Thursday, June 1
Matthew 1
Why is the genealogy of Jesus important? What can you learn about God from reading this genealogy?
Why was it important to identify Joseph as the “husband of Mary”? What else do we learn about Joseph from this chapter?
How is Jesus identified in this chapter? How is Jesus identified in your life?
How has this passage caused you to have a heart of thankfulness to the Lord?
Prayer Category - My Small Group & My Friends
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: 2 Chronicles 1; Psalm 72
Friday, June 2
matthew 2
In Matthew 2 how many prophesies do we see fulfilled? What is the significance of them and why did Matthew record them?
There were 3 groups of people and their response when confronted with the birth of a Savior. What was their response and why?
The Magi:
Chief Priests and Scribes:
What is the theme of this book? How can you see that theme in the passage that you just read?
Prayer Category – Missionary of the Month
“P & K”
They serve in the Middle East serving in the young adult ministry at their church and working on establishing a pastoral training center for Arabic-speaking men.
- Pray for wisdom for “P” as he teaches & disciples the young adults
- Pray for God’s blessing as the team plans to start the pastoral training center in January 2018
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Song of Solomon
Saturday, June 3
matthew 3
What was John the Baptist’s purpose? Explain your answer with Scripture.
There are 2 groups of people identified in Matthew 3 that come out to John to be baptized. Identify them and their response to John and his baptism.
What is the significance of the baptism of Jesus? Why was Jesus baptized? How is Jesus identified here?
Prayer Category – The Church
- Pray for tomorrow’s teachers, services, and events at our church
- Pray for our church leadership
- Pray for the persecuted church throughout the world
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Proverbs 1-3
Sunday, June 4
Review Day
Catch up on any readings, study questions, or memorization that you may have missed.
From the main worship service, answer the following questions:
- Sermon Title and Passage:
- Introduction:
- Outline:
- Implications/Conclusion:
Prayer Category – Praises & Thanksgiving
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Proverbs 4-6
Monday, June 5
matthew 4
Why was Jesus tempted? When did the temptations come? How did Jesus overcome the temptations?
How do the first disciples that Jesus calls respond to Him? How do the elect respond to Christ’s calling?
Pick a point of application from this passage & then answer the following questions:
What application point did you pick and which verses did you find it in?
Do you struggle to consistently apply this in your life?
If “yes”… why do you think it’s such a struggle for you?
Write down at least one verse from somewhere else in Scripture that reiterates this application point that you wrote down.
Prayer Category - The Church Prayer Page
Use the page at the back of the reading plan to pray for others in our church
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Proverbs 7-9
Tuesday, June 6
Matthew 5
Pick a Beatitude from Matthew 5:3-12 and answer the following questions about it:
- Which Beatitude did you pick and why?
- What is Jesus’ message from this beatitude?
- Is this beatitude active or re-active? How do you know?
- How can this beatitude be applied to your life?
What is the overall theme of Matthew 5:13-16? How is this lived out in your life?
Is there anything from this passage of Scripture that you didn’t understand or would like to know more about? Write your thoughts down and ask your parents or your small group leader to help you learn more.
Prayer Category - Family & Evangelism
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Proverbs 10-12
Wednesday, June 7
Matthew 6
How are we to pray? How are we not to pray? How do you pray? Give an example.
Re-read Matthew 6:25-34. What does Jesus mean in verse 33?
Please memorize (or review) the categories and book themes below:
The Gospels
- Matthew – Jesus as King/Messiah
- Mark – Jesus as Servant
- Luke – Jesus as the Son of Man
- John – Jesus as the Son of God
- Acts – Birth and Growth of the Church
Prayer Category – Purity & Personal Growth
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Proverbs 13-15
Thursday, June 8
Matthew 7
What is Jesus saying in Matthew 7:6? What is he NOT saying?
Jesus tells the crowds to beware of false prophets in Matthew 7:15. What danger could a false prophet bring? How are we to know they are a false prophet?
Is there anyone in this passage that you should emulate? Is there anyone that you should try NOT to be like? Why or why not?
Prayer Category – My Small Group & Friends
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year:Proverbs 16-18
Friday, June 9
Matthew 8
List some of the proofs found in this chapter that show Jesus is the Messiah. Explain why you chose them.
Re-read Matthew 8:5-13. What did the Centurion mean in verses 8-9? What did Jesus mean in verses 11-12?
What is the theme of this book? How can you see that theme in the passage that you just read?
Prayer Category - Missionary of the Month
“P & K”
They serve in the Middle East serving in the young adult ministry at their church and working on establishing a pastoral training center for Arabic-speaking men.
- Pray for diligence and skill as they continue to learn the Arabic language
- Praise for a smooth & delightful year of transition into their new life in the Middle East
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Proverbs 19-21
Saturday, June 10
matthew 9
What did Jesus mean in Matthew 9:15-17?
List some of the proofs found in this chapter that show Jesus is the Messiah. Explain why you chose them.
