List of Community White Papers
Additional Contributions Abstracts
21-25 September 2009
Palazzo del Casinò
Lido, Venice, Italy
Last Update: 18September 2009 – Table of Contents not updated
Table of Contents
Community White Papers
Day 2: Scientific results and potential based on global observations
Session 2A: Large-scale ocean properties: science, observations and impacts
CWP-2A-01 An Integrated International Approach to Arctic Ocean Observations for Society (A Legacy of the International Polar Year)
CWP-2A-02 A Global Ocean Acoustic Observing Network
CWP-2A-03 Argo - A Decade of Progress
CWP-2A-04 Progressing towards global sustained deep ocean observations
CWP-2A-05 The Ship Of Opportunity Program
CWP-2A-06 Interocean Exchange of thermocline water: Indonesian Throughflow; “Tassie” Leakage; Agulhas Leakage
CWP-2A-07 Problems and Prospects in Large-Scale Ocean Circulation Models
CWP-2A-08 The ICES Working Group on Oceanic Hydrography: building on over 100 years of North Atlantic observations
CWP-2A-09 Ship-based Repeat Hydrography: A Strategy for a Sustained Global Program.
CWP-2A-10 The Global Tropical Moored Buoy Array
CWP-2A-11 Observing Systems in the Indian Ocean
CWP-2A-12 The Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS)
CWP-2A-13 Observations of Sea Level Change: What have we learned and what are the remaining challenges?
CWP-2A-14 Future observations for monitoring global ocean heat content
CWP-2A-15 Evaluating climate variability and change from modern and historical SST observations
CWP-2A-16 Geodetic Observations of Ocean Surface Topography, Ocean Currents, Ocean Mass, and Ocean Volume Changes
CWP-2A-17 Ocean Variability evaluated from an Ensemble of Ocean Syntheses
CWP-2A-18 Data buoy observations: the status quo and anticipated developments over the next decade
Day 2: Scientific results and potential based on global observations
Session 2B: Large-scale ocean circulation and fluxes
CWP-2B-01 Monitoring ocean - atmosphere interactions in western boundary current extensions
CWP-2B-02 The present and future system for measuring the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation and heat transport
CWP-2B-03 Observations to Quantify Air-Sea Fluxes and Their Role in Climate Variability and Predictability
CWP-2B-04 Using global arrays to investigate internal-waves and mixing
CWP-2B-05 Combining satellite altimetry, time-variable gravity, and bottom pressure observations to understand the Arctic Ocean
CWP-2B-06 Measuring the global ocean surface circulation with satellite and in situ observations
CWP-2B-07 Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS): Rationale and strategy for sustained observations of the Southern Ocean
CWP-2B-08 A global boundary current circulation observing network
CWP-2B-09 OceanSITES
Day 2: Scientific results and potential based on global observations
Session 2C: Biochemistry and ecosystems
CWP-2C-01 A global sea surface carbon observing system: inorganic and organic carbon dynamics in coastal oceans
CWP-2C-02 Sensors and Systems for Observations of Marine CO2 System Variables
CWP-2C-03 New insights into Southern Ocean physical and biological processes revealed by instrumented elephant seals.
