English V tapescripts



Activity 2b. Listen and check. Then repeat :

1c. to say something bad about someone – to gossip

2d. to have a conversation - to chat

3e. to keep other people's secrets - to trust each other

4a. to help and support each other – to be friends

5b. to abuse and frighten someone weaker - to bully


Activity 2a. Listen to the telephone conversation between Misheel and Fred and answer. Do they do the same activities at school?

Fred: Hello, Misheel!

Misheel: Hi, Fred.

Fred: What are you doing?

Misheel: I'm working on a project right now.

Fred: Hm ... What is it about?

Misheel: Well, this is a new project. It is about professional orientation for students.

We are going to learn about our parents' jobs and professions. We usually invite our parents to school and talk to them. So at this time we will talk about different professions.

Fred: Oh, that's interesting. What else do you do at school?

Misheel: We do a lot of things because our school is a child-friendly school.

That's why our students are very active. We organize competitions, art shows and debates, have class meetings and so on. How about your school? Do you do the same things as well?

Fred: Sure, we also do different things like having different clubs, participating in sport competitions and having meetings with parents.

Misheel: Fred, do you study for exams as a class? We do, every time before taking exams.

Fred: Yes, we do. We often take tests and prepare for them together.

Misheel: We usually help each other. Good students become tutors, and they help others before exams. Do you also help each other?

Fred: Yes, of course.

Misheel: I see. I think our students do the same activities at school.

Fred: That's right. I agree with you.


Activity 7a. Listen to the conversation and answer. What are Fred and Misheel talking about?

Fred: Hi, Misheel! How are you? What are you doing now?

Misheel: Hi, Fred! I'm fine. I'm studying for my exams.

Fred: Oh! What exams are you studying for?

Misheel: Math, Mongolian language and English. This year we will take official school leaving exams.

Fred : Wow! It's a real challenge.

Misheel : Yeah …

Fred : Misheel, if you have problems in English, I can help you.

Misheel : That sounds great. I really need help in my English. Thank you so much.

Fred : Tell me when you have time to prepare for your English. Actually I wanted to invite you to a new movie. Since you are busy now, we can go later.

Misheel : A new movie? What a pity I can’t go now, but anyway, exams come first.

Fred : That's right. Do your best!

Misheel : Thanks



Activity lb. Listen and check. Then repeat.

a. using a compass, b. camping, c. putting up a tent, d. chopping wood, e. making a fire,

f. cooking, g. giving first aid, h. making knots


Activity lb. Listen and check.

a. outdoor badge, b. environment badge, c. emergencies badge, d. construction badge,

e. athletics badge, f. science badge, g. art badge

UNIT 2 : LESSON 3 : Activity 2b. Listen to the scout leader and answer :

Scout Leader : OK, scouts, look at me. I want to show you some badges. You get them for learning different skills. Each scout must earn these badges himself or herself.

A boy scout : How can we earn them?

Scout Leader : Well, it's not really difficult ... but to get them you must work hard. Listen to me and I'll explain. First, decide which badges you want to get.

A girl scout : Oh, you mean we can choose ourselves?

Scout Leader : Yes.

A girl scout : Must we get them in a particular order?

Scout Leader : No, there is no correct order. Each one of you must decide the order yourself.

A boy scout : But there's a lot to learn.

Scout Leader : Yes, but, you can take your time.

A girl scout : So, when do we get the badges?

Scout Leader : When you pass a test. Your scout leader will test your skills.

A girl scout : When are the tests?

Scout Leader : The scout leader decides this himself. You just tell him when you are ready.

A boy scout : Cool! I'm starting with the athletics badge. I can help you, Tina.

A girl scout : Mm ... No, I can do it myself, thank you. And I'm going to begin by ... (fades)

Activity 4b. Listen and check. Then repeat.

1. OK, scouts, look at me.

2. Each scout must earn these badges himself or herself.

3. It isn't difficult but each scout must work hard.

4. Listen to me!

5. Please, tell us! What must we do?

6. First, you must learn all the things yourself. Then your leader will test your skills.


Activity 1a. Listen and point at seven places on an obstacle course.

a. a knot making point b. a suspension bridge c. tyres d. a flag on a tree

e. the first aid point f. bushes g. a camp site

Activity 2a. Listen to the instructions, follow the course and answer :

1. What does the winner get?

2. What two things must he or she do to get it?

Scout leader : Now, listen carefully. I'm going to tell you what you must do. First, you go to the point where you must make a knot in a rope. Then, you go to the river. Don't go onto the raft, go over the suspension bridge. After that, go to the tyres and climb into and out of each hole. The fourth obstacle is to climb up the tree and get a flag. Then, go down to the next point. It is an emergency spot. There is an injured scout there. You must help him by giving first aid. After this, make a stretcher from wood. Put the scout onto the stretcher and carry him to the campsite. Use a compass and a map to find your way. Go through the bushes and take the scout to safety. Your final destination is a doctor who will look after the injured scout. And remember, you must do all these things in a fixed amount of time. The scout who finishes first, and in time, is the winner. The winner gets an obstacle badge.

Activity 3b. Listen and check. Then repeat.

1 a. Go over the suspension bridge.

2 b. Climb into and out of the hole in the tyres.

3 b. Go up and down the hill.

4a. Put the scout onto the stretcher.

5b. Go through the bushes.



Activity 1b. Listen and check. Then repeat.

a. babysit, b. carry water, c. sweep the floor, d. cook dinner, e. wash dishes, f. chop wood, g. make a fire, h. wash clothes, i. tidy the room

Activity 2a. Listen to the conversation and answer. Who is busy?

a. Fred b. Misheel c. both Fred and Misheel

Fred : Hey, Misheel, what are you doing after classes? We are going to the cinema today. Will you join us?

