Must be completed in full, signed, and submitted to the Past President before April 15th
In order to stand for election to the WBN Board you must be:
- Acurrent Single member or named member-of-record (Primary member) for a Corporate membership
- Your membership must be in good standing in the current membership year
- You have been to a minimum of 5 meetings within the last 2 membership years
In addition to the eligibility stated above, the Strategic Planning Director position requires that you have:
- Been a member for 5 or more consecutive years &/or
- Served on the board for 1 or more consecutive years (past or present) &/or
- Served on the Strategic Planning Committee for 2 or more years
All positions require a minimum volunteer requirement of 10 to 30 hours per month (varies by position) and each is for a term of 2 consecutive years. Additionally, you must be computer literate and actively use email on a daily basis.
- Your nomination is to the Board in general, not to a specific position. However, please indicate below your first and second choice for the positions you would be interested in holding.Vacant positions arehighlighted below, and listed on the website at:
Secretary / Member Communications Director (Internal) / Technical Director
Treasurer / External Communications Director (Publicity) / Director at Large
Membership Director / Program Director
/ Strategic Planning
Social Director
- Please indicate your reasons for being on the Board, your skills and experience for the position you are interested in, and attach a current resume to this nomination form (if not enough room here, attach a separate document):
- If you have experience on another board, especially a volunteer one, please indicate where, when and the duties (if not enough room here, attach a separate document):
- If you have been on the WBN board before, please indicate when and the position(s) held:
- Additionally, for posting on the website, please email a 200 word bio and provide a current photo to support your nomination to the members.
Emails are to be sent to: before April 15th.
I, ______(nominee) have read and clearly understand the duties of the position(s) applied for and commit to serving for a two-year term.
I hereby accept the nomination to the 20__ -20__ and 20__ -20__ Women’s Business Network Board of Directors and agree to have my nomination and credentials made public to the Network’s membership.
Alternate Phone:
Nominee’s Signature
To be filled out by the Past President or other supporting, active Member of the WBN.
I hereby nominate ______for a position on the Board of Directors for the
Women’s Business Network of Peterborough.
Nominator’s NameNominator’s SignatureDate
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