Registration & Confidential Medical HistoryNEWPORTHANDCENTER

Name ______Date of Birth _____/_____/_____ SS# ______

Last First MI

Address ______Home Phone ______

Street Address City Zip

Cell Phone ______

 Male  Female  Single  Married  OtherEmployer ______

Student?  Yes  No School ______Email ______Referring Physician ______

Emergency Contact ______ Spouse  Parent/Child  Other

Name Phone Relationship

Specify diagnosis and/or body part we will be treating: ______

Is this injury work-related?  Yes  No Auto Accident?  Yes  No Other Accident?  Yes  No

Is there any legal action filed, or will there by any legal action filed regarding this injury?  Yes  No

Date of Injury or Onset of Symptoms _____/______/____ Date of Surgery _____/_____/_____

Are you currently taking 1. Pain Medication Yes No 2. Anti-Inflammatory  Yes No 3. Anti-Coagulant/Blood thinner Yes No

List any surgeries: ______

Have you had Diagnostic or Rehabilitative Services for this Injury?  MRI Xrays  Other: ______

Have you had any Occupational/Physical/Home Therapy or any Chiropractic visits this year? Specify which: ______

Do you have or have you had any of the following?

Asthma, Bronchitis or Emphysema / Arthritis/Swollen Joints
Coronary Heart Disease / Osteoporosis
Pacemaker / Emotional/Psychological Problems
High Blood Pressure / Severe/Frequent Headaches
Stroke/ TIA / Vision/Hearing Difficulty
Blood Clot/Embolism/ DVT / Dizziness
Epilepsy/Seizures / Are you Pregnant?
Infection in past 3 months / Allergies
Infectious disease / Other Medical Condition
Diabetes / Smoking
Cancer or Chemo/Radiation / Alcohol Consumption / Daily ______

Are you aware of your diagnosis?  Yes  No Are you aware of your Prognosis?  Yes  No

I hereby agree and give my consent to medical treatment in treating my physical condition. I authorize release of any medical information needed to process my claim. I understand that I am responsible for any charges that are not covered by my insurance carrier. Furthermore, I understand that I am responsible to inform the office of any changes that occur. I authorize release of payment directly to NHC, regardless of participation in or out-of-network. Should I default on my financial responsibility and collection action is necessary, I will be responsible for collection costs that are incurred.

Patient/Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______

I acknowledge that I have seen the “Notice of Privacy Practices”. I understand that I may ask questions about this at any time.

Patient/Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______

Mydocs/forms/Patient Registration 2012 Revised


360 San Miguel Drive▪ Suite 302 ▪ Newport Beach, Ca 92660

Phone 949-644-6050 ▪ Fax 949-644-4427


Name of Patient:______Date of Birth:______

I hereby request release of my medical records (or my child’s medical records) to NewportHandCenter. Included in this release would be any records pertaining to the diagnosis for which Newport Hand Center is treating, or will be treating me (or child).

I also hereby authorize release of my medical records (or my child’s medical records) pertaining to treatment at NewportHandCenter to

√the referring physician, attending surgeon(s) and other treating physicians

√the insurance company being billed for these services and any representative or

agent of my insurance plan

Other (if specified) ______

A photocopy or fax of this document with my signature shall be considered as a valid release and shall be in effect until revoked.

I understand I can revoke this authorization at any time in writing to NewportHandCenter, but that revoking this authorization will not affect disclosures made before the revocation is received.



Relationship if not patient

PLEASE NOTE: For Disclosure on Liens or any Attorney related requests, there is a separate form for Release of Medical Records . Please refer to form entitled HIPAA COMPLIANT AUTHORIZATION FOR THE RELEASE OF PATIENT INFORMATION PURSUANT TO 45 CFR 164.508



360 San Miguel Drive▪ Suite 302 ▪ Newport Beach, Ca 92660

Phone 949-644-6050 ▪ Fax 949-644-4427


To Our Patients:

NewportHandCentertries to schedule each patient at a time convenient for them and makes every effort to see each patient at their scheduled appointment time. Our goal is to accommodate every patient and to make sure we have enough time with our patients to provide the best occupational therapy available.

To be able to do this, we refrain from double booking patients, which most offices do to allow for cancellations and no shows.

For this reason, we require at least 24 hours advance notice if you are unable to attend your scheduled appointment.

Any same day cancellations or no-shows will be billed at $35 per occurrence.

We will excuse one emergency, but to be fair to all, there will be no exceptions after the first unplanned schedule change.

Thank you.

My signature below indicates that I have read and understand the above statements.

Print Name______

Signature______Date ______