Open Horse Show

July 15 & 16, 2016

Western Show July 15th Start 8:30 am

English Show July 16th Start 8:30 am

*Western Horse Show is an Open Show and 4-H Qualifier*

Ocean County Fair

Robert J Miller Airpark

Rt 530

Toms River NJ 08757

Pre Registration Deadline: July 9th, 2016

All horses must have proof of a current negative Coggins test and vaccination record


Information: Marilyn Wainwright (732) 232-7424

Registration: Kim Werling (609) 709-5906

4-H: Hannah Goldmanu (732) 349-1227

General Show Rules


1.  All horses must have proof of a current negative Coggins test (from the 12 months prior to the show) and an up-to-date vaccination record (from the 12 months prior to the show)

2.  Pre-registration must be sent to:

Kim Werling

226 Lake Champlain Dr.

Little Egg Harbor, NJ 08087

3.  All checks made payable to: “Ocean County 4-H Horse Leaders Association”

4.  Pre-registration must be received by July 9th, 2016

5.  Refund of entry fees is at the discretion of the Show Committee

Facility Rules

1.  Appropriate footwear is required around horses at all times. Flip-flops and sandals are not considered appropriate footwear. No Horses in Mid way.

2.  No dogs allowed.

3.  The Show Committee reserves the right to disqualify and/or remove a rider or family member from the event for dangerous or discourteous behavior.

Show Rules

1.  An ASTM-SEI approved safety helmet must be worn by every rider whenever they are mounted.

2.  No one other than a rider is allowed to ready a project animal for the show ring. This includes grooming and schooling. (Participants in the Challenged Division are exempt from this rule)

3.  Coaching by a parent and/or trainer while the rider is in the show ring is strictly prohibited during the Western Division classes.

4.  All judge’s decisions are final. A protest may only be filed with the show committee within 10 minutes of the infraction.

Instructions for 4-H Members Qualifying

1.  Be sure to notate on your registration form that you are a 4-H member Qualifying

2.  4-H members will wear distinct back numbers. Be sure to not trade or exchange numbers with another competitor without show committee approval.

3.  4-H Members must always abide by the NJ 4-H Code of Conduct

4.  4-H Members must exhibit in at least one “Showmanship & Grooming” Class in every division in which they ride

4-H Project Animal Guidelines

1.  4-H members may only ride a registered project animal at a qualifying show.

2.  The show name of the horse must be used for all registration and health forms

3.  A 4-H member may have more than one registered project animal.

4.  A project animal may be shared by no more than two members.

5.  Project horses must be registered with your county 4-H office by April 1, 2016.

6.  Health forms (including Coggins & Shot Records) must be submitted to your county 4-H office by May 1, 2016

7.  If any person other than the 4-H member’s family owns the project animal, a signed lease/borrow form must be attached to registration forms.

8.  As of January 1, 2016, your horse becomes one year older regardless of date of birth.



Open to horses & ponies. To be shown in hand at halter/bridle at a walk, trot, jog & pose. Exhibitors must do their own grooming, training and conditioning without assistance. You will not be penalized for wearing an ASTM/SEI approved helmet. Showmanship classes will be judged using the 4-H scorecard.

Judging: 50% on showmanship, 40% on the horse and 10% on the appearance of the exhibitor.


Horses in this class must be 4-years of age or older. Mares and geldings to be shown in-hand at halter or bridle depending on the discipline. Each entry will be shown individually at the walk or trot/jog & pose.

Judging: 100% conformation, soundness, and condition of animal.


Seat, hands, overall position, balance, control of mount, neatness of turnout and suitability of horse & rider will be considered. Riders to show horse both ways of the ring at a walk, jog/trot & lope/canter on a reasonably loose rein. Judge may ask for individual test first, followed by rail work

Judging: 40% on rail work and 60% on individual pattern.


Shown at a walk, jog/trot & lope/canter both ways of the ring on a reasonably loose/light rein without undue restraint, excessive speed & wrong leads will be penalized. Horses should stand quietly and will be asked to back.

Judging: 75% on manners, performance and soundness; 25% on suitability and correctness of turnout.


Judged by 4-H rules. Horses/ponies shall be penalized for any unnecessary delay while approaching the obstacles. The class will count toward County points.

