4 February 2016
In absence of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman Cllr Balbirnie proposed that Cllr Plummer chair the meeting. The proposal was seconded by Cllr Drew and agreed unanimously.
Public Questions;1. It was reported that the rail on the pavement barrier outside of Tesco remains broken. This matter has been reported to Highways.
2. It was noted that there is reference in the Ardleigh Advertiser of the bus service 77 thanking GBPC and parishioner’s for assistance in securing this bus service.
3. The Clerk informed that a Highways Maintenance page has been added to the website that allows people to see what has been reported and track progress.
Present; Cllrs K Plummer (Chair), B. Herbert, P. Drew, P. Balbirnie, R. Adams G. Wright and R. Taylor. Also in attendance were 27 members of public.
02.16.330 / Apologies for absence:
Apologies were received from Cllrs Hills and Edwards.
02.16.331 / Minutes of the last meeting:
The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 7 January 2016 were proposed by Cllr Adams, seconded by Cllr Drew and agreed as an accurate record of the meeting.
02.16.332 / Declarations of Interest:
Cllr Plummer declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 344 as chair of governors at the school.
02.16.333 / Information & Reports: None.
02.16.334 / County and District Councillors Reports:
a) County Councillor; Cllr A. Goggin reported that (1) the Highways Panel met last week with good representation from local councils. Learnt that budget is 900K. There were two items from this Parish on the agenda a) the proposed footpath extension on Thorrington Rd and b) surfacing a layby on A133. (2) ECC budget setting meeting 11 February. (3) Request to use the ECC Highways maintenance report mechanism. (4) Survey of traffic on B1027 shows that there was 50% more speeding where there is no VAS sign.
b) District Councillor; Cllr L. McWilliams had previously offered her apologies. She submitted a written report (attached as Appendix A) and this was read out by the Clerk.
02.16.335 / Other Reports:
a) PCSO No report from PCSO Cox who is on leave.
b) TDALC; Cllr R. Taylor summarised his previously circulated report. He highlighted a couple of items including the cessation of TDC’s back refuse sacks and a request that the Clerk checks he has the relevant byelaws paperwork? The Clerk conspicuously did not agree to this request.
c) Transport; Mr P. Harry reported that (1) the work on the footbridge remains unfinished but that the work raising the platform appears to be progressing well for the mid-February completion deadline (2) lots of road closures in the Parish over the next few weeks.
d) Footpaths; Mr Gollifer notified that there is nothing to report this month.
e) Caretaker; Mr McWilliams notified that fly-tipping has increased this month but that it has been dealt with speedily by TDC.
f) Village Events for consideration by GBPC: Half Marathon this Sunday.
02.16.336 / Correspondence:
a) Request for Circus Tyanna visit 24-31 July 2016; deferred from the last meeting. Cllr Wright proposed and Cllr Taylor seconded. Resolved: To authorize the Circus’ use of the Village Green. The Clerk agreed to raise the manure/straw waste disposal issue with the Circus.
b) Request from FoG to continue fund raising activities on the Green; Cllr Drew proposed, Cllr Taylor seconded. Resolved: To agree to the request from FoG to fund raise on the Village Green in 2016.
c) Letter from the secretary of the PCC regarding worsening road surface.
Cllr Adams confirmed that this was reported last October. As Cllr McWilliams had previously advised that this was Highways responsibility and that she was in contact with them regarding this. He subsequently contacted Cllr McWilliams who confirmed that It is hoped that this repair will be completed together with other road surfacing works currently being undertaken. Cllr Adams will monitor.
d) Request from Mrs S Edwards regarding access over the new allotment site;
It was suggested that the Parish Council is unable to grant access approval as it is not the freeholder of the access roadway.
02.16.337 / Parish Clerk Report:
The Clerk highlighted a couple of items from his previously circulated report, which is attached as Appendix B.
02.16.338 / Finance Report:
An amended monthly expenditure report (attached as Appendix C) was tabled at the meeting. Cllr Wright proposed, Cllr Herbert seconded and it was Resolved: To approve the contents of the monthly expenditure report for payment.
