ARB 101
اللغة العربيّة
INSTRUCTOR:Prof. Jamil Istifan
OFFICE HOURS:By appointment, TBA
OFFICE:MerrickBuilding (Phone: 284-4858)
Course Description:
An overview of the Arab World helps the student gain information and insight in several areas including history, culture, art, religion and historical development of the Arabic language. An introduction to the phonology, morphology, and syntax of classic and modern standard Arabic.
- AhlanWa Sahlan (أهلاًوسهلاً)
Mahdi Alosh, YaleUniversity Press
- Mastering Arabic
J. Wightwick and M. Gaafar
3. Classroom Handouts
Supplementary Material:
Elementary Modern Standard Arabic 1
Peter F. Abboud, CambridgeUniversity Press
Course Objectives:
Students will have a general overview of Arabic Culture and Civilization. Mastering the skills of reading and writing. A thorough background in grammar is stressed. Reading selections (from classical and modern literature) are studied.
Final Exam25%
Tests / Quizzes30%
Oral presentation15%
The Honor Code, as adapted and approved by the Honor Council, will be strictly upheld in this class. Students who violate it are subject to severe disciplinary action by instructor and / or the Honor Council.
The cooperation and participation of all students enrolled is essential and attendance is therefore mandatory. The intensive nature of this class demands daily participation and punctuality at all course meetings. The instructor will not excuse an absence that is not brought to his/her attention before the date in question. Three or more unexcused absences will result in a grade penalty as assessed in the scale below. Late arrival to class on three occasions shall be considered the equivalent of an unexcused absence.
Up to (20 pts) can be deducted from overall grade points.
# Unexcused AbsencesPoints Deducted from Final Grade
SYLLABUS (Subject to change)
Week 1Lecture and Introduction
Week 2Arabic Alphabet, Vowel System
Week 3AhlanWa Sahlan Chapter 1,2,3
Arabic Alphabet, Vowel System, Article, Demonstrative Pronouns
Week 4Elementary Modern Standard Arabic 1Chapter 2,3,4
Equational Sentences, Negation, Numerals (0-10)
AhlanWa SahlanChapter 3,4
Week 5AhlanWa SahlanChapter 5
Elementary Modern Standard Arabic1 Chapter 5
Mastering ArabicChapter 3,5,6
Week 6Elementary Modern Standard Arabic1 Chapter 6,7,8
Past Tense
Week 8AhlanWa SahlanChapter 7
Elementary Modern Standard Arabic1 Chapter 6,7,8
Past Tense, Idafa
Week 9AhlanWa SahlanChapter 7
Mastering ArabicChapter 12
Week 10Mastering ArabicChapter 7,8
Week 11Elementary Modern Standard Arabic1 Chapter 4,5
Mastering ArabicChapter 12
Week 12Review and Oral Presentation
Final Exam, TBA