Considerations When Withdrawing from SSA

SSA Agreement / Contract
By February 1, notify TEA Division of Federal Fiscal Compliance and Reporting of a new SSA or changes to the configuration of an existing SSA in order to be effective the subsequent fiscal year (July 1 for federal funds).
By June 1, provide new or revised special education contract to TEA Division of Federal Fiscal Compliance and Reporting.
As of July 1, new or revised SSAs as approved by TEA are operational.
Within 90 calendar days upon SSA contract modifications NOT involving configuration change, provide a revised contract to TEA Division of Fiscal Compliance and Reporting.
Review agreement to identify procedures pertaining to personnel and distribution of assets including any fund balance, equipment, etc.
LEA Special Education Program Needs
Identify student population including students previously served by the SSA.
Identify programming needs previously provided by the SSA (including PPCD, self-contained programs, and 18+)
Identify additional staff needs (i.e., teachers, aides, related service providers, evaluation staff, counseling and/or behavior supports).
Identify contracted service needs (i.e., evaluation and related services providers, RDSPD fees).
Identify transportation needs/changes/impact.
Schedule ARD as needed to review student needs and recommend appropriate services.
Obtain legal opinion, if needed, on actions to take regarding personnel re-assignment and/or non-renewal.
Determine staff assignments.
Identify professional development needs for special and, if needed, general education staff members related to students returning to LEA from SSA programs.
Revenue Projection
Estimate federal LEA revenue for special education using IDEA-B NOGAs for current and prior years, including High Cost Fund reimbursements.
Determine LEA’s share of any SHARS payments received. Determine procedures for distributing any anticipated.
Identify any SSA funds that need to be returned to LEA, e.g., any fund balances paid into by LEA over the years.
Estimate state and local revenue for special education.
Expenditure History
Determine federal, state and local expenditures for special education historically.
Identify expenditures previously covered by SSA budget.
Identify impact on the exiting LEA’s MOE, Excess Cost and CEIS (Coordinating Early Intervening Services).
Identify, if any, students currently served through a contract with another LEA, day placement or residential placement.
Identify, if any, students currently served through proportionate share / private / home school IDEA funds. Exiting LEA to establish procedures for consulting with private/home school representatives prior to submitting SPED Consolidated grant application.
Determine employee costs (teachers, paras, related services costs) and identify fund source.
Estimate contract service costs (staff development providers, direct service providers, IEEs, evaluations).
Estimate contract services cost with ESC/other LEA for any AI and/or VI services
Estimate supplies/materials for support staff (testing materials for assessment, speech, OT, PT; instructional materials for speech and other therapists; assistive technology requests)
Estimate supplies/materials for teachers/campuses (instructional materials, equipment, software, etc.)
Project in-district travel costs for personnel, if any.
Project out-of-district travel and workshop registration, if any.
Project capital outlay items, if any, including routine furniture/equipment for all staff.
Develop/update Operating Guidelines.
Review Board Policies uploaded on the Region 18 Legal Framework to identify any needed revisions.
Equipment/Furniture Distribution
Identify equipment (test kits, AT devices, file cabinets, etc.) and develop procedures to distribute equipment to exiting LEA.
Determine different procedure, if any, for equipment purchased for a specific child from exiting LEA.
Public Notices / Child Find / Records Destruction
Identify student and fiscal records that need to be returned to LEAs; notify parents in affected communities of change and new location of records; and develop a process to document records were transferred in confidential manner.
Determine public notices previously handled by SSA and develop local procedures for posting annually, e.g., Child Find, Location of Records
Federal and State Reporting
Identify how data reporting responsibilities will transfer to LEA (e.g., SPP submissions due in August). Ensure exiting LEA will have documentation needed to comply with the reporting requirements.
Released Funds
Fiscal Agent Release of Funds: After final expenditures are completed, former fiscal agent releases funds to the exiting LEA via ISAM Expenditure Reports.
Exiting LEA: After receipt of released funds, amend SPED Consolidated grant in eGrants to allocate released federal funds.
TEAL/TEASE Accounts: Former fiscal agent removes LEA from authorized accounts. Exiting LEA applies for access to all applications, e.g., eGrants, ISAM, SSP
Grant Application
Special Education Consolidated Grant Application: Between July 1 and deadline (usually end of August), exiting LEA to submit initial application.

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