In order to proceed with the selection process, we ask you to provide us with some additional documentation, beginning with this application form.

The Application Form is comprised of the following parts:

1. Basic Information

2. Start-Up, and

3. Motivation.

The application must be completed directly filled in following the instructions and typing into the designated boxes, replacing the text in blue italics.

We ask you to complete all fields on the ideas platform and upload both this document and a detailed business plan byJanuary 26th2016. Applications which are not complete by that time will not pass into the selection phase and will not be considered for the prize. You are encouraged to continue working on and editing your ideas in response to the discussions and commentary during the selection phase.

  1. Basic Information

1.1.Applicant Information

Legal Name / Diana Anyango Ouma
Username / Diana Ouma

1.2.Title of Submission(From

Refugees Welcome- Kindred platform

1.3.URL of your idea(The web address for your idea on

  1. Start-Up
  2. Give us a brief description of your concept in 400 words maximum in the box below by answering the following questions: What will your start-up do? How does this represent an answer to the challenge?

Refugees Welcome-kindred programidea is to connect refugees in camps with the outside world via technology, our mission is to create a platform that allow citizens from different countries Host refugees families with same Hobbies temporarily for 6-8 months, until they get on their feet, by doing this we give hope and this is invaluable.
We aredevising a website designed with machine learning application incorporated with image processing algorithm and other meta data from database like (Hobbies, Country etc) for “Host-Refugee Matching”
Matching and connecting refugees with Hosts who share same interest can help them get more out of life, they will have more support system and I believe this will open door for them in terms of [Employment, Business partnership, Dating, Scholarships and finally improving their languages and skills]

2.2.How does it use Internet of Things in 200 words maximum

With recent advancement in technology, today companies are using Machine learning application and “IOTs” to improve businesses, collect data, predict and finally develop powerful algorithms.

Machine learning application like Image processing linked up with “IOTs”, the outcome is invaluable.

“IOTs” internet of things and “APIs” are used in our product for pulling data from 3rd party platform, Data Pulled could include anything in this case, this aspect like “GPS Based Location” social network profiles and dataetc

On the other hand, our image processing algorithm combined with other Meta data, scan a host photo and compare it to a refugee Profile and pull data as well.

2.3.Tell us more about the Innovationin200 words maximum in the box below by answering the following questions: How is your solution different from other existing solutions that address the Challenge? What is the novelty?

There are other NGOs websites for matching refugees with hosts based on simple in-built database, our model is unique and effective, and integration of machine learning in our website is ingenious, our image processing algorithm combined with other meta data, scan a host photo and compare it to a refugee Profile.
On the other hand image processing algorithm that runs behind application recognizes host and refugees by scanning, Matching and Pulling up their online and public records for scrutiny before assigned a match. In addition “IOTs” and “APIs” are used for pulling data from 3rd Party platform
In an image the only focus is the head/ face we will use connected component concept, surface normal and edge detection to remove other unwanted part, libraries like OPEN CV used,

2.4.Tell us more about the Social Impactin 200 words maximum by answering the following questions: What has been and is the projected impact (over the next 1-3 years) of your initiative? Outline the quality and the quantity; describe how it makes a difference!

Refugee is a person who has fled his or her own country of nationality, and cannot return due to war, political instability ,fear of persecution etc
These refugees, they are ordinary people facing extraordinary struggles. It is incredible how big a person problem can be, when they are homeless in a strange country and city
“Hope is what keeping them alive!!!”
Social businesses on the other hand are created to further a social purpose,
Refugee welcome-kindred platform social purpose is to empower and give hope to refugees’ families in camps by matching them with potential host families
We hope to match and host more than 100,000 refugees over the next 3 years,
Matching and connecting refugees with Hosts who share same interest can help them get more out of life, they will have more support system and I believe this will open door for them in terms of [employment, business partnership, Dating, Scholarships and finally improving their languages and skills]

2.5.Tell us more about the Implementation in 200 words maximum by answering the following questions: How do you plan to go about developing your start-up? What are some of the milestones for your future development?What is the potential for growth?

Our Developers in partnership with developers from a development company will be required to develop the system by integrating machine learning application with the website,
Then We will also implement an optimization, marketing and advertisement plan to make the product viral,
In order to sustain the startup, we aim to partner with existing local and international refugees advocacy groups who also support the inclusive innovation of our product and work
This platform will empower refugees’ families and host in a way that is unimaginable!!!

2.6.Tell us more about the Feasibilityin 200 words maximum by answering the following questions: How do you envision success for your initiative?What barriers might hinder it? How do you plan to overcome them? What momentum does your initiative have? What phase is it at and how will it advance?

The success of Refugees welcome-Kindred platform depends on the credibility of the group and the networks it has already created.
Our Journey has just started, we still have challenges to overcomeon our way to ultimate goal
Building a strong team- this involves people with expertise needed to shake and move things, this idea will take long for result to be seen, patience and discipline is the key, but how can you convince someone to commit themselves to an idea that will take long for results to be seen. Having a second job while committing to the start-up is the solution.
Convincing society- New products to enter market space, it is indeed challenging, expect a lot of scrutiny. But when you partner with an established company, getting into market space is a little bit easier.
Monetizing the product. As for now our services are free and we are at the point when we are only investing our resources to build a viable product. This is a NGOs based product, for now product will have to be fully funded through fund raising efforts and social impact grants as this is a non-profit. Tailored features will be added for freemium.
  1. Motivation

3.1.Tell us more about yourself and the Young Innovators Competition in 100 words maximum by answering the following questions: Why are you applying to this competition? How will winning the ITU Telecom Young Innovators Competition help you deliver the initiative? Which benefits are crucial for you at this stage? Why should we choose you?

I am passionate about innovations and research, and also I love technology, Brainstorming and tweaking ideas always trying to find solutions that will change society livelihood. ITU Telekom young innovator contest online platform, it is a game changer for me as an individual and the start-up am involved in, Connecting with likeminded people, brainstorming and sharing ideas with young people all over the world, it is just amazing for me. For us ITU will open doors for us in term of partnership, product creation and recognition, we believe our technology will change society and refugees lives for good.

3.2.Tell us more about yourselfin 100 words maximum in the box below, by answering the following questions: What makes you a social entrepreneur? What are your most important skills, capabilities, and personality traits?How did you come up with the idea? Why is it important for you?

Changing the world through Empowerment, Easing lives, secure society livelihoods especially the vulnerable and linking societies with technical and social concerns, they are what make me a social entrepreneur.
I studied business information technology, I have competed in several contests, I have registered for Google Machine Learning online Course, worked as a Demand/Project manager, with this experience, I am capable of coming up with astounding ideas, collaborate then implement them into workable models.