Dear Herr Fahlbusch,

(with a copy to Richard Benert Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. )

Last year I took up a hobby of my father, where he stopped in the year 1938:

The genealogy of the Leibbrandt family. He got an

" Auszug aus den Familienregistern Ilsfeld , Stammbaum der Familie Leibbrandt

von dem Evangelischen Pfarramt Ilsfeld, von W.G. Weinland. Pfarrer Ilsfeld, 5. 07. 1938.

Much work, done by others was compiled by me, now resulting in a 80-page Leibbrandt family tree document.

Of course I found the genealogy work done by Dr. George Leibbrandt in Berlin.

Excellent work, but with the bad smell of the holocaust.

His work is included in my Leibbrandt family tree.

I gave him the following record:

22) Georg Leibbrandt Gen. 12

Reichsamtsleiter am Reichsministerium für die besetzten Ostgebiete (NSDAP) in Berlin

Wannsee-Protokoll January 20,1942; Transcription

seit 1950 Ministerialdirektor in Bonn.

Geb. 5-9-1899 in Hoffnungsfeld.

Gest. 16-6-1982 in Bonn

oo 27-10-1951 in Bonn, Gretel Brinkmann, geb. 15-4-1917 in Bochum T. d. Heinrich Friedrich Br., Rektor,


Hansgeorg (14-6-1952)Gen. 13

And here my question comes:

Recently I found on the Internet also an article where was stated that the Wannsee-Protokoll

was a falsification. (I can imagine the KGB constructed it during the cold war).

Do you have an opinion on this ?

You can find it at:

<title>Das Wannsee-Protokoll. Eine grobe Fälschung</title>

Also this article has the bad smell of the nazi's, but there are some strong arguments in it.

You can find my Leibbrandt family tree and other material at:

The MS-WORD file has 79 pages and is 345 KB.

The online version (HTML file) is 245 KB.

As I suppose that Richard Benert Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

is also interested in this matter, I send him a copy of this E-mail.

You can answer me in german language.

Sincerely yours,

Hans Leibbrandt,

The Netherlands


Before I came to this, I have read the following articles from the Internet:

1) RAGAS Report [Russian American Genealogical Archival Service]

A Guide to Genealogical Sources in the Archives of Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine

Volume IV, Number 4, Winter, 1999, Washington, D.C, Pages 3-7.

Review by Vladislav Y. Soshnikov

2) Die verlorene Ehre der deutschen Geographie

Bis heute wird die Mittaeterschaft der akademischen Vaeter am Voelkermord der Nationalsozialisten verdraengt

Von Michael Fahlbusch

3) Sehr geehrte Listenmitglieder,

Ich wurde in einer Kritik von meinem ehemaligen Bonner Kollegen Hans Boehme, die kuerzlich im Internet verbreitet wurde, sachlich z.T. falsch angegriffen, worauf ich zu geeigneter Gelegenheit spaeter einmal eingehen werde......

Ich danke Ihnen fuer die Unterstuetzung

Michael Fahlbusch

4) I hope that by now you have returned from your conference in Berlin, and that it was not as unpleasant as you expected (...) I am a member of the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia,......

Sincerely yours,

Richard Benert Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.