Call for Posters

5th Annual Midwest Conference on Problem Gambling and Substance Abuse

Roads to Recovery – A Collaborative Approach

August 13-15, 2008 v Crowne Plaza St. Louis–Clayton Hotel v St. Louis, Missouri

Proposals are currently being accepted for poster presentations for the 5th Annual Midwest Conference on Problem Gambling and Substance Abuse. The conference is sponsored by the Midwest Consortium on Problem Gambling and Substance Abuse and administered by Prairielands ATTC.

For consideration by the review committee, you must submit the enclosed form and all submission requirements no later than Friday, June 20, 2008, via one of the following methods (submissions via e-mail are preferred):

By E-mail: and to

By Mail: Prairielands ATTC, Attn: 2008 Midwest Conf., University of Iowa, 1207 Westlawn, Iowa City, IA 52242

By Fax: (319) 335-6068 (Attn: 2008 Midwest Conference)

General Information:

§  Presentations should reflect new and original work.

§  Titles and descriptions must reflect content related to problem gambling, substance abuse, and/or mental health. The Conference Consortium reserves the right to modify titles and descriptions as needed.

§  Applications must be typed. Editable versions of this application packet (as well as the exhibitor packet and the call for papers) are available for download as an Adobe Acrobat PDF form and as a Microsoft Word form on the conference Web site (

§  The Conference Consortium may videotape/photograph presentations for later distribution.

§  Notification of proposal selection will be made by June 30, 2008.

§  Poster presenters are encouraged to provide handouts for participants at the conference. A copy of the handout materials must be received by Friday, July 11, 2008, via e-mail or CD-ROM.

Proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria:

Conference Web Sites:

¨  Relevance to the theme of the conference (Roads to Recovery – a Collaborative Approach);

¨  Replication (practical, can be adapted/adopted);

¨  Integration (of problem gambling, substance abuse, and mental health)

¨  Impact (likely to be effective in enhancing participants’ knowledge and skill levels);

¨  Objectives (specific knowledge participants will gain);

¨  Balance of subject material.

Conference Web Sites:

Areas to be considered include, but are not limited to:

Conference Web Sites:

¨  Clinical Concerns

¨  Recovery

¨  Family

¨  Special Populations (age, ethnicity, & gender)

¨  Prevention

¨  Public Awareness

¨  Responsible Gaming

¨  Public Policy

¨  Regulation

¨  Research

¨  Advocacy

¨  Domestic Violence, Abuse

¨  Non-clinical Skill-building (public speaking, media, etc.)

Conference Web Sites:

Submission Requirements – electronic submission is preferred:

1.  A complete application (only complete applications will be evaluated) includes:

a.  Lead (and co-) presenter(s) name, address, telephone number e-mail, professional title, current position, and place of employment (lead presenter will receive all correspondence);

b.  Title of presentation (to be used in conference materials);

c.  Detailed description of presentation content (maximum 300 words), including goals and objectives;

d.  Brief description of presentation (to be used in conference materials – maximum 120 words);

e.  Day(s) you would prefer to present (subject to availability), submission type, target audience; and

f.  Brief biographical sketch of each presenter (to be used in conference materials).

2.  Current Resume or Curriculum Vitae for each presenter. (This is ESSENTIAL for the committee to seek CEUs for poster presentations – all selected presentations are submitted for potential CEU approval.

Deadline for Submissions – Friday, June 20, 2008

The mission of the Conference Consortium is to provide the highest quality training
available on problem gambling and substance abuse.

Conference Web Sites:

Conference Web Sites:

Conference Web Sites:

Call for Posters Application

5th Annual Midwest Conference on Problem Gambling and Substance Abuse

Roads to Recovery – A Collaborative Approach

August 13-15, 2008 v Crowne Plaza St. Louis – Clayton Hotel v St. Louis, Missouri

Title of Poster:______

Lead Presenter:



Employer:______Fax:[ ______] ______

Mailing address:______



Phone: (work) (______) ______(home) (______) ______

Brief biographical sketch (to be used in conference materials – maximum 100 words): ______





Employer:______Fax:[ ______] ______

Mailing address:______



Phone: (work) (______) ______(home) (______) ______

Brief biographical sketch (to be used in conference materials – maximum 100 words): ______


Using 1-5, please prioritize the following strands in the order that best fits your presentation:
____ Clinical Applications
____ Non-Clinical Skill-building (i.e. Media Relations, Public Speaking, etc.)
____ Industry Innovation, Public Policy, and Responsible Gaming
____ Cultural Issues and Special Populations
____ Research
Day(s) available to present:
Wednesday-Aug. 13 Thursday-Aug. 14 Friday-Aug. 15
Has poster been presented elsewhere?  Yes No
If yes, when and where:______
Submission Type: Research Non-research / Target Audience (Check all that apply)
Treatment/Prevention Professionals
Substance Abuse Treatment Professionals
Problem Gambling Treatment Professionals
Mental Health Professionals
Social Work Professionals
Criminal Justice Personnel
Regulatory/Administrative Personnel
Elected Officials
Gaming Industry Personnel
Human Resources Staff
Employee Assistance Personnel
Individuals in Recovery
Friends/Family of Persons in Recovery

Note: Use additional sheet(s) if necessary

Abstract/Detailed Summary of Poster Content (required for evaluations of submissions, as well as consideration for CEU approval – maximum 300 words):

Posters should address content related to problem gambling, substance abuse, and/or mental health.


