Curriculum Vitae (CV) of Mr. Antonio M. Salindong

1. / Proposed Position / : / Financial Management Adviser - PNG Grant
2. / Name of Firm / :
3. / Name of Staff / : / Antonio M. Salindong
4. / Date of Birth / : / September 24, 1953 / Nationality: / Filipino
5. / Education / : / -  Master of Business Administration, University of the Philippines, 1981
-  Bachelor of Science in Commerce, major in accounting (magna cum laude & salutatorian), Ateneo de Zamboanga, Philippines, 1974
-  International Trading Center (ITC)-certified SME Associate
-  Certified Public Accountant, Philippines;
6. / Membership in Professional Associations / : / -  Member, Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA)
7. / Other Training / : / -  Public Private Partnership (PPP) & Project Finance (September 29 to 30, 2011) from Ateneo de Manila;
-  ISO 27001 Lead Auditor Training (April 26 to 30, 2010) from SGS Philippines;
-  Best Practices In IT Audit (October 10, 2008) from Center for Global Best Practices;
-  SAP Business One (SAP software for small and medium enterprises) Advanced Training (July 19 to August 9, 2008) from Fast-track Solutions;
-  SAP Business One (SAP software for small and medium enterprises) Basic Training (June 23 to 27, 2008) from Fast-track Solutions;
-  Fraud Detection and Prevention (January 26-27, 2006), Center for Best Practices
-  Organization Design for Line Managers (February 1 to 3, 2006), Center for Organization Design/Ateneo Graduate School;
-  Internal Control and Risk Assessment, February 20 to 21, 2006), Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants
-  JAVA programming (August to October 2002) NIIT-Philippines: Passed NIIT exam and programming project for JAVA
-  Certified Internet Professional Program (2001), Informatics-Philippines: HTML programming, basic perl programming, CGI, and Internet Server Management
-  Microsoft Structure Query Language,(November 2001-March 2002) NIIT-Philippines: Passed NIIT exam for SQL 7 after attending 4-month program.
8. / Countries of Work Experience / : / Papua New Guinea, Afghanistan, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, USA, Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Jordan, Pakistan, Ghana, Iraq, Tonga
9. / Languages / : / Language / Speaking / Reading / Writing
Spanish / Excellent
Basic / Excellent
Basic / Excellent

10.  Employment Record

December 2000 – Present / Independent Consultant / Occupied following positions:
·  Financial Management Adviser
·  Finance Systems Adviser;
·  Project Finance Specialist;
·  Financial Management Specialist;
·  Senior Public Finance Advisor;
·  Credit Risk and Internal Controls Specialist
·  Public Enterprise Specialist
·  Enterprise Valuation Specialist for SOEs;
·  Functional Systems Analyst for Computerization Projects;
·  International Financial Analyst for SOEs;
June 1979 – December 2000 / SGV & Co. / Director – Business Consulting
Nov 1975 to March 1979 / SGV & Co. / Senior Staff Auditor

PUBLIC SECTOR REFORM (Government and State-Owned Enterprises)

