Infsci 1073/Telcom 2727 Mobile Applications Fall 2007

Course Project Description

The class project is to be completed no later than December 11. The project can be an individual or as group (3 or less) effort covering anaspect of mobile applications in depth. The basic thrust of the project isto complete a mini mobile application utilizing one or more of the developmenttools (i.e., J2ME, C#, VXML, XHTML-MP) or deployment techniques discussed inclass. A variety of projects are possible and each group should turn in aFINAL REPORT documenting the project along.The FINAL Report should contain the following sections:

(a) introduction - giving background on the project;

(b) goals/problem statement - explaining the purpose of the study;

(c) results - detailing the methods used and the results; and

(d) conclusions.

(f) A zip file of all code developed – documentation on what parts of the code are new and what is reused from other sources. Include a readme file that describes the steps necessary to install and run the code.

Additionally, the project group should put together a brief talk for presentation in the Final class period.

Some project suggestions are given below


1. Location Based Security project
Develop a system that provides role based security tied to the user’s location. For example, the highest level of security could be in the mobile user’s office, while the lowest level of security would be in a public space. If possible construct a secure document browser that includes the user’s location in the ability to view documents stored on the mobile device or on a remote server.

2. Game project
Develop an interactive game (e.g., poker, bridge, tic-tac-toe) played between two users on handheld devices. See M. Morrison``Beginning Mobile Phone Gaming, SAMS 2005 or chapter 5-7 of Knudsen book Wireless JAVA with J2ME (on reserve in SIS library)

3. Mobile Social Network Project

Develop a web site that allows location of friends in the SIS building along with instant messaging.

4. EMAIL Reader

Utilizing VXML technology build a system that allows one to access email and have them played out via voice on a mobile phone.

5. Smart Sensor development.

Develop a smart sensor application that reduces the energy consumption of the sensors using gossip based sleeping to minimize data reporting.

6. Web Site Design

Design a web site optimized for viewing on handhelds that support some advanced features (RSS feed, user personalization, content adaptation, etc) .