CWP-2C-04 An International Observational Network for Ocean Acidification
CWP-2C-05 Toward a global ocean ecosystem Mid-trophic Automatic Acoustic Sampler (MAAS)
CWP-2C-06 Benthic biology time-series in the deep sea: Indicators of change
CWP-2C-06 Observational Needs of Dynamic Green Ocean Models
CWP-2C-07 Building a Global System of Systems for the Coastal Ocean
CWP-2C-08 A global sea surface carbon observing system: assessment of changing sea surface CO2 and air-sea CO2 fluxes
CWP-2C-09 Adding oxygen to Argo: Developing a global in-situ observatory for ocean deoxygenation and biogeochemistry
CWP-2C-10 Technology Legacy of the Census of Marine Life
CWP-2C-11 TOPP: Using Electronic tags to monitor the movements, behaviour and habitats of marine vertebrates
Costa, D.P.; Block, B.A.; Bograd, SDay 3: Delivering services to society
Day 3: Delivering services to society
Session 3A: Information and Assessment
CWP-3A-01 Observations as Assets in Decision Support
CWP-3A-02 An International Network of Coral Reef Ecosystem Observing Systems (I-CREOS)
CWP-3A-03 Societal Applications in Fisheries and Aquaculture using Remotely-Sensed Imagery – The SAFARI project
CWP-3A-04 GODAE OCEANVIEW: From an experiment towards a long-term International program for ocean analysis and forecasting
CWP-3A-05 Development of delivery of services from ocean observing systems – an opportunity to promote common approaches
Day 3: Delivering services to society
Session 3B: Forecasting
CWP-3B-01 Initialization for Seasonal and Decadal Forecasts
CWP-3B-02 Requirements of numerical weather prediction for observations of the oceans
CWP-3B-03 Decadal Climate Prediction: Opportunities and Challenges
CWP-3B-04 Dynamics of Decadal Climate Variability and Implications for its Prediction
CWP-3B-05 Ocean Observing System Evaluation
CWP-3B-06 Ocean State Estimation for Global Ocean Monitoring: ENSO and beyond ENSO
Day 3: Delivering services to society
Session 3C: Hazards, Impacts and Management
CWP-3C-01 The ocean observing system for tropical cyclone intensification forecasts and studies
CWP-3C-02 The California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI): the continuing evolution and contributions of a 60-year ocean observation program
CWP-3C-03 Observations as decision support for coastal management in response to local sea level changes
CWP-3C-04 Storm Surge
CWP-3C-05 Wave measurements, needs and developments for the next decade
Day 4: Developing technology and infrastructure
Session 4A: In situ
CWP-4A-01 In situ nutrient sensors for ocean observing systems
CWP-4A-02 Biologging in the Global Ocean Observing System
CWP-4A-03 Sensor Needs and Readiness Levels for Ocean Observing: An Example from the Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI)
CWP-4A-04 Bio-optical profiling floats as new observational tools for biogeochemical and ecosystem studies
CWP-4A-05 Seafloor Observatory Science
CWP-4A-06 The Way Forward in Developing and Integrating Ferrybox Technologies
CWP-4A-07 The Voluntary Observing Ship Scheme
CWP-4A-08 Autonomous Platforms in the Arctic Observing Network
CWP-4A-09 The Ocean Tracking Network
CWP-4A-10 Optical plankton imaging and analysis systems for ocean observation
CWP-4A-11 Automated Underway Oceanic and Atmospheric Measurements from Ships
CWP-4A-12 Gliders as a component of future observing systems
Day 4: Developing technology and infrastructure
Session 4B: Satellite
CWP-4B-01 Remotely sensed winds and wind stresses for marine forecasting and ocean modeling
CWP-4B-02 Integrating satellite altimetry and key observations: what we’ve learned, and what’s possible with new technologies
CWP-4B-03 Remote Sensing of Sea Ice
CWP-4B-04 The Role of Altimetry in Coastal Observing Systems
CWP-4B-05 Successes and Challenges for the Modern Sea Surface Temperature Observing System
CWP-4B-06 The SWOT (Surface Water Ocean Topography) Mission
CWP-4B-07 ChloroGIN: Use of satellite and in situ data in support of ecosystem-based management of marine resources
CWP-4B-08 Resolving the global surface salinity field and variations by blending satellite and in situ observations
CWP-4B-09 Ocean Surface Topography Constellation: The Next 15 Years in Satellite Altimetry
CWP-4B-10 The Ocean Colour Radiance Virtual Constellation (OCR-VC)
Day 4: Developing technology and infrastructure
