Greenwich Skating Club/New Canaan Winter Club Competition
USFS Basic Skills approval Number USFS Sanction #C-41219
Saturday, February 1, 2014
9:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.
Rain date: Sunday, February 2,, 2014
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Greenwich Skating Club
Cardinal Road
Greenwich, CT. 06830
The competition is open to members of the Greenwich Skating Club and the New Canaan Winter Club who are members in good standing of the Basic Skills program and/or of U.S. Figure Skating. All Basic Skills skaters through Basic 8 may only skate at highest level passed or one level higher and may not have passed an official U.S. Figure Skating test, including MIF and individual dances. Skaters in other events may skate at highest level freeskate test passed(moves in the field do not determine the skaters level) OR one level higher BUT not at both levels during the competition.
All programs will be judged on quality of basic stroking techniques, neat footwork, quality of edge, utilization of ice surface, execution of requirements and interpretation to the skater’s music. All programs must be no less than 10 seconds below and no greater than 10 seconds above the allotted time for the level being performed. Deductions WILL be made if elements from a higher level are skated in Basic Skills and Freeskate levels. First place winners from the 2013 Competition must advance to the next higher level. One skater on each maneuver team may skate an additional move for that maneuver team.
DEADLINE: Entries are due no later than Monday, January 6, 2014
$40.00 First event
$15.00 Second event
$10.00 Third Event
$20.00 Maneuver team only
Entry fees are not refundable unless an event is cancelled by the LOC.
Your GSC/NCWC account will be charged directly. Please submit application to your head Professional,
The rink measures 187ft x 86 ft with rounded corners and hockey barriers.
The competition schedule will be posted as soon as possible after the deadline.
SCORING: All events will be judged utilizing the 6.0 scoring system.
Medals will be awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place skaters in each group.
All competitors must check in at the Registration table upon arrival at the rink.
Competitors must bring their program CDs labeled with the competitor’s name, address and event. Music must be turned in at the registration desk upon checking in. It is suggested that all skaters have their coach hold a second CD
in case of a problem.
Events-All competition events will be governed by the 2013-2014 USFS rulebook The LOC Committee reserves the right to limit the number of entries in the category and to combine or divide groups as necessary. The committee may eliminate events due to insufficient entries or limitations due to ice time.
Liability DisclaimerRelease of liabilityUS Figure Skating and the clubs or organizers of competitions undertake no responsibility for damages or injuries suffered by the skaters or officials. As a condition of and in consideration of the acceptance of their entries or participation therein, all entrants, their parents and guardians and officials shall be deemed to agree to assume all risks of injury to their person and property resulting from, caused by or connected with, the conduct and management of the competition, and to waive and release any and all claims which they may have against any officials, U. S. Figure Skating, the club hosting the competition, and against its, officers, and their entries shall be accepted only on such conditions.
REQUIREMENTS - This event will encompass skaters in Basic 3 though 8. The skating order of the required elements is optional. The elements are not restricted as to the number of times the element is executed or the length of glides, the number of revolutions in a spin etc., unless otherwise stated. Program to be skated on full ice. Vocal music may be used. The skater may use elements from a previous level. DEDUCTIONS WILL BE MADE IF ELEMENTS FROM A HIGHER LEVEL ARE SKATED. The time is 1:00 minute, plus or minus 10 seconds. Groups will be divided according to age and Basic Skills Level.
LevelRequired Elements
Basic 3
1. Forward stroking
2. Forward 1⁄2 swizzle pumps on a circle, either clockwise or counter clockwise 6 -8 consecutive
3. Forward Slalom
4. Backward one foot glide - either foot
5. Two foot spin -minimum three revolutions
Basic 4
1. Forward crossovers 4-6 consecutive both directions
2. Standstill forward outside three turn - R & L
3. Backward stroking - 4-6 strokes
4. Backward snowplow stop - R or L
Basic 5:
1. Backward crossovers 4-6 consecutive in both directions
2. One foot spin - min of three revolutions
3. Side Toe hop -either direction
4. Hockey stop
Basic 6:
1. Standstill forward inside 3-turn - R & L
2. Bunny Hop
3. Forward arabesque spiral on a straight line R or L
4. Lunge - R or L
5. T-stop - R or L
Basic 7:
1. Forward inside open Mohawk - R to L and L to R
2. Ballet Jump either direction
3. Back crossovers to a back outside edge landing position clockwise and counter clockwise
4. Forward inside pivot
Basic 8:
1. Moving forward outside or forward inside three turns R & L
2. Waltz jump
3. Mazurka in either direction
4. Combination move - clockwise or counter clockwise - two forward crossovers into FI Mohawk, step behind, step into one back crossover and step to a forward inside edge (One pattern)
5. Beginning one-foot upright spin - free foot held to side of spinning leg or crossed position-minimum three revolutions
REQUIRED ELEMENTS – The skating order of the required elements is optional. The elements are not restricted as to the number of times an element is executed or length of glides, number of revolutions, etc. unless otherwise stated. Connecting moves and steps should be demonstrated throughout the program. Vocal music may be used. The skater must demonstrate all the required elements. The skater may use elements from a previous level.
The time is 1:30 minutes +/- 10 seconds. Groups will be divided by age.