Participant Learning Goals and Objectives (required for consideration):

Goal (what participants will learn):::______

Objectives (how you plan to achieve your goal):




Brief Description of Poster (to be used in conference materials – maximum 120 words):

In three or four sentences, describe in clear, simple language the content of your poster so that participants will know what to expect.


General Poster Guidelines

Schedule and Location

Poster sessions will be held during the breaks in the conference and will be 30 minutes in length. Posters will be placed in a highly-visible area in conjunction with the refreshments in the area, guaranteeing heavy traffic.

Although presenters need only remain by their poster for presentation during their scheduled session, the Conference Consortium requests poster presenters leave their posters on display for a few hours before/after their session to help ensure participants have ample opportunity to visit the poster presentation.

Preparing your Poster

The poster format is designed to give attendees the chance to visit with the presenters for brief descriptions of important programs and research results. Previous presenters have found the poster sessions an effective means of engaging the majority of attendees. A four foot by eight foot horizontal corkboard will be provided with thumbtacks to secure your poster. Please be sure your name and contact information are prominently displayed, as well as the key information you wish to share with our participants. Having a supply of business cards, printed outlines, summaries, or key points as handouts on hand to facilitate follow up from interested attendees is always appreciated. Please be aware that there will be no electricity or outlets provided. If needed, these may be available from the hotel, must be requested in advance, and the hotel may charge a fee for the service.

Presentation Style: The poster session is designed to provide attendees with a quick overview of an issue or topic that interested participants can pursue via a follow up call or email.

·  Simplicity is the rule; your poster should be informative and concise.

·  If appropriate, include attractive and helpful graphics.

·  The presentation should include a statement of the problem, a description of the method of analysis, and a presentation of results and a summary of outcomes.

·  It is important to present the broad outline- the presenter can always communicate the details to involved participants.

·  Present your work to your participants; your poster should be designed to encourage discussion.

Visual: Posters with clutter are difficult to read and often disregarded, when it doubt edit it out. Embrace the white space, divide your poster into sections and organize it accordingly. Think visual and try to stay away from small print folks cannot read from 3-4 feet away- nothing should be smaller than 28-30 point type.

·  Avoid fonts that are difficult to read.

·  When appropriate utilize graphs, charts, and/or tables to showcase your results.

·  Use color if possible and ensure suitability of the colors selected.

Conference Policy on Registration and Expenses:

The Conference Consortium recognizes quality presenters are vital to the success of the conference. We are therefore happy to offer the Lead Poster Presenter a 50-percent discount on the registration rate.


The Conference Consortium may audiotape/videotape/photograph each presentation for later distribution.

The Conference Consortium will retain ownership of the copies of videotape, photographs, slides, and/or audio recordings obtained and/or utilized during the 5th Annual Midwest Conference on Problem Gambling and Substance Abuse.

I agree to grant permission to the Conference Consortium to record and distribute copies of the presentation.

Signature of Lead Presenter:______Date:______

Conference Web Sites:

Statement of Intent:

My co-presenters and I agree to take part in the program, to provide an electronic copy of our presentation handout materials by July 11 (2008), and to register for the conference.

I understand that it will be my responsibility to notify each of my co-presenters regarding the status of the proposal and the date, time and location of the presentation should it be accepted. I understand the lead poster presenter will be given a 50-percent discount on registration and any other presenters must register at the full fee.

I agree to grant permission to the Conference Consortium to record and distribute copies of the presentation.

I understand the above information to be true and with full intent look forward to my continued participation.

Signature of Lead Presenter:______Date:______

Checklist for COMPLETE Proposal Packages:

Only COMPLETE applications will be reviewed.

Have you provided the following?

This COMPLETE Call for Posters Application, which includes the following:

Lead (and co-) presenter(s) name, address, telephone number e-mail, professional title, current position, and place of employment (lead presenter will receive all correspondence);

Title of poster (to be used in conference materials);

Detailed description of poster content, including goals and objectives (maximum 300 words);

Brief description of poster (to be used in conference materials – maximum 120 words);

Day(s) you would prefer to present (subject to availability), submission type, target audience; and

Brief biographical sketch of each presenter (to be used in conference materials – maximum 100 words).

Current Resume or CurriculumVitae for each presenter. (This is ESSENTIAL for the committee to seek CEUs for workshops – all selected presentations are submitted for potential CEU approval).

For consideration by the review committee, you must complete the submission requirements no later than June 20, 2008, via one of the following methods ~ submissions via e-mail are preferred:

By E-mail: and e-mail cc to

By Mail: Prairielands ATTC, Attn: 2008 Midwest Conf., University of Iowa, 1207 Westlawn, Iowa City, IA 52242

By Fax: (319) 335 6068 (Attn: 2008 Midwest Conference)

If you have any questions or require assistance in completing your Call for Posters application, please contact the Conference Committee for assistance:

Melissa Stephens Phone: (319) 335-5362 (Candace Peters) or

Missouri Gaming Commission (573) 526-4080 (Melissa Stephens)

Attn: 2008 Midwest Conference E-mail: or

P.O. Box 1847

Jefferson City, MO 65102 Fax: 573-635-7257, Attn: 2008 Midwest Conference

Deadline for Submission is Friday, June 20, 2008

Important Dates:

§  Deadline for submission of Presentation & Poster Proposals: June 20, 2008

§  Notification of proposal selection will be made by June 30, 2008.

§  Deadline for submission of Exhibitor Applications: July 1, 2008

§  Handout materials must be submitted by July 11, 2008 via e-mail or cd-rom.

§  Conference Dates: August 13-15, 2008

Conference Web Sites: