/ Board Nomination Form

Must be completed in full, signed, and submitted to the Past President before April 15th

In order to stand for election to the WBN Board you must be:

  • Acurrent Single member or named member-of-record (Primary member) for a Corporate membership
  • Your membership must be in good standing in the current membership year
  • You have been to a minimum of 5 meetings within the last 2 membership years

In addition to the eligibility stated above, the Strategic Planning Director position requires that you have:

  • Been a member for 5 or more consecutive years &/or
  • Served on the board for 1 or more consecutive years (past or present) &/or
  • Served on the Strategic Planning Committee for 2 or more years

All positions require a minimum volunteer requirement of 10 to 30 hours per month (varies by position) and each is for a term of 2 consecutive years. Additionally, you must be computer literate and actively use email on a daily basis.

  1. Your nomination is to the Board in general, not to a specific position. However, please indicate below your first and second choice for the positions you would be interested in holding.Vacant positions arehighlighted below, and listed on the website at:

Secretary / Member Communications Director (Internal) / Technical Director
Treasurer / External Communications Director (Publicity) / Director at Large
Membership Director / Program Director
/ Strategic Planning
Social Director
  1. Please indicate your reasons for being on the Board, your skills and experience for the position you are interested in, and attach a current resume to this nomination form (if not enough room here, attach a separate document):
  1. If you have experience on another board, especially a volunteer one, please indicate where, when and the duties (if not enough room here, attach a separate document):
  1. If you have been on the WBN board before, please indicate when and the position(s) held:
  1. Additionally, for posting on the website, please email a 200 word bio and provide a current photo to support your nomination to the members.

Emails are to be sent to: before April 15th.


I, ______(nominee) have read and clearly understand the duties of the position(s) applied for and commit to serving for a two-year term.

I hereby accept the nomination to the 20__ -20__ and 20__ -20__ Women’s Business Network Board of Directors and agree to have my nomination and credentials made public to the Network’s membership.

Alternate Phone:


Nominee’s Signature




To be filled out by the Past President or other supporting, active Member of the WBN.

I hereby nominate ______for a position on the Board of Directors for the
Women’s Business Network of Peterborough.


Nominator’s NameNominator’s SignatureDate

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