Write down three observations
Prayer Category - The Church
- Pray for tomorrow’s teachers, services, and events at our church
- Pray for our church leadership
- Pray for the persecuted church throughout the world
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Proverbs 22-24
Sunday, June 11
Review Day
Catch up on any readings, study questions, or memorization that you may have missed.
From the main worship service, answer the following questions:
- Sermon Title and Passage:
- Introduction:
- Outline:
- Implications/Conclusion:
Prayer Category – Praises & Thanksgiving
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year:1 Kings 5-6; 2 Chronicles 2-3
Monday, June 12
Matthew 10
What is the meaning of Matthew 10:19-20? What do these verses NOT mean?
What does Christ mean in Matthew 10:24-25? Whom do these verses apply to?
List a few verses below that you can find assurance, encouragement, or hope in. Explain why you chose them.
What are some ways that you can use today’s passage to encourage others?
- Is there anyone that you can you think of to encourage with what you learned?
- How/When/Where do you plan to encourage them?
Prayer Category - The Church Prayer Page
Use the page at the back of the reading plan to pray for others in our church
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: 1 Kings 7: 2 Chronicles 4
Tuesday, June 13
Matthew 11
What proof did Jesus give John’s disciples in Matthew 11:3? How was this proof?
What was Jesus saying to the crowds in Matthew 11:16-19? Explain your answer.
Write out a verse that really stood out to you from the passage. Spend some time ‘praying’ through this verse as a way to meditate on the richness of it.
Prayer Category - Family & Evangelism
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: 1 Kings 8; 2 Chronicles 5
Wednesday, June 14
Matthew 12
What does, “For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath” mean? What does Jesus refer to when He says this?
How does a tree bearing good or a tree bearing bad fruit relate to what Jesus is talking about in Matthew 12:33-37? Which “tree” are you and why?
Please memorize (or review) the category and book themes below:
Paul’s Letters
- Romans – The Gospel of God
- 1 Corinthians – Correction & Condemnation
- 2 Corinthians – Defense of Apostleship
- Galatians – Justification by Faith Alone
Prayer Category – Purity & Personal Growth
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: 2 Chronicles 6-7; Psalm 136
Thursday, June 15
matthew 13
What is the kingdom of heaven like? List the verses you use to back up your answer.
Re-read Matthew 13:3-9, and 18-23. How does Jesus explain this parable? How are you identified in this parable? Why?
Go back to June 12th’s question about encouraging others. Did you encourage anyone with what you learned?
Prayer Category – My Small Group & Friends
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Psalms 134, 146-150
Friday, June 16
matthew 14
Why was Jesus moved with compassion towards the people? How did Jesus minister to the people?
Why did Peter begin to sink in the ocean? Did Peter grab Jesus or did Jesus grab Peter? What is this a picture of and why?
What two characteristics of God really stand out to you from this passage? What makes these characteristics stand out?
Prayer Category - Missionary of the Month
“P & K”
They serve in the Middle East serving in the young adult ministry at their church and working on establishing a pastoral training center for Arabic-speaking men.
- Praise God for leading them to a church home
- Pray for their opportunities to use Arabic as much as possible with friends & strangers
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: 1 Kings 9; 2 Chronicles 8
Saturday, June 17
matthew 15
How did Jesus respond to the Pharisees in Matthew 15:1-2? What did Jesus mean?
Explain the exchange that takes place between the Canaanite woman and Jesus in Matthew 15:21-28. Was Jesus being cruel? Why not? Did the Canaanite woman overstep her bounds? Why or why not?
How to treat others with love?
Prayer Category - The Church
- Pray for tomorrow’s teachers, services, and events at our church
- Pray for our church leadership
- Pray for the persecuted church throughout the world
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Proverbs 25-26
Sunday, June 18
Review Day
Catch up on any readings, study questions, or memorization that you may have missed.
From the main worship service, answer the following questions:
- Sermon Title and Passage:
- Introduction:
- Outline:
- Implications/Conclusion:
Prayer Category – Praises & Thanksgiving
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Proverbs 27-29
Monday, June 19
matthew 16
What is the “sign of Jonah” that Jesus is referring to in Matthew 16:4?
What led to Jesus calling Peter and saying “upon this rock I will build My church?” What led to Peter being called “a stumbling block”?
Explain Matthew 16:24-26. How do these verses apply to you today?
Is there anyone in this passage that you should emulate? Is there anyone that you should try NOT to be like? Why or why not?
Prayer Category - The Church Prayer Page
Use the page at the back of the reading plan to pray for others in our church
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Ecclesiastes 1-6
Tuesday, June 20
matthew 17
Who was Jesus talking to in Matthew 17:17 and why?
Describe the events that took place during the Transfiguration. How did Jesus demonstrate that he was the Son of God?
What is the theme of this book? How can you see that theme in the passage that you just read?