Misheel : What's on?

Fred : The Cats and Dogs in 3D. I've heard it's really cool.

Misheel : I'd love to, but I'm sorry, I can't. Today, I'm busy at home. I have to do a lot of things at home.

Fred : Don’t worry. Zorig and I can help you if you want.

Misheel : Thank you, but first, I have to tidy my room. Then, I have to finish my history homework and after that I have to pick up my sister from school at half past 5 pm. Finally, of course, I have to help with dinner.

Fred : Oh, what a pity! You have to do a lot of things at home, don't you? As for me, I don't have to do so many things. I have to wash my clothes and dishes, and take out the garbage. Sometimes, I have to vacuum the carpet. I don't like doing many things in one day.

Misheel : I have to do these to help my family. It is my duty at home. OK. Let's go to the movies next time then. I have to catch a bus now. Bye! Enjoy the movies!

Fred : Thank you, Have a nice day.


Activity 1a. Listen to the chant and answer. Who are these lines for?

What do you have to do?

Tidy the room.

What do you have to wear?

A school uniform.

What do you have to study?

School rules .

What do you have to do?

Do my very best!


Activity 2a. Listen to the interview and answer. Is it about a) children's interests or b) children's rights?


Interviewer: Hello, everybody. Today we've invited a student, Zorig to our program 'Children's Voice'.

Hello, Zorig. I have heard that you have participated in the national forum of Mongolian children in U1aanbaatar. So, tell me please, what was your overall impression?

Zorig : Oh, it was great! I learned a lot of things about children’s rights and I made a lot of friends who came from different parts of our country,

Interviewer: I hope this was helpful for you. Will you share your experience about the forum?

Zorig: Sure. First of all, children have to know about their rights.

Interviewer: What rights do they have?

Zorig: First, children have the rights to live, to get free education, and to have privacy.

Interviewer: What do parents have to do?

Zorig: Parents have to do their best for children. They have to maintain good family relationships and protect their children.

Interviewer : Should a child work a full-time job? I know a boy who works at the Narantuul market.

Zorig : No he shouldn't. He mustn't work because he needs to get an education.

Interviewer : What does school have to do with children's rights?

Zorig : OK. Schools have to support children's rights. Education must help children and people to respect human rights, their parents, theirs and others cultures, language and values, and protect the environment.

Interviewer : Do children have to do anything in their free time?

Zorig : No, every child has the right to rest and enjoy his free time. But you mustn’t forget to do your homework.

Interviewer : Thank you, Zorig, for the interesting interview. I hope children have learned a lot from you.



Activity 2a. Listen to the phone conversation between two friends and answer. What is the main topic of the conversation?

Cindy: Hello. Who is speaking?

Zorig: Hi, it is me, Zorig. How are you?

Cindy: Oh, hi Zorig. I am so exhausted. I have just come from aqua fitness. We exercised nonstop for an hour.

Zorig : I am tired too. I have just finished my boxing training. Since we are both tired why don't we go somewhere to relax?

Cindy : Hm. Sounds great! Do you have any idea where to go?

Zorig: Well I have heard that Tengis movie theater has just started showing a new film.

Cindy : What film? Do you know?

Zorig : I think it is "Salt" in which Angelina Jolie is starring.

Cindy : Well, that sounds nice and I know that Angelina Jolie is your favorite actress but personally I don't like her that much. By the way she is going to be cast as an evil witch in a new fairy tale movie.

Zorig : Really? Well, then why don’t we play chess? I have just bought a new chess set that I want to try.

Cindy : Hm ... Actually, I like that idea better. Let's do it then!

Zorig : OK, come to my place. How long will it take you to come here?

Cindy : Well, about an hour. I have to dry my hair first as I have just taken a shower. Why?

Zorig : Never mind, Take your time. I have something else to do too. I have just bought some new curry and I hope I finish cooking by the time you come here.

Cindy : Good. I am starving, by the way. See you soon.

Zorig : Oh, now I see you are only coming here to eat. …. OK, OK. Don’t take it too seriously. I was joking. See you soon!


Activity 2a. Listen to the conversation between Cindy and Zorig and answer.

What are they going to do?

Zorig: I can't wait to see Mount Fugi! It must be gorgeous!

Cindy: I hope it is. I have just received some pictures of it and they are fantastic! Have a look.

Zong:. Yep, the view is stunning! Have you packed your camera by the way?

Cindy: Yes, don t worry. I have already packed it. Have you remembered to buy hiking boots?

Zorig: No, I haven't bought any yet. I saw one nice pair of leather boots in the Department Store and I want to buy them. By the way, have you brought a hat? It will protect you from the cold air.

Cindy : Thanks for reminding me, but I have already packed my hat.

Zorig : I also think we might need good rain gear and waterproof pants.

Cindy : Yes, I have already thought of that. I haven't found a 2-piece rain suit, but I have already got my fleece jacket.

Zorig: Good to hear. And I have already packed my flashlight.

Cindy: How about a fresh pack of batteries to go with it?

Zorig: Oops! I completely forgot about that!

Cindy: It’s OK. I will buy them on my way home.

Zorig: Oh, don't forget to buy some medicine for our first-aid kit!

Cindy: I have already prepared it. Do you think we will need some trekking poles?

Zorig: Well, I don't think so. By the way, I have already packed our tent and air mattresses.

Cindy: And I have already bought ski-goggles to protect our eyes and warm gloves as well.

Zorig: Off we go! It seems we are fully equipped and ready to climb Mount Fuji!

Cindy: I think we are. Don't forget we are leaving for the airport tomorrow at 5 am. I have already made the flight confirmation.