11.  Detailed Tasks
Assigned / [List all tasks to be performed under this assignment] (will be filled in by us)
12.  Work undertaken that best illustrates capability to handle the tasks assigned: / [Among the assignments in which the staff has been involved, indicate the following information for those assignments that best illustrate staff capability to handle the tasks listed under point 11.]
Name of assignment or project / Budget & Treasury Management System (BTMS)
Year / September 2016 to present
Location / Manila, Philippines
Client / Department of Budget and Management, Bureau of Treasury
Main project features / The Government is embarking in the integration of all government financial management information systems. The two (2) major oversight and spending agencies, Department of Budget and Management (DBM) and Bureau of the Treasury (BTr), will start implementation of an integrated public financial management (PFM) software from FreeBalance of Canada.
Position held: / Financial Consultant - Treasury
Activities performed: / Assisted in defining the functional requirements of various PFM systems particularly in treasury management.
Name of assignment or project: / Economic and Public Sector Program
Year: / August 2015 to June 2016
Location: / Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Client: / Electoral Commission/DFAT
Main project features: / The program is to assist the Government of Papua New Guinea (PNG) in various areas of economic and public sector reforms. It may include revenue enhancement, improvement in governance, gender equality and other development issues.
Position held: / Financial Management Adviser
Activities performed: / ·  Assist in the formulation of policies and procedures in budgeting, expenditure management and financial reporting;
·  Assist management in finding and resolving issues raised by auditors on internal control and lapses in financial management;
·  Capacity building either through mentoring or through conduct of formal training sessions, if needed;
·  Assist in the implementation of existing or proposed policies on procurement, budgeting, and expenditure management;
·  Design and implementation of allowance payments of temporary electoral workers (TEWs), numbering around 30,000, in 22 provinces;
·  Training and orientation during workshops on budgeting, procurement, accounting and financial reporting;
·  Assistance in preparing 2016 and 2017 activity based budgets.
Name of assignment or project: / Independent Audit of the
Australian Grant to DSWD on the Classroom and Day Care Centre Construction Using the Community-led approach
Year: / April – June 2015
Location: / Philippines (Manila, Sorsogon, Negros Oriental)
Client: / DFAT
Main project features: / The project is to conduct financial and compliance review whether the AUD 12 million Grant is spent as intended, efficiently and effectively.
Position held: / Team Leader/Financial/Procurement Specialist for Community Based Project
Activities performed: / Ensured compliance with donors’ prescribed guidelines on financial management and procurement;
Made site visits;
Interviewed community and procurement specialists and validated compliance by examining documents and ocul ar inspection;
Reviewed financial and physical progress reports if within the region and selected barangays/municipalities in Sorsogon and Negros Oriental;
Examined the financial reports of the entire project for selected year end dates and provided an opinion as to reasonable accuracy and fairness;
Assessed on the completeness and if updated periodically the risk registers of two sample regions (i.e. Regions V and VII);
Assessed on the speed and completeness of downloading of the request for fund releases.
Name of assignment or project: / Trade and Investment Institutional Strengthening (TA 7393)
Year: / February 22, 2011 – December 2014 (400 man-days), intermittent
Location: / Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Client: / ADB/Border Development Authority (BDA)
Main project features: / Development of border trade and investment under TA 7393
Position held: / International Financial Advisor
Activities performed: / -  Capacity building and training on project accounting and reporting, ADB payment modes, cash flow management, accounting for non-accountants, conditional cash transfers;
-  Reviewed financial management policies and procedures of BDA;
-  Assisted BDA in improving its financial management systems and in disbursing its ADB Loan proceeds, ensuring that proper internal controls are in place;
-  Provided technical assistance and training as may be needed.
-  Prepared Guidelines for Modified Conditional Cash Transfers (MCCT) for the social development component of the project; assisted in implementation of MCCT by conducting initial talks with women-leaders and members of Village Ward Committee;
-  Designed and conducted training programs to BDA staff on: Cash Flow Reporting, Financial Management Reporting, Loan Disbursement and Project Accounting, Flowcharting, Accounting for Non-Accountants, Using MS Project Manager
-  Mentored Project Accountant and Finance Director on cash flow reporting and other aspects of financial management.
Name of assignment or project / Public Financial Management Reform (DFAT funded)
Year: / September 30 to June 1, 2014
Location: / Honiara, Solomon Islands
Client: / Solomon Islands Government/AusAid
Main project features: / Improvement of governance such as in procurement, financial management, capacity building, and computerized systems
Position held: / Finance Systems Adviser
Activities performed: / -  Develop conceptual framework for interfaces of various software packages;
-  Successfully made corrections of errors made in provident contributions (since 2009) due to software bug;
-  Test of data reliability;
-  Documentation of existing computerized systems;
-  Formulated conceptual interfaces of at seven (7) software packages that are in place in the Ministry of Finance and Treasury (MOFT); came up with rollout implementation plan for the software packages to other line ministries;
-  Advisory assistance to Accountant General as needed.
Name of Assignment or Project / Institutional Strengthening of Ministry of Finance and Economic Development (TA 8100)
Year: / February to June 2013, intermittent
Location: / Funafuti, Tuvalu
