East Jerusalem
Focus of the World
Eternal Focus of Yahuweh
East Jerusalem has been the focus of Yahuweh and the birthplace of His people stretching from the events of Genesis 2and 3 to the eternal conclusion of Revelation 22. When the Word speaks of Zion, of Yerushalyim (Jerusalem), it speaks of what is referred to in modern terminology as “East Jerusalem.”
This small area of land contains three of the four major portals of Yahuweh and Yahushua that have been focal points for Their entrance into the earth, and for a few of His set-apart ones translated into His eternal realm.
My life has been changed by what He showed me on the eve of Yom Teruah (2010) to do with the near future of His set-apart ones in East Jerusalem.
I was just in East Jerusalem for three daysand visited the City of David where excavations are going on six days a week—digging down to the time when King David took the Jebusite city of Jebus--later to be known as Mt. Zion. (II Samuel 5:6 ff; I Chronicles 11:4 ff)
It was here that King David made his big mistake in numbering the people and Abba gave him three choices of punishments. He chose to throw himself on the mercy of Yahuweh. (I Chronicles 21:7-30). David paid heavily for his mistake, but at the end of it he bought the very area of Mt. Moriah where Abraham began to sacrifice Isaac, where the Ark sat behind the veil in the Temple of Solomon.
Isaiah 6: This is where Yeshayahu (Isaiah) saw Yahuweh high and lifted up. As he stood by the altar of incense in the Set-Apart Place in front of the veil he saw Yahuweh and Yahushua “high and lifted up” in Their Temple directly above in the portal. He saw the angels at the altar of incense in heaven bringing the coal from that altar to touch his lips. (Revelation 8:3-5;Psalm 99:1; Revelation 11:19)
The very same throne area on the Temple Mount is where the beast will sit for 3 ½ years. But—it is also where Yahushua Messiah will return to sit on His throne for 1,000 years. (Zechariah 6:12-15; Revelation 20) It is Messiah who will have the new Temple built to His specifications!
East Jerusalem--City of David—Zion--behind his palace, David brought the Ark to sit under a pavilion for forty years with constant worship and praise 24/7. (II Samuel chapter 6) This is where a great portion of the Psalms were written and sung--dancing and rejoicing went on before Yahuweh—a picture of the Kingdom to come! In speaking of these “ruins”. Abba says He will restore the
“tabernacle of David”. (Amos 9:11; Acts 15:16) Today, if you go to the City of David you will see the area of the ruins where the tabernacle (pavilion) sat. Psalm 102:13-14: His servants love the dust of the City of David—and love the
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stones. Do you love the stones and dust of East Jerusalem?
It is there where the throne room of Yahuweh and Yahushua in the eternal
City—the New Yerushalyim—will hover once again over the place of the portal where the Ark of the Covenant once sat, and where beneath, the tree of life gave eternal life to Adam and Eve until they chose to eat of the tree of deception, lies, and illusion. (Genesis 2:9; II Chronicles 3:1)
The tree of life will once again be given to a remnant that He can trust not to do as Adam and Eve did—failing their test. But, the remnant now has been, and is being, tested so severely and shown the kingdom of darkness in all its ugliness and illusion to the point where they will be repulsed and rebel against any thought of rebellion against Yahuweh—for they love Him, and serve Him, and honor Him, and do not mix with the things of the world that defile. They have been tested so that they will not eat of any tree but the tree of life. Genesis 2:9; 3:22-24; Revelation 2:7; Revelation 22:2, 14—Revelation 14:1-5; 3:12; 22:3-5) Revelation 21 and 22 are all about East Jerusalem.
It was here in the Garden of Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives that Messiah prayed. It was here that He was hung on a stake--nailed to the tree--to pay the penalty we deserve for our breaking of Yahuweh’s Covenant Torah. It was here that He rose from the dead. It was here on the Mt. of Olives that the dead arose and walked in the city. (Matthew 27:50-54) It was here on the top of the Mt. of Olives where He ascended into heaven (Acts 1). It is here that He will rule from Zion, and the Word will go forth from His Palace, and the truth from Yerushalyim once again—East Yerushalyim. (Isaiah 2:2-3) It is here that the feasts, the Shabbats, the new moon celebrations will go on forever (Isaiah 66:22-23) before the Presence of Yahuweh.
For the small area between Mt. Moriah, Mt. Zion, and the top of the Mt. of Olives forms a triangle—a pyramid – uniting the portals of Abba into one giant entranceway.
It is here that the beast of the pit will sit in a pavilion over where the Ark once sat, on the “sides of the north” – in alignment to the top of the Mount of Olives. (II Thessalonians 2; Revelation 9:11; 11:7-8; 17:8). Here the two witnesses will be killed by the “Beast”--Apollyon—the Apple Man, Apollo—and thrown out of the Eastern Gate into the street below it, which interestingly enough is called today Ha Derek Shalom—the way of peace.
In another dimension the Garden of Eden is still there under the area of Mt.