02.16.339 / Village Green Working Party:
Cllr Herbert read out his Green report, which is attached as Appendix D.
· Cllr Herbert agreed to wait for Cllr Taylor to return in two weeks for assistance to determine precisely what papers are kept where in terms of the land registry of the Village Green and to report back to the next meeting
· It was agreed that the VGWP would meet to consider the parking issue at Chapel Terrace and prepare a proposal for the Council’s consideration at the next PC meeting.
· When The Moors planning application was raised, Cllr Wright declared a non-pecuniary interest (the applicant is his mother) and left meeting. The item was received too late for consideration at this meeting. The Clerk agreed to recirculate Open Space Society letter.
· It was reported that a mobile fish bar attended last night as publicised and noted that this may cause a problem in the future. The Clerk was asked to include this as an agenda item next month.
· It was agreed that the Council is not in a position to agree to Mrs Edwards allotment access request Allotment access request as it is not the freeholder of the access roadway.
02.16.340 / Public Engagement Working Party:
Cllr Drew, Chair of the Working Party delivered her verbal report. She confirmed that following publicizing the formation of the Working Party, there are now four members; Cllrs Pippa Drew, and Luke Edwards, Amanda Cordell and Peter Harry.
1. It is proposed to contact village groups to ask if they wish to promote themselves on Council website.
2. It is proposed to upload on to the website photos and biographies of Parish Councillors and other representatives. Also, include a profile each month in parish magazine.
3. Consideration is being given to including something in the Housing Needs Survey.
4. It is proposed to refresh the Annual Parish Meeting and to bring thoughts to next meeting.
5. It is intended to bring proposals to the next meeting for village tidy-up.
02.16.341 / Highways Issues;
There was a discussion about the current roadworks in the Parish. It was suggested that the schedule of works can be viewed on www.roadworks.org. Cllr Adams advised that as the schedule of works showed a full road closure of the whole of Plough Road from the 4th to the 8th Feb. He contacted Highways to obtain a schedule of this closure. It appears that there is no definitive plan regarding this. The workmen will wherever possible, attempt to minimise the closure and would probably only be progressively closing parts of the Road as it progressed towards Flag Hill.
02.16.342 / Car Park Improvements:
The Clerk reported;
a) An instruction has been issued to a contractor to fill the potholes but a date for the work is yet to be scheduled.
b) An enquiry has been made to ECC about the CIF application deadline and a response is awaited.
02.16.343 / Affordable Housing Survey:
The Clerk reported back further to the questions posed at the last meeting. It was agreed to proceed with the survey as the questionnaire covers the issue(s) that GBPC members have an interested in. The Clerk was asked if there is an opportunity to include an insert in the envelope and to notify of the timescale.
02.16.344 / Great Bentley Primary School:
Cllr Plummer reiterated his non-pecuniary interest in this item as he is the School’s Chair of governors. He proceeded to read out the notes of a recent meeting attended by himself, the Head teacher and Cllr Hills, Chair of GBPC.
The Clerk read out two letters (attached as Appendix E) from the School that included two separate funding requests for play equipment and a synthetic pitch. A discussion ensued with a number of points raised including;
· What are the proposed public access arrangements?
· Funding of routine maintenance?
· GBPC does not have a budget.
· Is it possible to organise a joint-use agreement?
· Sport England has funding for synthetic pitches
It was agreed that the Clerk would prepare a response and circulate it to members for comment before sending.
02.16.345 / The Pensions Regulator:
It was noted that the Council’s new pensions automatic enrolment date is approaching and action is required to fulfil the Council’s responsibilities under the Pensions Act 2008. Cllr Drew volunteered to lead on and progress this matter.
02.16.346 / Future Agenda Items: To note requests for future agenda items.
· Chapel Terrace parking issue.
· Village Pond.
· Atthill Trust.
· Mobile Fish Bar.
· Public Engagement proposals.
· Workplace Pensions Update.
