st Century Teachers”
5 min
Blended Learning Course/Training Program Proposal