Session 4C: Information Synthesis and Delivery
CWP-4C-01 The JCOMM in situ Observing Platform Support Centre: A decade of progress and remaining challenges
CWP-4C-02 Ocean and Coastal Data Management
CWP-4C-03 Evolution in data and product management for serving operational oceanography, a GODAE feedback
CWP-4C-04 Integrating QA/QC into Open GeoSpatial Consortion Sensor Web Enablement
CWP-4C-05 Ocean Data Portal: a standards approach to data access and dissemination
CWP-4C-06 NetCDF-CF-OPeNDAP: Standards for Ocean Data Interoperability and Object Lessons for Community Data Standards Processes
CWP-4C-07 Observational requirements for global-scale ocean climate analysis: lessons learnt from ocean state estimation
CWP-4C-08 Data Management System for Surface Drifters
CWP-4C-09 Ocean State Estimation for Climate Research
CWP-4C-10 Ocean and Coastal Data Stewardship
CWP-4C-11 Argo Data Management
CWP-4C-12 The Data Management System for the Shipboard Automated Meteorological and Oceanographic System (SAMOS) Initiative
CWP-4C-13 Metadata Management in Global Distributed Ocean Observation Networks
CWP-4C-14 The Data Management System for the Global Temperature and Salinity Profile Programme
CWP-4C-15 Atmospheric reanalyses: a major resource for ocean product development and modeling
CWP-4C-16 Integrating biological data into ocean observing systems: the future role of OBIS
CWP-4C-17 Quality Assurance of Real-Time Ocean Data (QARTOD)
CWP-4C-18 Surface In situ Datasets for Marine Climatological Applications
CWP-4C-19 The Role of ICOADS in the Sustained Ocean Observing System
Additional Contributions
Day 2: Scientific results and potential based on global observations
Session 2A: Large-scale ocean properties: science, observations and impacts
AC-2A-01: Error Estimation of the Regional Mean Sea Level Trends From Altimetry Data
AC-2A-02: Current and Future of Tropical Ocean Climate Study (TOCS) and Triangle Trans-Ocean Buoy Network (TRITON) Buoy Array
AC-2A-03: The HOAPS-3 satellite climatology of global freshwater flux
AC-2A-04: Observing System for Turkish Straits System
AC-2A-05: Monitoring deep convection combining altimetry and modelling: Application to the Labrador and Mediterranean Sea.
AC-2A-06: Variability of the equatorial Atlantic cold tongue
AC-2A-07: CLIVAR Global Ocean Observation and Synthesis Activities
AC-2A-08: Deep ocean observing system over middle and long time scale: the E2M3A site in the Southern Adriatic
AC-2A-09: WCRP CLIVAR and ocean observations
AC-2A-10: Observed Freshening and Warming of the Western Pacific Warm Pool
AC-2A-11: Developing global long-term altimeter datasets and climatologies of ocean wave measurements
AC-2A-12: COriolis Re-Analysis (CORA) : a new comprehensive and qualified ocean in-situ dataset from 1990 to 2008
AC-2A-13: Spatial and temporal variability of water masses in the 4 AR/IPCC models
AC-2A-14: Visual Wind Wave Data From VOS: A Substantial Component of Wind Wave Observing System
AC-2A-15: Recent Change in Global Sea Surface Layer Salinity Detected by Argo Float Array
AC-2A-16: Deep Water Warming and Steric Height Change in the Pacific Ocean
AC-2A-17: Long-term variations of Subantarctic Mode Water at 32°S in the Indian Ocean
AC-2A-18: A decade of physical and biogeochemical measurements in the northern Indian Ocean
AC-2A-19: Detection of Natural and Anthropogenic signals in the ocean climate record using the Met Office EN3 data set
AC-2A-20: Glider measurements around the Vercelli Seamount (Tyrrhenian Sea) in May 2009
AC-2A-21: Operational Oceanography at the Naval Oceanographic Office: Real-Time Oceanographic Measurements
AC-2A-22: Seasonal Variability of Chl a (SeaWiFS) and SST (MODIS Aqua) off Magdalena State, Colombian Caribbean, 1997-2006
AC-2A-23: Upper ocean variability of the equatorial Indian Ocean and its relation to chlorophyll pigment concentration
AC-2A-24: Station M in the Norwegisn Sea
AC-2A-25: Sustainable monitoring system for ice shelves and polar oceans
AC-2A-26: Monitoring the Tropical Ocean: The Importance of Small Vertical Scale Velocity Features
AC-2A-27: Decadal Scale Sea-level Validation of the ENSEMBLES Ensemble of Ocean Reanalyses
AC-2A-28: Investigating changes in the Atlantic Waters characteristics along the Egyptian Mediterranean Coast.
