Elvaston Lane, Alvaston,Derby, DE24 0PU
Telephone/fax: (01332) 571 704
Headteacher: Mrs Atwal24th January, 2017
Year 1
Rolls-Royce Primary Engineer Car Building Project
Dear Parents /Carers,
The children in year 1 have been selected to take part in an exciting engineering project in conjunction with Roll-Royce. Engineers from Rolls-Royce will be coming into school to work alongside the children to design, build and test a motor vehicle. We are always looking at how we can improve children’s scientific skills and this is a super opportunity for them to apply their skills of science, mathematics, art and design, in order to create and test their own vehicles. The children will make the vehicles in pairs, which will mean that the children will decide themselves on who takes the final product home to keep. This is not usually a problem as the children understand the concept of sharing and co-operation well. If they are unable to decide, we will draw a name out of a hat.
During the testing of the vehicles, points will be awarded for the distance travelled and the direction travelled. A winning vehicle will be selected from each Year 1 class and the winning designers will be invited to attend a special award ceremony (with their parents and teachers) hosted at Rolls-Royce.
We would request that you support your child with this project by providing a shoe box with a detachable lid and send it into school by next Monday at the latest.
We would also like you to become involved in this project by helping the children to assemble and decorate their vehicles in school on Thursday 2nd February either from 9 – 11.30am. or from 1:15-3:00pm The children will be working in pairs or small groups to build their vehicles, so you may be asked to help other children in your child’s class too.
If you are able to help (Thursday 2nd February 9 – 11.30am or from 1:15-3:00) please return the completed reply slip below and specify your time slot. We look forward to seeing you there.
With regards,
Mrs Atwal
Vehicle-making project: Thursday 2nd February
I will be able to help on the above date.
Please circle the time slot: 9-11:30am or 1:15 3:00pm
Child’s name………………………………………………. Class………………..