(November 2014)
1. Statement of Health and Safety Policy
The Governing Body of Pinfold Street Primary School recognises and accepts its Health and Safety responsibilities both under civil and criminal. As responsible employers, the requirement to provide a safe and healthy working environment for all employees is appreciated.
The school is committed to ensuring that risk assessments are undertaken, control measures implemented and systems are constantly monitored and reviewed.
In compliance with the Health and Safety at Work Act, the Governing Body through the Headteacher will ensure so far as is reasonably practicable that:
· The premises are maintained in a safe condition.
· Safe access to and egress from the premises is maintained.
· All plant and equipment is safe to use.
· Appropriate safe systems of work exist and are maintained.
· Sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision is available and provided.
· Arrangements exist for the safe use, handling and storage of articles and substances at work.
· A healthy working environment is maintained including adequate welfare facilities.
In addition to the above commitment, the Governing body also recognises its obligations to non-employees. Where it is reasonably foreseeable that trainees, members of the public, contractors etc., are or may be affected by the school activities being carried on within the school boundary or otherwise, the Governing Body will make necessary information, instruction, training and supervision available to ensure the safety of those affected. As an educational institution which must set standards by example for its pupils, this commitment is seen as especially important.
The Governing Body will ensure that adequate resources are set aside from the total budget allocation for the policy statement to be properly implemented.
For the policy to be effectively implemented the school must have the full co-operation of employees and others who use the premises. Employees are reminded of their own duties:
· To take care of their own safety and that of others;
· To co-operate with the Governing Body so that they may carry out their own responsibilities successfully.
All relevant Regulations, Codes of Practice and Standards will be complied with as necessary.
Consultation with employee representatives will be held as and when appropriate on all matters affecting the health and/or safety of employees concerned.
A copy of this statement has been provided to every member of staff. Copies are also posted on staff notice boards. This policy statement and the accompanying organisation and arrangements will be revised as and when necessary.
2. Health and Safety Organisation
The Governing Body must ensure that:
· The premises are maintained.
· The purchase of equipment meets appropriate safety standards;
· School equipment is maintained, repaired and tested.
· Fire fighting equipment and first aid materials are purchased and maintained;
· Safety training for staff is funded after identifying specific needs;
· There are arrangements for securing health and safety assistance from competent sources and all staff are kept informed of the names and details of those persons appointed;
· The correct procedures are followed for the reporting, recording, investigation and follow-up of accidents on the premises;
· Arrangements are formulated and reviewed for action to be taken in an emergency, and that all are informed of the arrangements;
· There are termly evacuation drills and weekly alarm tests;
· That appropriate action is taken when any defect in the state of repair of the building or its surrounds is identified as being unsafe, to minimise the risk until repairs can be arranged;
· There are arrangements for the repair, replacement or removal of any item of furniture or equipment, which has been identified, as unsafe;
· There is a termly health and safety audit, ensuring all areas of the establishment and all activities are covered;
· It receives reports of any situation which is unsafe or hazardous to health and which cannot be remedied from the resources available;
· As far as is reasonably practicable, the activities of contractors (including catering and cleaning staff) visitors and others on the site, do not present any risks to the health and safety of staff and others;
· Appropriate safe working rules and procedures exist within the school and that these are brought to the attention of all those concerned;
· All accidents and dangerous occurrences are promptly reported and recorded using the appropriate forms, and investigated with a view to preventing a re-occurrence;
· All staff are aware if their specific role in the event of a fire and/or emergency and that instruction for safe evacuation of the premises are displayed in every room with the nearest exit point, assembly point and location and type of fire fighting appliance included;
· That level of first aid provision remains adequate for the activities being undertaken and that staff are aware of the location of all first aid boxes;
· Health and safety problems referred by the Health and Safety Representative are resolved and that there is consultation with the Local Authority's Health and Safety Advisor or other appropriate officers when extra assistance is required;
The Governing body will ensure that all employees are aware that:
· They have general health and safety responsibilities both under criminal and civil law;
· They are obliged to take care of their own safety and health whilst at work along with that of others who may be affected by their actions;
· They must cooperate with The Governing Body in so far as is necessary to enable it to fulfil any legal requirements placed on it as an employer;
· They have a duty not to intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health and safety or welfare;
The Governing body will be informed in writing, of any accredited trade union Health and Safety Representative from amongst the employees, and will ensure that they are able to:
· Investigate potential hazards and dangerous occurrences at the workplace and to investigate the causes of accidents;
· To investigate complaints by an employee he/she represents relating to that employee's health and safety or welfare at work;
· To make representations to the employer
· To carry out inspections and write reports to the employer as a result of those inspections;
· To represent employees he/she represents in consultations at the workplace with inspectors of the Health and Safety Executive and of any other enforcing authority;
· To receive information from inspectors;
· To attend meetings of safety committees where he/she attends in his/her capacity as a safety representative
· The Governing Body will set up a Health and Safety Committee which will meet termly, to develop and implement measures to ensure the health and safety at work of all employees and others who may be affected by the school's activities. Membership will consist of;
Headteacher Mrs. Sally-Ann Sinclair
Governor Mr. Steve Pearce
Health & Safety Co-ordinator Mrs. Sue Harper
Site Manager Mr. Peter Mullender
Staff member Miss Emma Yates
3. Health and Safety Arrangements
The Governing Body will ensure that the following arrangements exist in the school:
Risk Assessments (see separate file kept in main office)
Fire and emergency – each room displays a Fire Routine notice
Evacuation procedure – included on Fire Routine notice
Total Evacuation Policy – all staff to have a copy
Emergency Crisis Plan
Assembly points – the school playground is the assembly point for the children and all staff, towards the Moxley Road boundary, as far away from the school buildings as possible.
Fire exits – staff and children are aware of their nearest fire exits
Fire drills – these are carried out termly
Fire alarm tests – the caretaker tests the fire alarms on a weekly rolling programme
Inspection of fire fighting appliances – this is carried out annually
Staff with special responsibilities – there are five First Aiders listed in the school office, and a lead first aider with a First Aid at Work qualification.
Names of trained personnel and their locations are displayed in the school office.
Location of first aid boxes
Restocking of first aid supplies – this is carried out on a regular basis
Training and/or retraining of first aiders – by BFA Safety Training
Accident reporting – there is a First Aid Folder to record accidents in as well as accident report forms
Major injuries – are reported to the Headteacher and parents immediately they occur and to the Chair of Governors. An accident report form is sent to the LA
Minor injuries – are recorded in the First Aid Folder
Governors receive an annual report of accidents
Dangerous occurrences – reported to the Headteacher and Chair of Governors and risk assessment undertaken immediately
Termly safety audits – are carried out termly by the Health and Safety co-ordinator
Routine Inspections and Tests – are carried out by the Health and Safety co-ordinator and headteacher
Portable electrical equipment – is checked annually
Large P.E. equipment in the hall – is checked annually
Fixed electrics are checked every 3 years by the LA contractors
Personal protective equipment – provided by the school
Lifting equipment – provided if required
Security Procedures for Visitors – all visitors must report to the main office. The main door has a release catch which is operated from the main office. All visitors must sign the visitors’ book and are provided with a visitor’s badge.
Smoking Policy – the school has a no smoking policy
Storage and use of hazardous substances – if hazardous substances are kept in school they are locked in a secure cupboard.
Date of review: November 2014
Date of next review: November 2016