LevelRequired Elements
Freeskate 1Advanced forward stroking, 4 - 6 consecutive strokes
One foot upright scratch spin from backward crossovers min. 3 revolutions
Waltz jump from backward crossovers
Half flip jump
Freeskate 2Forward outside spiral, right or left
Beginning back spin –minimum 2 revolutions
Waltz jump, side toe hop, waltz jump
Toe loop
Freeskate 3Forward crossovers in a Figure 8
Back spin min. 3 revolutions
Waltz jump/toe loop or Salchow/toe loop
Freeskate 4Forward power 3’s, 2-3 consecutive sets, right or left
Sit spin
Loop jump
Waltz jump/loop jump
Freeskate 5Camel spin- min. 3 revolutions
Forward upright spin to back upright spin min. 3 revolutions each foot
Loop/loop combination jump
Flip jump
Freeskate 6Camel/sit spin combination, minimum of 4 revolutions total
Split jump or stag jump
Waltz jump, ½ loop, Salchow combination
Lutz jump
Time: 2:00 +/-10 / Max 5 jump elements:
Jumps with not more than one rotation (no Axels).
Max 2 jump combinations or sequences
Max 2 of any same type jump / Max 2 spins:
One spin in one position, no change of foot (Min 3 revs) and One combination spin: forward camel spin to forward sit spin, change of foot optional (Min 6 revs combined in forward sit and camel positions). Spins may not fly / One step sequence fully utilizing ice surface. / Skaters must have passed at least the U.S. Figure Skating preliminary free skate test but may not have passed tests higher than pre-juvenile free skate test
Time: 2:15 +/-10 / Max 5 jump elements:
Any single jumps with not more than 1 ½ rotations (Axel permitted)
Max 2 jump combinations or sequences
Max 2 of any same type jump / Max 2 spins:
One spin in one position, no change of foot (Min 4 revs in position) and One combination spin with one change of foot and at least one change of position, must include two of the basic spin positions, (Min 4 revs on each foot)
Only solo spin may fly / One step sequence fully utilizing ice surface. / Skaters must have passed at least the U.S. Figure Skating pre-juvenile free skate test but may not have passed tests higher than juvenile free skate test
Time: 2:30 +/-10 / Max 6 jump elements:
Any single jumps.
Double jumps permitted: double Salchow and double toe loop.
Max 3 jump combinations or sequences
Max 2 of any same type jump / Max 2 spins of a different nature:
One must be a flying spin (Min 5 revs), One must be a combination spin with at least one change of foot and at least one change of position (Min 4 revs on each foot). / One step sequence fully utilizing ice surface. / Skaters must have passed at least the U.S. Figure Skating juvenile free skate test but may not have passed tests higher than intermediate free skate test
Pre-Juvenile Well Balanced Program: (#4250 pg. 209) Passed Preliminary but no higher than Pre-Juvenile Free Skating Test; 2minutes +/- 10 seconds
Juvenile Well Balanced Program: (#4240 pg. 208) Passed Pre-Juvenile but no higher than Juvenile Free Skating Test; 2:15minutes +/- 10 seconds
Open Juvenile Well Balanced Program(4240 pg. 208) Passed Pre Juvenile but no Higher than Juvenile Free Skate Test. Must be 14 as of 9/1/12
2;15 minutes +/- 10 seconds
Intermediate well Balanced Program: (#4230 pg. 207) Passed Juvenile but no higher than Intermediate Free Skating Test; 2:30minutes +/1 10 seconds
Basic 1 – 6:
1. Backward one foot glide
2. Shoot the duck
3. 2 bunny hops, left or right, lunge to any kind of stop
4. Forward crossovers in a figure eight
5. Two-foot spin
6. Forward spiral in a straight line
7. Waltz jump
Basic 7and 8 - Freeskate 1 and 2
1. Waltz Jump, side toe hop, Waltz jump
2. Basic eight mohawk combination
3. Back edge to forward edge from Basic 7
4. One foot scratch spin
5. Salchow jump
6. Forward Spiral on an edge
7. Toe loop jump
Freeskate 3 - 6:
1. Flip jump
2. Spiral combination from Freeskate 5
3. Forward change foot spin
4. Sit spin (minimum 3 revolutions)
5. Waltz jump/half loop salchow
6. Waltz Jump/ Loop Jump combo
7. Optional entry Back spin
Pre-Preliminary Free Skate and Above:
1. Axel
2. Double Salchow jump
3. Camel spin (minimum 3 revolutions)
4. Change sit spin (minimum 3 revolutions each position)
5. Lutz/loop jump combination
6. Serpentine spiral sequence incorporating all spirals (forward and backward, left and right, inside and outsideedges)
7. Flying Spin
Greenwich Skating Club/New Canaan Winter Club
2014 Competition
Hosted by Greenwich Skating Club
Saturday, February 1, 2014
(Raindate: Sunday, February 2, 2014)
Skater’s Name______Birthdate______
Skater’s Phone______Club______
Skater’s Email ______
Highest test passed (as of 1/07/14) ______
USFS or Basic Skills Registration #:______
Name (print) ______Signature______
Parent’s Signature ______
Please circle events to be entered:
- Basic Skills Levels:Pre Juvenile Freeskate
Basic 3 Juvenile/Open Juvenile Freeskate
Basic 4Intermediate
Basic 5D.Maneuver Teams
Basic 6Passed Basic Badges
Basic 7Passed Free Skate Badges
Basic 8Passed Pre-Preliminary Free
B.Freeskate Badge Levels:
Passed Freeskate 1
Passed Freeskate 2
Passed Freeskate 3
Passed Freeskate 4
Passed Freeskate 5
Passed Freeskate 6
- USFS Test Levels:
Test Track
Limited BeginnerENTRY FEES:
BeginnerFirst event$40.00
Pre-PreliminarySecond event$15.00
PreliminaryThird event$10.00
Pre JuvenileManeuver Team Only$20.00
Well-balanced ProgramTOTAL
No Test
Your GSC account will be billed based on the number of events you participate in. To register, please submit this form to your GSC Coach or Sue Tuck (NCWC). All entries are due by Monday, 1/06/14.
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