AC-2A-29: Observing Deep-Water Changes in the Northern North Atlantic
AC-2A-30: New hydrographic scenarios in the Western Mediterranean: a possible monitoring strategy
AC-2A-31: Biophysical Couplings in South Australian Shelves Waters Under Conditions of Summer Upwelling and Winter Downwelling
AC-2A-32: Sustained Observations in the Atlantic and Southern Oceans
AC-2A-33: Determining the Response of the Tropical Pacific to Global Warming
AC-2A-34: CLIVAR’s regional basin panels and ocean observations.
AC-2A-35: Geochemical and physical instrumentation development for characterizing a subglacial aquatic environment in Antarctica
AC-2A-36: Inventory of anthropogenic carbon in the Atlantic
AC-2A-37: Coherent signals between the RAPID array and satellite altimetry
AC-2A-38: Impact of Sea Ice Variability on the Ross Sea Water Masses
AC-2A-39: Ligurian Sea Observing System; A Multi-platform Approach for Model Development and Validation.
AC-2A-40: Mediterranean Sea Level Variations from Altimetry Data and Ocean Circulation Models
AC-2A-41: Changes in Subduction in the South Atlantic Ocean During the 21st Century in the CCSM3
AC-2A-42: The Global Ocean Mixing Community - A Progress Update
AC-2A-43: A Decade of Acoustic Thermometry in the North Pacific
AC-2A-44: Upper Ocean Heat Content Simulated by NCEP GODAS
AC-2A-45: Origin and Variability of the Deep and Abyssal Waters of the Northwest Atlantic
AC-2A-46: Causes, Variability and Consequences of Deep Convection in the Labrador Sea in Recent Years
Day 2: Scientific results and potential based on global observations
Session 2B: Large-scale ocean circulation and fluxes
AC-2B-01: Agulhas Current Time-series (ACT): Towards a multi-decadal index of Agulhas Current transport
AC-2B-02: Determination of Surface Wind Vector and Stress Fields Using METOP/ASCAT and QuikSCAT/SeaWinds Retrievals
AC-2B-03: Terra Nova Bay POLYNYA: A Small Coastal Area Affecting Basin Scale Oceanic Conditions
AC-2B-04: Dissolved Chlorofluorocarbons as Transient Tracers in the CLIVAR Repeat Hydrography Program
AC-2B-05: Bias in the bathythermograph records and its impact on ocean climate analysis
AC-2B-06: Eddy-balanced buoyancy gradients on eastern boundaries and their role in the Meridional Overturning Circulation
AC-2B-07: Water flux and Phosphorus transport in the mixed layer of the northern Red Sea and Gulf of Suez
AC-2B-08: Observing System Simulation Experiments for the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation.
AC-2B-09: Surface drifter measurements in the Mediterranean and Black Seas
AC-2B-10: Surface Fluxes in High Latitude Regions
AC-2B-11: Observations of Atmosphere-Ocean Freshwater Input With In Situ and Satellite Measurements of Surface Salinity and Rain
AC-2B-12: Long term ocean variability and effects on regional ocean dynamics
AC-2B-13: Seven Years of measuring the Makassar Strait throughflow, the primary component of the Indonesian Throughflow
AC-2B-14: The Solomon Sea observed by glider and altimetry
AC-2B-15: International Research in Nares Strait
AC-2B-16: Minimization of the Impact of Sampling Errors in VOS-based Global Air-Sea Flux Fields
AC-2B-17: MORE: Five Years of Radiative Air-Sea Flux Measurements in the Atlantic Ocean
AC-2B-18: Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Simulated by NCEP GODAS
AC-2B-19: Objectively Derived In-Situ Turbulent Flux Climatology: Application to Tropical Atlantic Variability
AC-2B-20: Annual Signal Modulation of the Kuroshio Through-flow Volume Transport South of Japan Leading West Pacific Pattern
AC-2B-21: Volume Transport Variability in the Northwestern Weddell Sea Seen in a Global Ocean Model (OCCAM)
AC-2B-22: Formation rates of Labrador Sea Water inferred from repeated tracer sections
AC-2B-23: Introduction of Japanese Ocean Flux data sets with Use of Remote sensing Observations (J-OFURO) Version 2
AC-2B-24: U.S. AMOC Program
