National Carers Organisations
Carer Training and Practitioner Workforce Training
Grants Programme - Application form
Main contact name:Please provide information about your organisation and your experience in providing training to carers and/or practitioners
Role in organisation:
Address for correspondence:
Contact tel. no:
Mobile if any :
Contact email address:
How much are you applying for? (up to £5,000 for the small grant, up to £20,000 for the large grant / £
Where will the majority of the project’s direct impact/activities take place?Locality (identify) / Region (Identify) / Nationally
What is the estimated length of the project? (Projects must be complete by 31/10/11)
(if successful) What is the estimated start date for the project?
Please provide an outline of the project. This should consist of a comprehensive description of the theme, main outcomes and associated activities of the programme of training. This should make clear reference as to how the project will improve the life of any carer participants and/or the approach of any practitioner workforce training. The headings under which we are looking for input are provided below. Please refer to the example given in the grants guidelines at Part B
Objectives and Outcomes
Project Activities and timelines
Please complete the table below to list any staff, sessional workers or external facilitators required to deliver the proposed project. (See Section B grants guidance). Where a combination or mix of approaches is taken please list each input separately
Job title / Estimated Number of Hours / Estimated salary or fee / new/sessional/external/existing
Will any part of the project be undertaken by another party/organisation? If yes, please use the spaces below to provide details about project partner. (If there is more than one partner organisation, please copy and complete this section for each one)
Name of the organisation:Main contact name:
Contact tel. no:
Please provide a brief description of the main activities of the project partner (75 words)
Please provide a brief description of the nature of the work to be undertaken by the project partner (75 words)
If your organisation will be making payments to this project partner, please provide an overview of the payments below.
Total payments to be made / Breakdown of payments by week/month of training programme
£ / £
Other (specify)
Tell us about the carers and/or practitioner workforce participants your training programme will be targeting (150 words)
How many carers and or practitioner workforce participants will the project aim to work with over the entire course of the project? / Carer / Work/F
Basis for the above estimates.
Please say what you can about the nature and number of any indirect beneficiaries and how you have calculated your figures(150 words)
How will you make sure the targeted carers and/or workforce participants are aware of the project and what methods will you adopt to recruit and engage with them?
Section C: Monitoring and evaluation tools
All funded projects will be required to use monitoring and evaluation methods to identify ongoing impact of the training programme. Refer to the guidance Part C for information about toolkits to assist with monitoring and evaluation.
What activities do you intend to action to monitor and evaluate the projects outcomes? Please describe how you plan to undertake this work once you have received the evaluation tools offered. Please give a broad description of how you will ensure effective monitoring and evaluation of the project.(175 words)Which staff member will be the identified lead for ensuring the effective evaluation of the work?
Please outline the need(s) the proposed training programme seeks to address, providing appropriate supporting evidence. Please make clear reference to the work the project will do and how this relates to the overall themes and outcomes of the grant programme.Identified need / Related supporting evidence
Please outline any user involvement activity undertaken in the development of this proposal. This should clearly identify who your project identifies as users (e.g. direct beneficiaries, indirect beneficiaries, professional colleagues etc.)
Please provide details of any ongoing user involvement activity planned to take place throughout the project. This should include details of who will be involved and how the user involvement activity will directly impact the project’s delivery.
What added value will the proposed training programme bring to the following:
Added value to the overall sector?(300 words)
Added value to your organisation?(300 words)
Added value to other sector(s)? – please name the sector
(350 words)
Please use the space below to describe any possible training methods or tools that will be developed as part of this project. Please note that any grant offered is on condition of this material being shared within the sector by the NCO Carer Training Consortium (300 words)
Please refer to the Excel spreadsheet that accompanies this application pack to submit the full budget relating to the proposed project.
Please use the space below to describe the sustainability of the project or how the organisation will manage an effective exit strategy. (300 words)PART F:REFEREE CONTACT DETAILS
Organisation name:
Contact tel. no:
Contact email add:
Nature of professional relationship (100 words)
This form should be signed by a person who is authorised to sign on behalf of the organisation (e.g. Chair, Treasurer, or Executive Officer).
I certify that the information given in this application to The Carer Training and Practitioner Workforce Training Grant Programme 2010 is true and accurate and confirm that the enclosures and/or attachments are current, accurate and adopted or approved by the organisation.
The lead applicant’s insurance covers the proposed activities and all volunteers and employees working with carers and/or practitioner workforce participants. If successful, our organisation is willing to share resources and information about the funded work with the NCO group and the NCO Carers Training Consortium on completion of the funded activity. We accept that the NCO Carer Training Consortium will utilise any developed tools, methods or training materials as part of a central resource accessible to other carer organisations planning training activity in the future. Additionally, the NCO group and/or the NCO Training Consortium may use the name of our organisation and the funded project in reports and publicity materials.
Charles Oakley House | 125 West Regent Street | Glasgow | G2 2SDSwitchboard: 0141 221 5066 | Fax: 0141 221 4623
Registered Charity Number: SC015975