Prayer Category – Family & Evangelism
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Ecclesiastes 7-12
Wednesday, June 21
Matthew 18
Is Jesus advocating self-mutilation here in Matt. 18:8-9? Explain the meaning of these verse.
Is forgiveness important to God? How are we to forgive? Spend time praying through this truth and ask God to show you if you have anyone in your life that you need to forgive or need to ask forgiveness from.
How has this passage caused you to have a heart of thankfulness to the Lord?
Please memorize (or review) the category and book themes below:
Paul’s Letters
- Ephesians – In Him: Our Position in Christ or The Eternal Plan of God
- Philippians – Joy & Unity or Basic Christian Living
- Colossians – All-Sufficiency of Christ
- 1 Thessalonians – Growth of a New Church
Prayer Category – Purity & Personal Growth
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year:1 Kings 10-11; 2 Chronicles 9
Thursday, June 22
Matthew 19
What was Jesus’ answer to the Pharisees question about divorce? How does the world view the answer Jesus gave? Why?
The rich young ruler left Jesus grieving. Why? Had he really kept all the commandments? Why were the disciples astonished at Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 19:23-25 ?
Write down 3 observations:
Prayer Category – My Small Group & My Friends
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Proverbs 30-31
Friday, June 23
matthew 20
What does the parable in Matthew 20:1-16 mean? What is Jesus teaching and why?
Re-read Matt. 20:20-28. What are some of the differences between Christian and non-Christian rulers? Do you see these Christian qualities in your life? Why or why not?
Write out a verse that really stood out to you from the passage. Spend some time ‘praying’ through this verse as a way to meditate on the richness of it.
Prayer Category - Missionary of the Month
“P & K”
They serve in the Middle East serving in the young adult ministry at their church and working on establishing a pastoral training center for Arabic-speaking men.
- Pray for wisdom as “P” leads the young adult ministry in his church
- Pray for God’s blessing as the team plans to start a pastoral training center in January 2018.
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: 1 Kings 12-14
Saturday, June 24
matthew 21
How did the Pharisees respond to the miracles that Jesus performed in the temple? How did Jesus answer their questions and refute their teaching?
Re-read Matthew 21:33-44. What is the message that Jesus is teaching in this parable?
Identify the following from the above parable:
The vine growers:
The slaves:
The Landowner’s son:
What is the theme of this book? How can you see that theme in the passage that you just read?
Prayer Category – The Church
- Pray for tomorrow’s teachers, services, and events at our church
- Pray for our church leadership
- Pray for the persecuted church throughout the world
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: 2 Chronicles 10-12
Sunday, June 25
Review Day
Catch up on any readings, study questions, or memorization that you may have missed.
From the main worship service, answer the following questions:
- Sermon Title and Passage:
- Introduction:
- Outline:
- Implications/Conclusion:
Prayer Category – Praises & Thanksgiving
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: 1 Kings 15; 2 Chronicles 13-16
Monday, June 26
matthew 22
Explain the Parable of the Marriage Feast”. Why was the man without wedding clothes thrown out?
The question Jesus asked in Matthew 22:43-45, How was Jesus testing the Pharisees? What is the answer to the question in verse 45?
Write out some practical ways that you can practice Matt. 22:37-40
What is one characteristic of God that really stands out to you from this passage? What makes that characteristic stand out?
Prayer Category - The Church Prayer Page
Use the page at the back of the reading plan to pray for others in our church
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: 1 Kings 16; 2 Chronicles 17
Tuesday, June 27
matthew 23
What warning does Jesus give to those that are prideful? What blessing does Jesus give to those that are humble? Which one are you? How do you know?
Jesus lays out 8 woes in chapter 23. Pick out 1 woe and explain its meaning. How does it apply to our day and age? How do you guard against it?
In Matthew 23:37-39 who is Jesus referring to? Explain your answer.
What are some of the consequences of sin that you see in this chapter?
Prayer Category – Family & Evangelism
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: 1 Kings 17-19
Wednesday, June 28
Matthew 24
Who is the “elect” that is referred to many times throughout chapter 24? What makes them different than the rest of the people on the earth?
Re-read Matthew 24:42-51. Describe how to “be on the alert”. Is this something you are doing? Why or why not?
Are there any words or concepts that you didn’t understand when you read the passage? Spend some time looking them up so that you can better understand what you are reading.
Please memorize (or review) the category and book themes below:
Paul’s Letters
- 2 Thessalonians – Comfort & Correction
- 1 Timothy - A Manual for Church Life
- 2 Timothy – Ministry as Spiritual Combat
- Titus – Adorning the Doctrine of God
- Philemon – Manual on Forgiveness
Prayer Category – Purity & Personal Growth
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year:1 Kings 20-21
Thursday, June 29
Matthew 25
All 3 parables in this chapter share some similar truths. Pick one of the common truths and explain it below.
The parable in Matthew 25:31-46, is it describing a works based religion? Why or why not?