· Forge Lane.
· Mower Maintenance
· The Queen’s Birthday Beacons.
· Allotment fencing.
Public Questions
The Chair closed the meeting before inviting questions from members of the public in attendance.
1. Station Road is becoming narrower with the shrubs Hollies House encroaching on the highway. Chase letting company.
2. It was noted that there may be safeguarding issues reference the Primary School funding request. Also, Sport England funding is restricted to schools without facilities.
3. The Fish Bar on the Green on Wednesday evenings may pose problems.
4. The new allotment site has no padlock on gate. Agreed to replace it.
5. It was confirmed that the HNS questionnaire will be anonymous.
6. The condition of the Green is worsening due to motor vehicles driving over it in wet conditions.
4 February 2016
1. Parish Council Website: An update/mailing list facility has been added to the website. The Clerk expects all council members will be enthusiastic to subscribe. Any feedback on the content of the website would be gratefully received.
2. Affordable Housing Survey: Further to the last meeting, RCCE confirmed that the questionnaire may be amended to suit individual circumstances. A number of recent survey questionnaire have include content relating to elderly residents. RCCE is however, reluctant to delete the questions in the core questionnaire. It was also confirmed that the RCCE survey results are recognised by planning authorities.
3. Car Park: I contacted Pro Mac and asked them to fill the potholes in the car park using the road planning’s on-site. The work will be completed while the car park is open.
4. Office Carpet: Awaiting a quotation.
5. Outstanding Issues: New Allotments, Grass Mower,
6. Late Items for inclusion on next month’s agenda:
a) Planning application 16/00070/FUL
b) Planning application consultation request for The Moors, The Green – Mills and Reeves
c) Request to hold Gt Bentley Show on 3 Sep
d) Request to hold Gt Bentley Carnival on 25 June
e) FoG request to continue fund raising on The Green.
f) Request to plant shrubs as part of the Buckthorn and Brimstone campaign – Cllr McWilliams
g) Parking complaint at Chapel Terrace - Mrs L Mitchell.
8. Late Items for report:
a) Notice of planning appeal at the Priory Estate, St Osyth
b) Complaint regarding vehicles driving across amenity open space on Larkfield Rd – Mr Gillings
c) Complaint of interference on traffic issues – Mr A Irwin.
d) Bikers Night offer – Mr P Hamilton.
Wednesday 20th January 2016
Re: Funding application
Dear Parish Council of Great Bentley,
We are writing to you to ask you to consider joining us in funding a project at Great Bentley Primary School. We are aware that as a school we have a fairly large playing field. However, our British climate does seem to stop us using the school field during the winter months. Excessive water and mud makes it completely impractical on a day to day basis. Therefore, we would like to replace half of the school field with an all weather pitch.
We are aware that this is quite an expensive venture and one in which we would be very interested in match funding. We are also happy to engage with you to discuss how we could share this facility beyond the 210 children that would have access to it on a daily basis
Our preliminary enquiries have priced the pitch (appropriate for a 5 aside pitch) at apx £30k. If you are interested in investing in such a facility we will actively seek quotes and add further detail for review.
As an outstanding provider we are proud to be a part of the village and we would like to further enhance and strengthen our community links. We believe that sport brings people together and it would bring us great pleasure to be able to further open our doors to the people and clubs of Great Bentley.
Yours sincerely,
Tracey Caffull
Wednesday 20th January 2016
Re: Funding application
Dear Parish Council of Great Bentley,
We are writing to you to ask you to consider funding a project at Great Bentley Primary School. We are aware that children’s play equipment in our village is fairly minimal and we are proposing that you consider Great Bentley Primary School as a site to fund such a development.
Every day for 195 days of the year 210 children connected with the village and local area are at school. Therefore, it would be far to say that the equipment would be used extensively and regularly by the village community. This is without, of course, the many younger and sometimes older siblings that attend the school collection at the end of the school day. We appreciate that you would want us to enable further village use outside of the school terms and we would be very willing to explore these possibilities.