Local Infrastructure Fund – Expressionof Interest

Grants for capital projects of £3,000 to £200,000 are available through the council’s Local Infrastructure Fund (LIF). Scheme priorities are listed on the LIF webpage ( which you should refer to before completing this form.

The application process is in two stages with the Expression of Interest being stage one.

Expressions of interest may be submitted at any time; however, the dates for funding rounds are fixed and published on theLIF webpage. Expressions of Interest received after the deadline date for each round may not be eligible and may be carried forward to the next round.

Please complete this form and email itto or post it to:

LIF Administrator, Policy and Performance, Local Infrastructure Fund, Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council, Civic Offices, London Road, Basingstoke, RG21 4AH.

If you need any help please contact the LIF Administrator on the email above or call 01256 845238.

We will review your Expression of Interest and, if your project is deemed to be eligible,contact you to discuss the requirements of the LIF programme. We will then issue you with a LIF application pack with details of further support and guidance and a Full Application Form. We will also consider if any other relevant fundsare available and signpost you to these and the relevant council officer/s for support.


If your project is for any of the following you cannot apply for LIF funding:

•revenue funding (staff and general running costs)

•non-fixed fittings and low level repairs (For example furniture, general decorating and maintenance)

•projects where there is an alternative primary source of funding made available by the council (e.g. low carbon loans)

•equipment (unless integral to a refurbishment; for example, kitchen appliances)

•works on private property where public access is not secured

•items that mainly benefit an individual

•projects that exclusively promote political or religious activities

•projects that have already started, including any expenditure incurred or committed, before the proposal is assessed /approved

In addition, there are some types of projects that we may need further detail on to decide whether they are eligible for the scheme or not.

In complying with the Data Protection Act 1998, Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council confirms that it will process personal data gathered from this form only for purposes relating to the Local Infrastructure Fund. We will not pass on your details to anyone else without your consent, unless required by law to do so. We may use the information you provide for record keeping, statistical or research purposes. It is intended to publish a summary of successful projects on the council's website.

Expression of Interest Form

Name of organisation :______

Name of contact person :______

Position :______

Contact details (email/phone):______


Please provide a brief outline of the project (its aims, who will benefit and how, impact on the local community, why it’s value for money, who will manage it, timescale,any partner funding, and how it will be sustainable)

Approximate project cost £______

Total amount applied for from LIF £______

Where the project will be based ______

Ward Councillors who support your project: ______


Parish/Town Council/s that has/have given views (if applicable.):