Moriah. If you look at the text in Genesis 22 when Abraham almost sacrifice of Isaac, you will see that just above him a voice spoke “stop” – and the ram was provided for the sacrifice. He was standing in an eternal portal. Most likely if he had stabbed Isaac 100 times he would have not died, or would have come back to life right away, as well as the fact that Isaac is the seed of Abraham from which most all of us came. No wonder he told the servants, “wait here—the lad and I will go and will return”. No one can die in the portal of the Elohim of
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eternal life. This is why at Bethany, at the home of Lazarus, that Messiah said to
Martha: “I am the resurrection and the life, he that believes in Me though he dies, yet shall he live. And everyone that is living and believing in Me shall never die at all--do you believe this?” (Yochanan/John 11:25-26)
When we dwell in the eternal realm through the reborn spirit, even the passing of the body is not death—for death means separation from Abba’s life—but a transition to another dimension of life with Him.
Jude 1:9: Thus, Satan went crazy and mad as a hornet when he couldn’t find the body of Moshe, for he was also translated into new life—like Enoch and Eliyahu – for he appeared with Messiah and Eliyahu on Mt. Hermon (Matthew 17:1-7)
It is through the portals within East Jerusalem, most likely Moriah, that the bridal remnant will soon be translated and eat of the tree of life in another dimension beneath the Temple Mount, so that they might live to do His will during the hardest time of the tribulation. When the witnesses go into the face of the beast for 3 ½ years (Revelation 11:7-8), all they have to do is walk across the street from Zion (pronounced Zee—own), where they will headquarter with the remnant of Yahushua and those of the past returned, in the tunnels.
It is here in this portal on Moriah that Enoch was translated twice. Refer to: The Book of Enoch, Jasher chapter 3, Jubilees chapter 4, and the Apocrypha of Noah. The translated, transformed bridal remnant of the past, and the witness/attendants--Eliyahu and Moshe, too—have returned to finish their course. They will also headquarter in the tunnels under East Jerusalem … as the witnesses also. (Daniel 12:13; Revelation 10:11 as examples)
Iyob is one I saw also in the vision with the other five, for he said that all of his life he would wait “until his change be”…and then he said some of the most profound words in the entire Bible from a human being--Iyob 19:23-27: “Oh that my words were written down, O that they were inscribed in a book, engraved on a rock with an iron pen and lead, forever! I know that my Redeemer lives! And that He shall stand at the latter day upon the earth. And though the worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh I will see Elohim, whom I will see for myself and not another…”
Iyob who lived in Edom near the headquarters of Esau--part of today’s “Petra”. His “best friend” was Esau’s son Eliphaz—not such a good friend actually. Yet in the spirit he saw Yahushua’s return, and knew that at the latter day he would see Elohim upon this earth—in his flesh. Iyob most likely had leprosy. He had lost all his children and all his property, all his wealth, all his friends except three yucky ones, and yet his focus was on our day—OUR DAY!!! What a pure-of-heart man Iyob was/is!
But in our day, most of those who say they are Yahuweh’s children are whiners,
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complainers, greedy, self-seeking, materialistic and humanistic minded, filled with fears, lusts, and hidden ambitions--totally out of sync with one like Iyob!
In the portals into Abba’s dimensions is where the bridal remnant of the past have been preserved to join with the bridal remnant of today, so that they might work together for the salvation of Judah, Levi, and the House of Israel during the time of great tribulation, in the tunnels just above them.
In 70 CE when Titus ransacked Jerusalem and burned it to the ground, a remnant was spared in the tunnels under East Jerusalem, which now Jewish archeologists are uncovering at a rapid rate. Oh the joys of living in our time!
It is under Mt. Zion that the powerful Gihon Springs runs – the very water/river that will gush out of a split Temple Mount at the coming of Messiah, run down through the split Mt. of Olives into the Jordan River, “gushing” through the Dead Sea, down the canal that the World Bank is so rapidly putting in place, all the way to the Red Sea and over to the Mediterranean. Read Zechariah …
It is here that the five rivers of Genesis 2:8-15 came together, and flowed out of the Garden of Eden. When Adam, Eve and family were dispelled from the Garden, and Abba put Cherubim at the entrance to the Garden, with a flaming sword to block entrance to it lest anyone eat of the tree of life and live forever in their sinful state, the entrance faced East—towards the Mt. of Olives. Oh the joys of being there to walk it out, and see what is past, present and future—and see where Messiah will gain the ultimate victory for those who stay loyal to Him and His Abba’s Covenant--cut in the fourth portal—Sinai/Horeb – just south east in north Saudi Arabia.
The tunnels the Jewish archeologists are uncovering go back 3,000 years or more. Many are arched tunnels, like the Canaanites built--some are cut through solid rock, but all run south to north from Zion to Mt. Moriah and eastward.
