Asha for Education / 1

Please attach additional sheets wherever necessary. Thank you for your time and patience.

Name of the organization


This school includes three sites. A hostel school for disabled children with standards k-12 (mostly children who are deaf or mute), a primary school in a nearby village, and a vocational training center attached to the primary school for young adults who are hearing and speech impaired.

Mr. Devarajan, founder and head of JG school, hosted the Asha India National Conference in the year 2000, in Chengalpettu, Tamil Nadu.

Date of establishment


Funding History

2005: $2000


Chengalpettu, Tamil Nadu. (outside of Chennai)

Description of area

Residential Area (disabled children’s hostel)

Village Buildings (Vocational training center and Primary school)

Contact person(s)



C – 46, 5th Cross Street, Anna Nagar,

Chengalpattu, Tamilnadu, India

Pincode – 603 001

Phone No – 044 27428708

Number of children currently enrolled in the project


Current Teacher/student ratio


Over all school attendence percentage

Mostly daily attendees, disabled children live there

Medium of instruction

Chalkboard, visual aids, resonating tools to help with pronunciation of speech impaired children, speaking, acting, discussion

Below are some general questions regarding the project.

Details on the school curriculum (please attach additional sheets if necessary)

The school exclusively follows the state board curriculum. The vocational training institute trains students to prepare them for the state technical accreditation exam.

Long-term goals of the project (mention any changes you foresee)

To develop a trust that will allow for self sustenance. Mr. Devarajan is training his son, Jeevan, to take over in the future.

Description of current school facilities (building, equipment etc)

One large house with attached classrooms that serves as the disabled children’s school and two large attached rooms with metalworking benches and fabrication equipment for the vocational training center.

How do you need to improve these facilities?

Sufficient for now.

How do you think the school has improved in the last year?

They have enrolled more children with general disabilities including mental retardation. The vocational training class has taken the technical accreditation exams and they have done well.

How would you rate the overall effectiveness of this project over the past year?

Very productive, expanding in terms of influence and presence in the community. Better accountability and management of funds as well.

How much longer do you foresee requiring Asha funding, and for what purposes?

Asha must continue funding them for a few years to come to cover the teacher’s salary especially. They are also in need of a transport van which will cost $10,000. If enough donors are found, JG hopes to add to a savings account and create a trust.

Current expenditure details

Budget for the next year:

TOTAL EXPENDITURE From 01.04.20005 – March 2006

1. Pay to Teachers, Non-Teaching &-6,79,555.00

Teachers welfare

2. School & I.T.I Maintenance-3,82,290.00

3. Hostel Maintenance-3,74,050.00

4. HostelBuilding Construction - 13,27,500.00

[2950 Sq. Feet @ Rs. 450.00]

5. Administration-1,41,880.00

Total Expenses- 29,05,275.00

[Rupees Twenty Nine Laks Five Thousand Two Hundred

and Seventy Five Only]

Extra Feedback:

JG seeks to empower children to survive in the world without depending on others and families who have often neglected them. By fostering a sense of confidence, JG produces graduates, disabled and otherwise who are capable of and ready to take on the outside world.

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