AC-2B-25: Multi-year Observations of the Brazil Current Baroclinic Transport Variability Near 22oS
AC-2B-26: Ocean striations
AC-2B-27: Mediterranean subsurface circulation and thermohaline properties from ARGO data
AC-2B-28: 28 00:00 THOR: long term observations of MOC variability in the North Atlantic
AC-2B-29: Seasonal and Interannual Variation of North Pacific Subtropical Mode Water in 2003−2006
AC-2B-30: Chile Ocean Observing System
AC-2B-31: The RAPID-MOC/MOCHA Mooring Array at 26ºN in the Atlantic
AC-2B-32: Time series of transport variability and spreading paths of the North Atlantic subpolar gyre
AC-2B-33: Long term direct observations on currents and volume transport in the Mozambique Channel
AC-2B-34: A New Mean Dynamic Topography Computed Over the Global Ocean Ffrom GRACE Data, Altimetry and In-situ Measurements
AC-2B-35: Mapping the Ocean Interior's Currents From Altimetry, SST and In-Situ Measurements
AC-2B-36: Energetics From Drifting Buoys in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean
AC-2B-37: Water flux and Phosphorus transport in the mixed layer of the northern Red Sea and Gulf of Suez
AC-2B-38: A revisit of the reason why the properties of the Central Mode Water in the North Pacific changed in regime shifts
AC-2B-39: Verification of Numerical Weather Prediction Marine Meteorology using Moorings: An OceanSITES Application
AC-2B-40: A monitoring system for the South Atlantic as a component of the MOC
AC-2B-41: The Great Barrier Reef Ocean Observing System Moorings array: Monitoring Coral Sea Impacts on the Great Barrier Reef
AC-2B-42: Formation and Export Rates of North Atlantic Deep Water
AC-2B-43: Upper Layer Variability of Indonesian Throughflow
AC-2B-44: Analysis of a 44 - Year Hindcast for the Mediterranean Sea : Comparison with altimetry and in situ observations
AC-2B-45: Discrepancies between observed and OGCM-simulated anomalies in recent SSTs of the tropical Indian Ocean
AC-2B-46: Direct velocity measurements of deep circulation southwest of the Shatsky Rise in the western North Pacific
AC-2B-47: Continuous Observations From the Weather Ship Polarfront at Station Mike
Day 2: Scientific results and potential based on global observations
Session 2C: Biochemistry and ecosystems
AC-2C-01: A Joint ICES-IOC Study Group on Nutrient Standards
AC-2C-01b: An expanding observatory to monitor hypoxia in the Northern California Current System
AC-2C-02: High Frequency Monitoring of pCO2 using a CARIOCA sensor in a Temperate coastal ecosystem (2003-2009)
AC-2C-03: The MOOSE network: a tool to observe the long-term carbon change in the NW Mediterranean Sea
AC-2C-04: Carbon Dioxide Variability in the Northern Adriatic Sea
AC-2C-05: Sampling frequencies necessary for coastal ocean observatories
AC-2C-06: Time-series observation for biogeochemistry in the Western Pacific Subarctic Gyre
AC-2C-07: SIBER: Sustained Indian Ocean Biogeochemical and Ecological Research
AC-2C-08: Long-term observation of deep-sea benthic activities in Sagami Bay, central Japan
AC-2C-09: Long-term Biogeochemical Time-Series from the Porcupine Abyssal Plain Deep Ocean Observatory, North East Atlantic
AC-2C-10: Monitoring pH of Seawater in the Adriatic Sea. Results From a Regional Observing Effort.
AC-2C-11: Dissolved Carbon Dioxide, Nutrients and Oxygen in the Adriatic Sea. A Regional Observing Effort.
AC-2C-12: Dissolved Carbon Dioxide, Nutrients and Oxygen in the Adriatic Sea. A Regional Observing Effort.
AC-2C-13: Evaluation of MODIS bio-optical algorithms in the Arctic waters
AC-2C-14: A Comparative Analysis of Climatic Variability and its impact on the ABROLHOS REGION (BA, BRASIL) Coral Bleaching
AC-2C-15: Phytoplankton Community and Trace Gas Studies from the Pride of Bilbao
AC-2C-16: Biophysical Moorings on the Eastern Bering Sea Shelf: 15 Years of Observations
AC-2C-17: Semi-automated classification of zooplankton by the ZooScan system: a network approach.