Judging: This class will be judged on the performance of the horse/pony over the obstacles, with emphasis on manners, response to the rider & attitude

2016 Ocean County Fair

Open Western Horse Show

July 15th, 2016

Start Time: 8:30 am

This is a 4-H Qualifying Show & Open Western Horse Show

1.  Showmanship & Grooming - Jr./Jr.

2.  Showmanship & Grooming - Jr.

3.  Showmanship & Grooming - Sr.

4.  Western Halter Mare

5.  Western Halter Gelding



6.  Western Horsemanship Jr Jr

7.  Western Horsemanship – Jr.

8.  Western Horsemanship – Sr.

9.  Western Pleasure Jr Jr

10.  Western Pleasure Pony

11.  Western Pleasure Horse – Jr.

12.  Western Pleasure Horse – Sr.

13.  Trail Jr

14.  Trail Sr

15.  Trail Jr Jr

16.  Western Riding Jr

17.  Western Riding Sr

18.  Reining


2016 Ocean County Fair

Open English Horse Show

July 16th, 2016

Start Time: 8:30 am

1.  Short Stirrup Equitation

2.  Short Stirrup Pleasure

3.  Short Stirrup Eq Cross Rails

4.  Beginner Rider Equitation W/T

5.  Beginner Riders Pleasure W/T

6.  Beginner Riders Eq Cross Rails W/T

7.  Jr Equitation

8.  Jr Pleasure

9.  Jr Equitation Over Fences

10.  Sr Equitation

11.  Sr Pleasure

12.  Sr Equitation over Fences

*** Lead line during Break ***

13.  Cross Rail Hunter Hack

14.  Cross Rail Over Fences

15.  Cross Rail Hunter under Saddle

16.  Schooling Hunter Hack

17.  Schooling Hunter over Fences

18.  Schooling Hunter under Saddle

19.  Gamblers Choice 1

20.  Gamblers Choice 2

21.  Gamblers Choice 3

Short Stirrup Division:

Open to riders who are in School Grades 4th -7th

1. Short Stirrup Walk/Trot/Canter Equitation

2. Short Stirrup Walk/Trot/Canter Pleasure

3. Short Stirrup Eq Cross Rails . Riders to Trot or Canter a course . 8 Cross rails not to exceed 18”

Beginner Rider Division:

Open to All Ages, Walk and Trot only.

Riders must be in their First or Second Year Showing

4. Beginner Rider Equitation

5. Beginner Rider Pleasure

6. Beginner Rider Eq Cross Rails Must trot a course of 6-8 cross rails , less then 18”

Junior Division

Jr’s riders Grades 4th – 8th

Horse or Pon

7. Jr Equitation

8. Jr Pleasure

9. Jr Equitation over Fences not to exceed 2’3

Senior Division:

Open to All rider 9th Grade to Adults

Horse or Pony

10.Sr Equitation

11. Sr Pleasure

12. Sr Equitation over fences , Not to exceed 2’6

Cross Rail Division: Class 13,14,15

Open to any Horse or Pony

Cannot Cross enter into Schooling Hunter or Gamblers Choice

Cross rails not to Exceed 18”

Schooling Hunter Division: Class 16.17.18

Open to any Horse or Pony

Cannot Cross enter into Cross Rail Division

Fences not to Exceed 2’6

Gamblers Choice Division: Class 19.20.21

Open to Any Horse or Pony

Can not Cross enter into Cross Rail Division.

Fences will be from 18” to 3’. A bonus fence will be in class 21 only ( Fence maybe up to 3’3.)

Gambler’s Choice Division

A certain number of fences ranging from cross rails to 3’ will be set up in the arena.

·  Each obstacle carries from 5 to 50 points according to its difficulty. The obstacles must be built so they can be jumped in either direction.

·  Each obstacle may be jumped twice. No points are awarded for an obstacle that is knocked down.

·  Each competitor has 60 seconds to jump all the obstacles he or she wishes in any order or direction.

·  A whistle will be sounded at the end of the round. The competitor must then cross the finishing line in one direction to allow the time and points to be recorded. If he or she does not cross the finishing line, he or she is placed last of the competitors with the same number of points.

·  If the fixed time is reached at the moment when the horse is already taking off (front hooves off the ground), this obstacles counts if it is jumped correctly.

·  The competitor who has obtained the highest number of points will be declared the winner. In the event of equality of points, the fastest time taken between the starting line and the finishing line will decide.

****************Class 21 only as follows:*****************

An obstacle may be provided in the course duly marked and titled “Joker.” The Joker may be jumped twice, 100 points are awarded if jumped correctly. If it is knocked down, 100 points must be deducted from the total points obtained so far by the competitor.

Registration Form

Are you a 4-H Member? (circle) Yes No 4-H County ______

Last Name: ______First Name: ______


Town: ______State: ______Zip: ______

Phone ______Email ______

Horse/Pony Information

Western / English
Show Name
Animal is participating in
(Numbers only)

Pre-registration Entry Fees: Entry Deadline:

$8 /class $45/day July 9th, 2016

Total fees paid = ______

Make Checks Payable to: “Ocean County 4-H Horse Leaders Association”

Submit registration and payment to:

Kim Werling

226 Lake Champlain Drive

Little Egg Harbor, NJ 08087