
Haverford Senior High School

Mr. Perez

610-853-5900 x 2715

Syllabus and Course Guidelines

Teacher Website:


Course Description: (0.5 credit, unleveled elective)

Entrepreneurs see the world as an opportunity and create products and services to meet it, solve its problems, or improve them. In the process, they generate new businesses, new jobs, or even new industries – and, therefore, strengthen the economy. As a result, entrepreneurs have a major impact on the future economic growth of the world!

As the global economy continues to develop and industries adapt to our current challenging economic climate, entrepreneurship education will provide you with the spirit to spark your independence, curiosity, and initiative to be a success.

The textbook and workbook for this course is Glenco Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management. We will also use Entrepreneur.com as a daily source of current trends, news, and personal success stories.

This course will integrate business concepts, entrepreneurial activity, and computer technology by creating a business plan for a proposed new business in the local community. The students will look at the components of a business plan to learn about the nature of business activity. Sections will include cash flow forecasting, competition analysis, market planning, pricing, supplying, inventory management, and much more!

This course will cover the following core concepts:

v  Going into Business for Yourself

v  Researching and Planning your Venture

v  Managing Market Strategies

v  Managing your Business Processes

v  Managing Finances for your Business

v  Growing your Business

Entrepreneurship classes will involve a strong emphasis on:

·  Technology: this class is taught in a computer lab

o  The Internet will be used daily for academic and research applications

o  The students will use MS Office to complete assignments: Word, Excel and PPT

·  The development of a broader set of student skills including:

o  written and oral communication

o  interpersonal skills, including working in teams

o  analytical and critical thinking skills, including working on cases and projects involving real-world situations

·  Professional Development: This class is supplemented by community professionals, local bankers, and brokers coming into our classroom to discuss trends and real-life applications of our curriculum.


1.  Portfolio of Work kept throughout the course of the semester – Students will have tangible evidence of their progress and achievements, ranging from worksheets to projects

a.  Students are required to maintain a 3-ring binder with all work organized by chapter

2.  Homework / Classwork Grades

3.  Regularly Scheduled Tests (at conclusion of each unit)

4.  Projects reflective of each student’s business plan

5.  Daily Participation & Behavior grades

Percentage Grade Course Grade Percentage Grade Course Grade

98 to 100 A+ 77 to 73 C

97 to 93 A 72 to 70 C-

92 to 90 A- 69 to 68 D+

89 to 88 B+ 67 to 63 D

87 to 83 B 62 to 60 D-

82 to 80 B- 59 to 0 F

79 to 78 C+

Course Materials Needed:

q  3-ring binder with notepaper: Binder Check every Friday

o  Will contain daily hand-outs and/or worksheets & weekly Do Now/Exit sheets

Class Rules and Expectations:

q  Be on time – Class starts at the bell; you should be in your seats and working on “Do Now” at the bell.

q  Be prepared for class – Have all materials, binder, individual folder, and be focused

q  Listen Respectfully – to teacher and to classmates.

q  Make-Up Work – Assignments may only be made up if absences are excused. Late work will not receive full credit.

q  No cell phones, smartphones, or electronic devices permitted in class. See Student Handbook.

q  Copying of files or assignments, Violations of computer security or the Internet Acceptable Use Policy of the District, or Destruction or Theft of school property will be referred to the administration in accordance with district discipline policies and procedures.

Consequences for Violations: (Includes but, not limited to:)

q  Zero credit for assignment(s)

q  Call to parent/guardian

q  Teacher detention

q  Referral to House Principal/Administration

If you need assistance or have any questions/concerns, feel free to contact me via email or telephone. Before and after school arrangements can be made for enrichment exercises of current lessons.


Date Student Signature


Date Parent / Guardian Signature