Please also attach your CV.

Position applied for: / Client Accounts Co-ordinator
Your personal details:
What period of notice are you required to give your current employer?
Where did you hear about this vacancy?
Right to work in the UK (Asylum and Immigration Act 1996):
You must either be a British citizen or have valid, original documents to prove your eligibility to work in the UK. We may ask to see these documents at the interview stage.
Curtis Brown Group Ltd is unable to help with work permits/visas.
If you are not a British citizen and you do not have valid original documents proving that you are legally entitled to work in the UK then, unfortunately, we cannot accept your application.
We’d like to know about your most recent jobs -
(starting with your current/most recent)
Position held:
Dates: From to
Employer and nature of business:
Brief description of duties:
Previous employment
Position held:
Dates: From to
Employer and nature of business:
Brief description of duties:
Previous employment
Position held:
Dates: From to
Employer and nature of business:
Brief description of duties:
Please account for any periods of non-employment:
Your Work Experience
Tell us about how your experience so far is relevant to this position.
IT Experience
Please tell us about your IT experience. We’d like to know about how you’ve used Microsoft Office products (Word, Excel etc), database software or any other accounting software.
Why do want to work for Curtis Brown? What motivated you to apply to us in particular?
And why do you want to work in the Client Accounts Department as opposed to other departments within Curtis Brown?
Education and training:
University, College, School or other place / Course studied (including qualifications achieved)
What was the last novel you enjoyed reading? Please tell us why you enjoyed it.
And please tell us about the last play, film or TV programme you enjoyed watching. Why did you enjoy it?
Do you have any special requirements if you were invited to interview? NO / YES
(if YES please give details)
I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, the information I have given on this form is correct.
Your signature (or e-signature) / Date:

Please return your completed form to by the end of Tuesday 28th July 2015.

CBG Application Form April 2015

page 4

Curtis Brown Group Ltd, Haymarket House, 28-29 Haymarket, London SW1Y 4SP Tel: +44 (0)20 7393 4400