I encourage you to go to YouTube and put in the search: Discoveries at the City of David (2007) by Israel Laroux--a Messianic archeologist. There are four segments of about 10 minutes each in which Laroux explains the history—past and present… it is very exciting especially for those who have been there. The young Israeli who is leading a tour through part of the tunnels is very excited … I love to watch his enthusiasm. I love to hear the great enthusiasm and expectations of the Orthodox Jews for their Land, and for the coming “Redemption”—Messiah’s coming. Oh, when they see Him … what a day!
The YouTube videos show Hezekiah’s tunnel, which you can walk through also—where the Gihon runs through. Oh the ingenuity of the Jews! (II Kings 20:20; II Chronicles 32:30)
It was on Moriah that Solomon (Shlomo) built the Temple (II Chronicles 3:1), and the cloud of His Presence descended so greatly that the priests could not
stand up (I Kings chapters 7 and 8). It was here that Shlomo built his own house… where David had his palace—the City of David.
The whole Word centers on Yahuweh’s interaction with His people in this small
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triangle of three portals--from Eden through to Revelation 22:14—and
eternity beyond.
Look up the site – learn all you can about the headquarters of the coming King!
It is Yerushalyim where Abba Yahuweh says He has chosen to put His Name!
(I Kings 11:36; 21:4; II Kings 21:7) Most people guard Torah as far as it doesn’t interfere with their having fun. Isn’t that what western lifestyle is all about—having fun, getting for ones’ self, enjoying the “good life”?
You might enjoy festivals outside of Jerusalem – but it is there that He commands His children to assemble for His festivals. Those in captivity in the system of end-time Babylon, and its nation, must always understand the mindset of the true child of Ya’cob—Psalm 137:1-6—weeping because they are in exile for their sin. “By the rivers of Babylon we sat down and we wept as we remembered Zion”. Those who truly know the heart of Abba Yahuweh weep that they are not in Yerushalyim for the festivals! The concept of partying and having vacation during Sukkot grieves Abba’s heart, for most of it is a replacement for what the festival really means. He speaks to us 24/7 if we listen. But, Sukkot is to remind us that we are pilgrims and strangers in the earth—that we long for a city, whose builder and maker is Elohim. (Hebrews 11:8-10, 13-16; 13:13-14) It is to get our focus on eternity. If a person has to be entertained and everything has to be “FUN”, and they have not totally submitted to the life of a servant/disciple, knowing Him as a Person, as an intimate Friend, laying down their life to do His will, then they have failed to understand what true life is all about. Babies and toddlers need to be entertained, mostly to shut up their emotional outbreaks. Mature realize the time we are in—and weep and mourn for the souls of the lost! Take the admonition of Joel 1 and Zephaniah 1.
Yerushalyim is “the city of the great King” – “beautiful for situation” – “on the sides of the north”. It is on the sides of the north in the portal on Moriah that the Ark sat, and His Presence filled the Temple. Psalm 48! Read it and rejoice! His Name is in Yerushalyim forever! It is even seen embedded in one of the mountains around the city. We all make decisions in life, and we have to live with our decisions until we make better ones and break the pattern of the old that have failed. Set your eyes on Yerushalyim!
There is no other place where He says He will defend by a wall of fire—
Zechariah 2:1-5 “`For I Myself am to her’, declares Yahuweh, a wall of fire all around, and for esteem I am in her midst’ ”.
Zechariah 2:10: “Rejoice daughter of Zion. For look, I am coming, and shall dwell in your midst’ ”.
He has His eye on no other land and no other city in the entire universe … shouldn’t your eyes be focused there too? (Deuteronomy 11:11-12)
It is there that He says is His rest forever! Psalm 132:8-9: “Arise O Yahuweh
into Your resting place – You and the ark of your might. Let Your priests be
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clothed with righteousness, and let your set-apart ones shout for joy”.
He says He loves the gates of Zion more than any other of the dwellings of Ya’cob. Psalm 87:2-3: “Yahuweh loves the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Ya’cob. Glorious things are spoken of you—O city of Yahuweh”.
Center stage of worship and praise of Yahuweh is inside the area known as “the Old City” of East Yerushalyim – forever!
He does not say to pray for the peace of America, or the UK, or France, or Kenya, or Australia, or anywhere else. He says: “Pray for the peace of Yerushalyim!“ (Psalm 122:6)
I was up on the top of a mountain in Uganda, in a mud-hut village, teaching the Word. A pastor from further up the mountain had brought many now saved, ex-witchdoctors, to me, to be filled with the Spirit of Yahuweh. He told me: “We always pray for the peace of Jerusalem”. He had no “Old Testament”, but I got him one. I asked him how he knew to do that. He said: “No one taught us to do that, but we just knew it was His will”. Read that again – the Spirit of Abba showed this precious man to pray for Jerusalem—and how many of those who have a whole Bible ever do that once?
The whole Word centers on that tiny little triangle in East Yerushalyim … where is your focus nowadays? -- On your new house, your yard, your job, your family, your future securities, the economy, your vacation, your next Shabbat dinner – your grand kid’s birthday? Where should your heart be? Is it on eternity?