Client: / ADB/Government of Tuvalu (State Owned Enterprises)
Main project features: / TA 8100 TUV: Institutional Strengthening of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development.
Position held: / Public Enterprise/PPP Advisor
Activities performed: / -  Capacity building: design and conduct of training for Board of Directors for Public Enterprises (PEs) focusing on: roles and responsibilities of board of directors under the Tuvalu Public Enterprises (PE) Act; best practices in performance monitoring and financial reporting for public enterprises such as use of key operational and financial statistics and ratios, graphs on reporting;
-  Design and conduct of training for Finance Managers of PE focusing on: tools for better financial management and reporting such as use of operational financial ratios, graphs, flowcharting
-  Identified one public enterprise on how to implement best practices for performance monitoring; this will serve as a model for other public enterprises to follow and improve their performance accountability reporting; what gets measured will provide results particularly in making the public enterprises more financially viable;
-  Development of PPP framework for the entire country; possibilities of utilizing other modes of PPP such as concession contracts for entire or parts of the functions of a PE, outright sale of the PE;
-  Design of scoring systems for various public enterprises;
-  Involvement of civil society such as women’s group in monitoring the level of services expected from the various public enterprises;
-  Assistance in putting the newly merged entity in operational status such as selection and guidance to the new board of directors, hiring of new General Manager, accounting for the newly merged entity;
-  Assistance in executing the tender of the hotel management contract such as bid advertisement, pre-qualification of bidders, organization and training of Bid Evaluation Committee, design of quantitative evaluation scoring system;
-  Assistance in implementing improvements in the financial reporting systems of various PEs;
-  Assistance in providing “emergency” measures on the financial bookkeeping and reporting such as Finance Managers beings fired or rapid turnover of Finance Managers due to training leaves;
Year: / October 2, 2012 – January 2013, intermittent
Location: / Funafuti, Tuvalu
Client: / ADB/Government of Tuvalu (State Owned Enterprises)
Main project features: / TA 8100 TUV: Institutional Strengthening of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development.
Position held: / Public Enterprise Specialist
Activities performed: / -  Drafted management contract, which is PPP modality, for State-owned Vaiaku Lagi Hotel; included in the management the following basic features: conditions and concessions for the incoming hotel operator/manager on how to manage and do performance reporting; performance criteria for the incoming hotel operator/manager and consequences if criteria are not met; detailed rules in case of pre-termination of the hotel contract; detailed procedure on how to manage the hotel cash; options for the shareholders on how to access during reasonable hours the accounting and operational records of the hotel for inspection or audit; obligations of the incoming operator/manager in handling personnel hiring and termination; benefits and incentives of the incoming operator/manager; conditions on the use of the hotel operator/manager on copyrighted logos, systems and operations manuals; condition in case of outright sale of the hotel before the end date of the hotel management contract;
-  Drafted the tender rules to bid out the hotel management contract. The rules included the following: technical and evaluation criteria with weighted scores for each criterion; conditions for pre-qualifications; definition of “lowest bidder” which could be very tricky for a management contract; obligations of prospective bidder on “due diligence”; rules on bid submission including what to indicate on top of the tender bid envelopes; process on how to rank bids and the respective weight scores for each criterion in the financial and technical evaluation; cancellation or postpone of tender by the Government; Government’s reserved rights on rejection of lowest bidder, or dispute resolutions.
-  Drafted the merger, which is a PPP modality that would provide synergy to the existing but inefficient services on philately/travel/postal , guidelines of Tuvalu Philatelic Corporation with two existing government departments (travel and post office); designed the valuation guidelines for the combination of assets and liabilities of the various entities; advisory on various transactions during the registration of the newly merged entity including resolution of staff issues and their future.
Name of assignment or project: / Pacific Private Sector Initiative, Phase II (TA 7430)
Year: / April 16, 2010 – Sept 30, 2010(3 man-months, intermittent)
Location: / Dili, East Timor
Client: / ADB/Institute of Microfinance for East Timor Leste (IMFTL)
Main Project Features: / IMFTL is trying to become a small commercial bank that will enable it to accept deposits and perform activities similar to a commercial bank. It will need to acquire a banking license and at the same time improve its loans management system.
Positions Held: / Credit and Risk Management and Internal Controls Expert
Activities Performed: / -  Undertook an assessment of existing credit, risk management and internal control policies and procedures within the organization, particularly with respect to international best practice and Banking and Payments Authority requirements, while taking into account the size of the institution and potential capacity constraints.
-  Prepared drafts of handbooks for IMFTL board of directors, Audit Committee, Risk Management Committee, logistics, credit, accounting, bank transfers among branches, inter-bank payments.
Name of assignment or project: / Rationalization of Public Enterprises, Phase IV
Year: / February 15, 2009 – February 14, 2010 (11 man-months)
Location: / Tonga
Client: / Ministry of Public Enterprises
Main project features: / -  Review of the existing strategic and operations features of the various public enterprises and providing recommendations, including changes in organization structures and business models;