650H – Principles of Marketing

TR 1:30-3:18

Autumn 2010

H. Rao Unnava

530A Fisher Hall


Office hours:By appointment

Course Objectives: The course is designed to provide a foundation in marketing concepts, theory, and practice. You will learn how marketing creates value for customers through the marketing mix tools of product/service, promotions, price, and distribution. The general theme of the course is centered on understanding how to use marketing profitably and in a socially responsible manner.

Reading Materials: Marketing, by Dhruv Grewal and Michael Levy, Custom Edition for FisherCollege of Business, ISBN No. 0-07-738984-0.


Exam 125%

Exam 225%


A=93 and aboveA- = 90-92



D+=68-69D=63-67D-=60-62E=below 60

Grades reflect the quality of the finished product, rather than the amount of effort or time spent preparing that project. If you can provide evidence that the grade does not accurately reflect the quality of the finished product, you may submit a grade appeal within 48 hours of receiving the grade. Submit no more than one typed page, and attach the original to the appeal. All group members must sign any grade appeal for group projects.


Arrive to class punctually and remain in class until it is dismissed.

Class attendance is expected. If you must miss class for a compelling reason, notify the instructor as soon as possible.

Refrain from engaging in side conversations while someone else is speaking.

You are not allowed to bring in food items/beverages (except water) into Schoenbaum classrooms.


There will be two exams, and both will be multiple-choice. The questions will not be based on memory of concepts, but will test your ability to apply those concepts to hypothetical situations.


You will be working on developing a campaign for American Eagle. The project is to promote their Aerie line for next year. Your work will include all the research that is needed to develop a set of strategic recommendations, a clear implementation plan, and expected outcomes. We will allocate some time during every class period to discuss the project. The class will be divided into groups of ten students each, and the three groups will compete with each other. There will be a final presentation that each group will make to American Eagle management on December 2. The marketing plan is due on November 19, 2010 and should be submitted to American Eagle. Information about the project is available on Carmen.



Sep 24Course introduction

Sep 29The Marketing Environment

Oct 1Market Research

Oct 6Market Research

Oct 8Consumer Behavior

Oct 13Consumer Behavior

Oct 15Market Segmentation

Oct 20Targeting and Positioning

Oct 22Targeting and Positioning

Oct 27Exam I

Oct29Project work

Nov 3Advertising and Sales Promotions

Nov 5Advertising and Sales Promotions

Nov 10Distribution Channels

Nov 12Personal Selling

Nov 17Pricing

Nov 19Pricing strategies

Nov 24Exam 2

Nov 26No class

Dec 1Project work/ preparation for presentations

Dec 3American Eagle Presentations